

Paul Veussia was a young and talented boy. But his future potential put him in a life and death situation. A life-and-death situation, so life-and-death that no one has lived for years. And you know what happened? She lived. He lived and continued to grow stronger, destroying his enemies one by one, continuing the legend of the one who gave him power while creating the legend of the 'Black Wizard'. ( Sorcery : Wizard - Sorcerer - Wizard - Master of Magic - Grandmaster of Magic - Saint of Magic - Great Saint of Magic - Lord of Magic - Emperor of Magic / Each is divided into Beginner - Low - Middle - High - Peak level. ) ( Martialism : Fighter - Warrior - Weapon Master - Weapon Grandmaster - Weapon Saint - Weapon Great Saint - Weapon Lord - Weapon Emperor / Each divided into Beginner - Low - Medium - High - Peak level. ) (Note: The 'Weapons' listed here vary according to the warrior's mastery. A swordsman is recognized as a 'Swordsman' while a spearman is recognized as a 'Spearmaster').

Ah_ren · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Evil God's Training

Paul was really shaking as he surveyed the other areas on the top of the mountain. His heart felt like it was going to burst. Seeing his fearful state, Spadia burst out laughing. This boy, who had remained calm even when falling into the Abyss, couldn't even move.

Paul took deep breaths to calm his heart. "I didn't expect them to be so scary. I guess it's going to take a while to get out of here, isn't it?"

"As I said, the timelines of Humans and the Abyss are different. Don't worry about the outside world. Go back to the room, you can't do anything but look at those towers now."

Paul did not object, because he knew the old man was right. Those towers scared him to death. He went down the stairs and into the room. He sat down on the bed.

"Hey old man! How strong do I have to get to get out of here?"

Spadia laughed. "You've seen the towers guarded by monsters, right? Each of those towers has three floors and on each floor there is a monster. You need to defeat those monsters and take the inheritances in the towers. You will get the legacies of flame, wind, darkness and light, so four towers make twelve monsters."

Paul turned pale with fear. Just hearing twelve monsters was enough to frighten a boy who had never even hunted a normal animal before.

"I don't know what the legacies are, but they are the key to getting out of the Abyss. With my current strength I can't even enter the tower, let alone take one of them. Old man! Can you help me?"

"This is a place that measures your potential for empowerment. What's the point of getting outside help?"

Paul became silent. He had to kill 12 monsters on his own and he couldn't take much longer. He didn't want to go out late. He really wanted to get back to his family.

"But there's no reason why I can't help you get stronger. As long as you accept me as your master."

Paul's eyes lit up and a smile appeared on his face. "I salute my master."

"Peh. I don't understand how you can turn your personality 180 degrees, but you better not be fast. I told you you'd get stronger, but this is going to cause you a lot of pain. You'll probably suffer less if you try to dive into the towers without learning anything."

"Then I'll die."

"The arrogant brat is dead and his master has waited a few thousand years to find a new and respectful heir. Happy ending. Hahaha..."

Spadia laughed for a while. Then he stopped when he saw Paul's silence.

"So, do you agree?"

Paul thought for a while. To be strong he had to suffer, but it was the fastest way out of here. He knew this because he knew the old man was a superior figure, even if he made fun of him. If he said it would hurt a lot, it would hurt a lot, but if he said it would make you stronger, it would make you stronger.

"I accept!"

Spadia laughed. "So be it. I'd like to hear you scream for a while. All right, now get into a position where you are comfortable. You won't even feel uncomfortable afterwards, but whatever."

Paul moved to the center of the bed and sat cross-legged. He took long breaths for a while and calmed down.

"Okay, remember those berries you took from the cupboard? Take a red one and eat it."

Paul was surprised. He hadn't expected the berries to have anything to do with his training.

He reached into his pocket and took out some grape-sized berries. He chose a red one, put the others in his pocket and put the red fruit in his mouth. The fruit was tasteless and soft. After chewing it a few times, he swallowed it and waited.

He thought the old man was going to tell him the rest, but suddenly his body began to ache as if it were covered in flames. Paul lay on the bed and screamed as the pain increased exponentially. The old man laughed as if amused.

"The fruit you ate is called fire essence fruit. It spreads throughout the body, increasing the familiarity of your flesh, blood and bones with flame-type mana. You will suffer a lot until you are fully familiarized."

Paul was writhing with pain and raging with anger. It was like being tortured for a long time and not feeling the pain. No, it was exactly the same thing! And here he was writhing in pain and the old man was laughing!

