
Black Spire

A man finds himself in an almost endless city. He has lost his past, objective, and even his name. The city was once a thriving utopia filled with magic. Now it is a capital of monsters and foolish adventurers. Yet out of all the ruins and castles one thing sticks out the most. A single black spire that seems to reach higher than the clouds. Now he will try his hardest to survive in this almost desolate land, and maybe get some answers.

Vulcan7567 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Robert had left Tooth and Claw back home so he had to be careful. Without it he could only estimate their strengths and weaknesses. Judging by how they looked, they must be strong but clumsy. It was a good enough assessment for Robert.

The next step was finding a pigman by himself. There was no way he was going to storm the camp. He also did not want to fight multiple if all he had was guesses.

Currently Robert was on the highest building. So he began to scope out the area. He doubted all of them were in the camp if it was still the afternoon.

Eventually he spotted one going along the street.

Robert ran down to street level. He then began to make his way to where he spotted him. Creeping his way around so as not to get spotted. eventually he was following the pigman from 30 feet back.

This pigman in particular was dragging a long metal blade. The blade had no hilt and was quite dull.

Robert then began to think out how to do this "while I could just kill him with a sneak attack that wouldn't be very good practice. If I want to practice my magic best, it should be a fair fight."

Robert threw out one his throwing knives. It hit the pigman in the shoulder. "Was aiming for the head, but I guess that will have to do." The pigman turned around furious.

The pigman charged at Robert. It then clumsily swung its blade. It was easy for Robert to duck under such a shoddy attack. Robert quickly put little magic into his arm muscles. He then swung his blade cutting cleanly through the torso of the pigman. The two pieces hit the ground with a meaty thud.

"Holy shit, all it took was a little mana to cut clean through him."

It's not like this was a scrawny goblin. This was a meaty pigman with a lot of muscle. If this was what a little mana could do, then how much would a lot do?

This new strength was exactly what Robert wanted. He now had a grin from ear to ear.

Behind him he heard squealing. Turning around he could see 3 pigmen running towards him. Each dragging along metal blades. While the blades dragged along the ground it created sparks. The pigmen were still about about 50 feet down the street.

Now Robert wanted to test something. He circulated a lot of mana around his legs. They expanded in size a little and hurt. The veins were practically popping out his skin. He ignored the pain and got low ready to spring forward.

Robert then sprang out at a inhuman speed. The pigmen were caught completely off guard. Using the momentum with the speed Robert spun with his sword. Before the pigmen could even lift their blades the claymore went straight through them.

All of them fell to the floor in two pieces.

They were deader then a door nail.

Robert fell over gripping at his legs. They were in extreme pain. It felt like multiple cramps happening at the same time.

As he was panting he began to think "Alright may have gone a bit overboard, but I now know my limit. Plus my little experiment succeeded."

He crawled his way into an alley to make sure no more pigmen found him. Robert began to meditate the best he could with the pain. He could feel the large amount of mana in his legs. He slowly pulled the mana out while breathing heavily to decrease his total mana. it worked like a charm. The pain in his legs disappeared within about a minute.

Now that the pain was gone he thought further. "Magic is incredible. Even with a little I become dramatically stronger. Since I'm only level 2 I can not handle a lot mana. So for now I need to limit myself to little increases In strength."

Robert leaned back against the alley wall. He was beyond happy. If his leg trick worked then imagine all the other things he could try. "With magic the only 2 limits is your mana and imagination."