
Black Spire

A man finds himself in an almost endless city. He has lost his past, objective, and even his name. The city was once a thriving utopia filled with magic. Now it is a capital of monsters and foolish adventurers. Yet out of all the ruins and castles one thing sticks out the most. A single black spire that seems to reach higher than the clouds. Now he will try his hardest to survive in this almost desolate land, and maybe get some answers.

Vulcan7567 · Fantasy
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17 Chs


The book explained further with "a mana crystal is a crystal that can hold mana within it. A mage can put in and take out mana. By continuously taking out more mana then your level can handle, your body can slowly adjust to it. Allowing you to increase your level faster then by regular means."

Robert thought to himself "I bet I can buy one from Urag. Although it will probably cost a lot judging by what it can do. Now that I think about it, the crystal Urag gave me also takes in mana. Although the book does not say anything about mana crystals allowing people to locate each other so it must be different."

Now Robert began to read the last section of the book "naturally not every mage can be good at everything. Most mages tend to learn a few types and specialize in one. now that you have learned the basics you should consider what you want to specialize in." The book then went on to describe multiple different specializations. Robert knew that the other book centered around physical enhancement.

So he went to the section about it. It read "physical enhancement, the specialization of within. Physical enhancement or P.E is all about making yourself stronger, faster, and sharper. It is usually preferred by mage knights and some monsters. It is best suited for close quarters combat and defense. There are not many downsides to P.E, although there are not many upsides either."

Robert thought to himself "huh, I suppose it makes sense that monsters use magic too."

Now Robert was finished with the first book. Now he moved onto the next book "The Might from Within." It was about 2 times the width of the basics book.

Robert started reading "as every mage knows everyone and everything living contains mana. So then why do we not all naturally use mana subconsciously? The answer to that may surprise you. In rare cases we do! Although only under extreme conditions. For example if you ever felt a surge of strength within yourself as you were nearing death. That was your body subconsciously using mana to keep itself alive. It subconsciously used physical enhancement in particular."

Now that Robert thought about this he already experienced that 2 times. The first against the group of goblins and the second time within the nest.

Robert went on to read the first half of the book. It went on to further explain and describe. Apparently P.E is easier to learn since it is natural to the body. It also can be used to boost almost any part of the body even the brain.

After reading through it a few times he felt he had a firm understanding of it. He then began to practice.

It consisted of him putting his hand underneath his bed. The bed itself weighing about 400 pounds. He then began to conduct mana throughout his arm. Then he concentrated it around his muscles. Trying to steadily pump in the right amount.

If he put in too much, his arm would begin to hurt a lot. Too little and it did nothing. At first he managed to just shake the bed. After his 20th try he could lift half it off the ground.

He continued this over and over. It took him until sunset to fully lift it off the ground with one hand. he put it back down and wiped the sweat off his brow.

"I think I have finally learned muscle strengthening" He thought. By now he was exhausted. Although he felt great physically he had a splitting headache. He also felt incredibly drowsy. This was being caused by mana overload. He read about it in the basics book. Mana overload is when a mage uses too much mana for their level In a short amount of time. Using mana anymore would just cause worse pain. So he decided to hit the hay.

He flopped onto his bed and stared into the sunset. He could feel the danger in the city. He still remembered how he nearly died in the nest. With this new magic though, he felt he was at least a little bit stronger.

He made a promise to himself. He would use magic to go into the nest again and finish what he started.