This state of pain lasted for about 10 minutes. After 10 minutes Paul did not get up. His body didn't feel anything. He passed out on the bed.

He was unconscious for a while, but then a disturbing voice woke him up again.

"Hey, hey brat, wake up. Your training is not over yet. You have three or four more fire essence fruits to eat."

Three or four? Paul didn't even want to see it, let alone eat another one, and this crazy old man was telling him he had to eat three or four more? You wait too long!

Paul reached into his pocket, grabbed all the fruit and threw it in a corner of the room. He never wanted to feel that kind of pain again.

"Ah, stupid brat. Can't you see the benefits of this training? As you become more familiar with flame mana, you will find it easier to use flame spells and your body will be more resistant to flames, but what does a fool like you understand? As your master, I took pity on you and wanted to train you in the gentle mana of the fire essence fruit, but this is your fault."

Suddenly the red jewels of the crown tattoo on Paul's chest began to glow and Spadia began to spread her own flame mana throughout Paul's body. Paul screamed as the mana began to spread. The pain from earlier was nothing compared to this. This time the temperature of the flame mana was so high that Paul thought his body was on fire.

The flame mana was slowly penetrating his flesh. Paul writhed in pain, but Spadia didn't stop the mana. This time he was serious.

Once he had gotten his mana deep into Paul's flesh, he started to get into his blood. At that moment Paul started to cry. His body burned as if he had been thrown into an ocean of lava. As his blood became more familiar with the flame mana, his blood flowed faster and his heart beat faster.

After the process of processing the blood was over, Spadia directed her mana into the bones. Paul didn't even have the energy to cry anymore. He was just struggling to stay conscious because he knew from Spadia's words that this was the final stage.

The mana slowly penetrated the bones and gave Paul the most painful moment since the beginning. Paul could only wait for the torture to end. After a few minutes the process was over and the gems in the tattoo lost their luster.

Spadia spoke in a pained voice. "You'd better get some rest. The flame is over, but we still have work to do with the wind."

Paul didn't care what the old man said. He immediately threw himself on the bed and passed out. Spadia was slowly looking over Paul's body.

"Well, it will take me a while, but I think I can finish with the wind while he is unconscious."

The green gems in the tattoo began to glow and send a quick and sharp burst of mana at Paul, but Spadia managed to get it through his body quickly and before he woke up.

Exhausted in body and mind, Paul slept for 3 days. He didn't even move while he slept. Once he even checked to see if Spadia was still alive.

After 3 days, Paul opened his eyes again. He had a weary look in his eyes. He knew from his master's last words that he was going to experience something similar to the pain he had suffered. "We still have work to do with the wind," he had said before he fell asleep.

Bored, he examined his own body. The mana core was now emitting a sharper and hotter mana, and the mana was flowing directly through his whole body. His body had gotten a lot stronger again. The difference was really worth the pain.

Paul was lost in thought when he heard a voice. "Oh, good morning, brat."

Spadia sounded cheerful, but she felt pity for Paul, even though she was the one who had done it. The pain of the flame mana was impossible for a normal person to forget easily. As he waited for Paul to lash out angrily at him, Paul spoke in an exasperated voice.

"Good morning, master. Can we finish with the wind now? I want to take all the pain in one go and forget it."

Spadia was surprised by Paul's calm demeanor but immediately spoke in a serious voice.

"I put the wind mana into your body while you were unconscious, so that part is over."

When Spadia finished speaking, Paul's eyes filled with happiness and then anger.

"Why the hell did I go through all that pain if you can do it while I was unconscious?"

"You think it's easy, you arrogant brat!? It puts a lot of strain on my mind."

"So you made your student writhe in pain so as not to strain your mind. My master is the best. A great example of sadism."

"Insolent brat!" Spadia was angry, but there was happiness in his voice. It was somehow more comfortable with Paul in his old state.

"Alright, now we will move on to the second phase of your training. Your body is familiar with the mana of flame and wind, but you need to be able to use it."

"How do I do that?"

"It's very easy. Focus the flame mana where you want to use it and light it. In a few days the flame will be-" Spadia was interrupted because at that moment a small ball of flame formed on Paul's hand. The ball looked like a miniature sun because of its heat and brightness.

"You've already burned the mana and even shaped it? Hahaha... I was thinking of waiting a few weeks for that."

Paul played with the fireball in his hand for a while. Then he threw it towards the wall full of scratches. The stone wall burned for a while and there was a dent in the wall. Then the fire went out.

"To be able to burn a stone wall, that's pretty good! I see you have great control over the flame. Well, try the wind."

