
Black Technology (reupload)

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. The world is coming to an end. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials.

peace01 · Fantasy
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92 Chs


Su Wenhao breathed a sigh of relief as he witnessed Su Chen's restraint in refraining from killing the disoriented, headless colossal giants. Instead, he focused his attention on the black scale monsters clawing their way out of the mountain ruins.

Utilizing the debris and remnants to his advantage, Su Chen swiftly dispatched two black scale monsters and three elongated ghosts. While his original energy units dwindled to a mere one, he replenished sixteen units through these kills.

Meanwhile, the headless colossal giant struggled to stand, its hands frantically searching for something to mend its shattered form. Eventually, its desperate palms came into contact with the corpses of the recently slain monsters. In a horrifying spectacle, the giant's spongy tissues grew uncontrollably, devouring and assimilating the flesh and blood, transforming it into a twisted new head and regenerating its tissue at an alarming rate.

Despite this grotesque transformation, the giant's movements slowed significantly, swaying like a pendulum without taking a single step forward or pursuing Su Chen.

Exhausted, Su Chen retreated to Su Wenhao's vehicle, his gaze falling upon the wide-eyed machine gunner.

Noticing Su Chen's intense stare, the soldier became flustered and instinctively saluted, his voice trembling, "Mr. Su!"

"Huh?" Su Chen's surprise was evident. "Have we met before?"

Unaware of the profound impact Su Chen and Lin Mo's joint efforts had left on these survivors and fighters, the soldier was momentarily at a loss. Nervously, he managed to respond with a military salute, "I... I apologize, sir!"

Su Chen remained perplexed by the soldier's confused reaction, but he noticed Su Wenhao, who sat inside the vehicle, also observing him.

Su Chen interpreted the moment when Su Wenhao appeared ready to abandon him. He understood his actions all too well. If he were in Su Wenhao's shoes, he would likely have deemed his survival impossible, given the military's limited ability to assist. It was a realistic assessment of the situation.

Such dynamics were commonplace, even in times of peace. Everyone understood the utilitarian nature of relationships, the dichotomy between usefulness and uselessness. When all was well, everyone was a friend, but when circumstances soured, the situation changed.

However, while he comprehended the rationale behind Su Wenhao's behavior, Su Chen had his own motives when he intervened. He and the military were leveraging each other's strengths, and he harbored no lofty expectations from them. Yet, a flicker of discontent lingered within him, and he couldn't help but display his displeasure towards Su Wenhao.

Reluctantly, Su Wenhao broke the silence. "Mr. Su, I thought you were dead... I...I'm sorry."

The military vehicle they occupied swiftly turned back, hastening to catch up with the main army ahead. Though they had successfully broken through this time, the survivors suffered heavy casualties. With manpower shortages, neither the military nor Su Chen could guarantee everyone's safety. The once-massive convoy that fled the Yuncheng store had dwindled to a handful of military vehicles and two buses.

The black scale monsters and elongated ghosts abruptly halted their pursuit, their attention fixated on the growing brightness emanating from the Yuncheng store, intensified by the blood-colored cracks. One by one, they turned and raced towards the source.

Within the military convoy, two groups of vehicles swiftly deployed RPG launchers, aiming directly at the now reanimated colossal giant. The rockets struck its legs with precision, nearly shattering them. The giant, still without a fully repaired head, collapsed once again, half of its body consumed by the raging flames.

Yet, it remained alive.

Despite the relentless assault, the giant proved incapable of resuming its pursuit of the convoy. For the moment, they found themselves in relative safety.

Su Chen's eyes flickered as he observed the rocket launcher, a thought forming within him.

Entering the military vehicle beneath him, he turned his attention to Su Wenhao. Before the latter could utter a word, Su Chen fired his inquiry, "I risked my life alongside Lin Mo to clear a path, only for you to burn the bridge behind us?"

Su Wenhao's face reddened with shame, offering no substantial explanation, only repeated apologies.

The soldier at the wheel and the machine gunner in the rear periodically glanced back, surprised by the regiment commander's scolding but never having witnessed their deputy battalion commander being berated so vehemently.

Yet, they reasoned that this talented individual, capable of piercing through black scale monster defenses and demolishing colossal giants, was bound to attract attention, positive or otherwise.

"What good does an apology do?" Su Chen retorted. "Once we turn the corner up ahead, I will head to the vehicle in front to find Professor Chen and extract the information I seek. We shall go our separate ways."

Su Wenhao vigorously waved his hands, pleading, "No, no, Mr. Su, please calm down. We also strive to protect the survivors and can assist each other. We can form an alliance and watch out for one another..."

"Obtaining the information I desire is sufficient," Su Chen interjected. "And I don't consider it mutual assistance, but rather me looking out for you, unless..." Su Chen paused, his gaze unwavering. "Unless you possess something I need."

Taking the initiative, Su Chen circled around the topic, ultimately aiming for the rocket launcher.

Mutual utilization was the key. Blindly pursuing who abandons whom was nothing short of foolishness.

Unbeknownst to Su Wenhao, his prolonged speech had led him astray. He misunderstood Su Chen's intentions. Furrowing his brow, he pondered for a moment before seemingly making a decision. He leaned in, offering his undivided attention.

Su Chen's brow furrowed in confusion. "I have no interest in men..."

Before Su Chen could finish his sentence, Su Wenhao interjected, "From the information I've gathered, Yuanliao City is trapped within a peculiar spatial blockade, isolated from the outside world like a solitary island adrift in the ocean!"

"What does that mean?" Su Chen inquired.

Shaking his head, Su Wenhao replied, "I don't have all the details. All I know is this piece of news. But you are the only formidable talent I've encountered. Joining a group of talented individuals might provide you with the opportunity to uncover more..."

That's what I want, how can you offer me that?

Su Chen felt a sense of confusion. He couldn't ascertain if Su Wenhao was referring to him. Was the world merely facing an apocalyptic natural disaster, or was there something specific to Yuanliao City?

In that moment, Su Chen realized that his previous thoughts and plans would have to be discarded. The situation seemed to be taking a turn for the worse, casting a shadow of uncertainty over their path ahead.

Shaking his head, Su Chen voiced his decision, "I cannot simply accept your words at face value. I will verify the truth myself. I yearn for something more tangible."

Su Chen no longer wished to beat around the bush.

Su Wenhao was taken aback. "Something tangible? Are you referring to supplies? Water or medicine, perhaps? By the way, how are your injuries? I forgot to ask, but we do have a doctor among our survivors..."

"I don't require medical attention. Xia Chuwei is taking care of that matter, and my injuries are not severe," Su Chen responded. Despite his blood-soaked appearance, his wounds were superficial, mere scrapes and bruises. The energy unit within him provided nourishment, aiding his slow recovery. He continued with resolve, "What I desire is a bazooka and ammunition!"

"Huh?" Su Wenhao was genuinely shocked this time. He pondered, You already have several rocket launchers at your disposal. That unknown explosive device that decimated the colossal giant's head was even more potent than a rocket launcher. Why would you need one? Isn't this a case of losing the watermelon while trying to pick up sesame seeds?

However, in order to pacify Su Chen, he nodded without hesitation, "No problem."

Su Chen cast a glance at the heavy machine gun in the rear, mentally assessing its weight before stating, "That's not enough. I require ten fragmentation grenades, five chemical grenades, and two hundred rounds of pistol ammunition!"

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