
Black Spire

A man finds himself in an almost endless city. He has lost his past, objective, and even his name. The city was once a thriving utopia filled with magic. Now it is a capital of monsters and foolish adventurers. Yet out of all the ruins and castles one thing sticks out the most. A single black spire that seems to reach higher than the clouds. Now he will try his hardest to survive in this almost desolate land, and maybe get some answers.

Vulcan7567 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Stone Solitude

After some deliberation he walked back to the hole in wall. This time he was more careful about it. He peaked around the corner. Thankfully the flying creatures were nowhere to be seen. The sun was currently in the middle of the sky showing it was still the afternoon.

Now he got a good look at the city. Majority of the buildings were made of stone and were on average 2 to 3 stories high. The City was so large it had multiple small forest within it. There was also small castles sprinkled here and there.

The entire city was centered around the gigantic golden castle and the even larger black spire next to it. There were also a few other unique buildings in the distance like a coliseum and an enormous cathedral.

From what he could tell he was currently in the slums of the city. He could see a wall surrounding the entire city. The walls were tall enough that he could not tell what was on the other side. After squinting hard he could make out stone statues on top of the wall. They were of imps with wings and long spears.

"Alright so I am currently closer to the walls then the spire. I have a bad feeling about those statues on the walls though. So for now I will move towards the spire," He reasoned.

The room he was currently in was on the second floor of the building.

"This must have been the giants lair and the knights ambushed him. Even with the ambush I guess it was not enough"

The stairs were blocked by rubble so the only way out was through the hole in the wall. Looking out the hole the ground was still 15 feet down. He first tossed the claymore down so he could use both hands to climb. He slowly went down the wall until he kicked off hitting the ground.

Now he was in a little alley between the building he was in, and a little building across from it.

Now that he was on the ground he was careful. He crept toward the end of the alley towards the Main Street. Peaking his head out he could see the street was about 30 feet wide. There was old market stalls and a few broken carriages along the street.

Right as he was about to walk out he heard scampering. Ducking back he focused towards where the noise came from. After a moment a little green man walked out from a stone house. The creature had long green ears, a pointy long nose, and only a loincloth covering his waist. He was about 3 and a half feet tall. In his hands was a makeshift spear taller then him. He gargled out a couple scratchy shouts behind Himself. Then 3 more came out behind him. Each wielding a spear. Now there was four of them.

they moved together down the side of the street. they were slowly getting closer and closer to the man. Now the man's heart was beating fast. No doubt the creatures would attack him on sight. Once they were about 10 feet away the first one stopped. It began to sniff the air almost looking like a dog. The man knew it was now or never.

He jumped out from the alley swinging his claymore at the first monster. It cut clean through through the shaft of the spear. It continued on to go through the creatures chest. The creature died instantly. The other three jumped back and pointed their spears at him while snarling.

The fight was now on. The man swung his sword recklessly. It managed to break one of their spears but missed all of their body's. The one who's spear was broken jumped at the man. It latched onto his right leg. It's nails dug into his leather leggings. Barely getting into his skin. He drove his knee into its head making it crack against the ground killing it.

The other two creatures took this moment to stab at him with their spears. The first one hit the metal on his shoulder bouncing off. The second one though stabbed him in the side between his armor. The pain made the man yell out. He felt a surge of strength through his body as he was filled With rage. he swung the claymore going through the first one and halfway through the second. Their body's went over hitting the ground with a meaty thud.

Now he was the only one still breathing in the street. The sudden strength he felt before was now gone. He leaned against the wall of a building panting from the pain in his side. He pulled the spear out, throwing it on the ground.

Although the spear was out a new fuzzy feeling began to spread around his body. He now felt incredibly groggy. he could barely lift his sword. When he looked at the spear he noticed a purple droplet coming off the spear tip.

All of a sudden a voice came from behind him "it seems I am in luck today." The man looked behind him to see someone in an enormous robe covering his entire body. There was only one thought going through the man's head "I must have the shittiest luck possible!"