Paul swung his right hand. Where he swung it, a wave of wind traveled quickly and made a big cut in the stone wall.

"Pretty good, pretty good. I think you can hunt near the mountain now."

"Master, why exactly do I need to hunt? Shouldn't I master the use of magic now that I can control mana?"

Spadia made a mocking "Hmph!" sound.

"You can control mana, but is your mana enough for a long battle? Your spells will be more powerful because your mana is quite dense, but if you don't increase the amount, you will be weakened after a few spells. If your mana core was a human core, you would be able to advance every few years by drawing mana from the world, but now you have a habistanri core. Using normal mana from the world you won't be able to advance a single level in ten years. Except maybe in some special areas. Normally that would be pretty bad, but here's where the property of the habistanri core comes in. The Evil God core can easily level up by absorbing monster energy, but you have to hunt for it. So don't take my advice. Go out and collect at least 5 monster cores. Better if they are flame or wind type monsters."

Paul found nothing to object and headed for the exit of the room. He descended the stairs and started walking around the mountain. He found two D-level Steel-clawed moles but passed them by because his master wanted flame or wind-type cores. He slowly walked away from the mountain.

When he saw a small flame light a little further ahead, he moved forward, hiding himself. After a while he saw the monster. The monster had huge wings and flame-red feathers. Its golden beak, eyes and three golden feathers on the top of its head gave it a nobility. Seeing Paul mesmerized, Spadia began to speak.

"The level C monster is the Noble Flame Hawk. It has the properties of Flame and Wind. It also has a little bit of light. Perfect!"

Hearing Spadia's words, Paul silently walked around the hawk. He was still scared, but he knew he had to fight. He threw two wind blades and cut off one of the falcon's wings at the root. Half of the other wing was still attached.

As the hawk screamed in pain, Paul reached out his hands to throw another wind knife, but at the last moment the hawk turned around and blew flames in Paul's direction. Paul recoiled in fear but could not escape and was engulfed in flames. Paul expected to be hurt, but he felt only a little warmth. Spadia, seeing his demeanor as he stared at his body in bewilderment, spoke.

"Your body is powered by the Evil god flame. Such a paltry fire cannot harm you."

Paul jumped out of the sea of flame with a smile. He locked eyes with the falcon. He swung his hand and with a blade of wind severed the head of the falcon, which was surprised to see him emerge from the sea of flames.

"How do I get the beast core?"

"The beast core and the mana core are the same. You take it from inside your heart."

Paul was disgusted but went to the falcon. He cut its flesh and heart with wind knives. Disgusted, he put his hand inside the falcon's heart and pulled out the beast core. The core was red in color but emitted a green light. Paul pocketed the core and was about to leave when he suddenly moved towards the falcon's severed head.

He picked up the three golden feathers on top of the head and put them in his pocket. Spadia didn't say anything as he did this, but as Paul was leaving he asked him.

"Why did you take those feathers?"

"I liked the way they looked and besides, it's not hard to tell if something is valuable or not. I assumed it was valuable."

Hearing Paul's answer, Spadia laughed for a long time and then spoke.

"You have the eyes of a thief, son. You are right. These feathers are known as the Feathers of Golden Destiny and are used to write talismans. But they are hard to find."

Paul was a little surprised. "It was just a C-level creature. It's easy prey for a trained mage or warrior to hunt, so why should it be?"

"Heheheh... Because those feathers act as a transceiver. If the beast is killed, it transmits that to the other pack members and they flock to it. If you take the feathers, the others will follow."

Paul's face paled as he reached into his pocket. "Are you telling me this now?"

"Stop, stop, stop, you stupid brat! Those feathers will come in handy. The herds in the central habitat can be called groups at most. They have a maximum of 7 monsters, so it's not that scary. On the contrary, you could really use a few cores with flame-wind properties to attract monsters to you."

Paul thought about Spadia's words for a while. It was true that this was the best kind of core he could find, and it was easier for the monsters to find him than for him to find the monsters. As he was thinking, suddenly there were screams in the air.

Paul looked up to see three Noble Flame Hawks staring at him. Paul stopped thinking and relaxed his hands. Why should he miss this opportunity when they were right at his feet?


There is something I feel the need to explain.

Some words in the original language in which I wrote the book cannot be translated directly into English.

So confusion arises in some places.

So I have to correct them one by one by hand.

I apologize if there are some I forgot to correct.

And here I will write the words I have corrected, and if I have forgotten to correct them, send me a message to the paragraphs I have forgotten so that I can correct them.

Habislord === Evil Lord

Habistanrı === Evil God