

Paul Veussia was a young and talented boy. But his future potential put him in a life and death situation. A life-and-death situation, so life-and-death that no one has lived for years. And you know what happened? She lived. He lived and continued to grow stronger, destroying his enemies one by one, continuing the legend of the one who gave him power while creating the legend of the 'Black Wizard'. ( Sorcery : Wizard - Sorcerer - Wizard - Master of Magic - Grandmaster of Magic - Saint of Magic - Great Saint of Magic - Lord of Magic - Emperor of Magic / Each is divided into Beginner - Low - Middle - High - Peak level. ) ( Martialism : Fighter - Warrior - Weapon Master - Weapon Grandmaster - Weapon Saint - Weapon Great Saint - Weapon Lord - Weapon Emperor / Each divided into Beginner - Low - Medium - High - Peak level. ) (Note: The 'Weapons' listed here vary according to the warrior's mastery. A swordsman is recognized as a 'Swordsman' while a spearman is recognized as a 'Spearmaster').

Ah_ren · Fantasy
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6 Chs

7th Generation

What little light there was disappeared as he sank deeper into the darkness.

Paul didn't know how much time had passed, but he could tell he had been down for a long time. His mind was clear but he could not move. His position never changed, as if something was forcing him. Before his mind could despair completely, he heard a voice.

"Hmm, the mana core is at the beginning level but it is quite dense. That's strange."

Paul tried to turn his head but couldn't. As he scanned his surroundings with his eyes, he heard another voice.

"Hey, don't try to move, we're watching you. Do you want to be crippled?"

Paul felt an inexplicable confidence at the words and let himself relax. After a few minutes in this state, several voices began to speak at once.

"The mana is really intense. If it's like this at the beginning, what will it be like when it develops?"

"If their body accepts it, their will will take it. It could be the most powerful generation."

"It has the highest potential in thousands of years."

"I agree."

"I think he's just a freak."

"Aren't we all freaks?"


Paul got a little angry. These guys were chatting while he was falling to the bottom of an endless hole. He couldn't take it anymore and he exploded.

"Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on here!?"

There was silence for a short while. Then the voices started talking again.

"It's okay, it's okay. No need to get angry, little friend. We only have one question, will you listen?"

Paul was silent for a while and then nodded.

The voice spoke as if it had seen this. "Oh, great. All right, little buddy, do you want to get out of here?"

A look of excitement crossed Paul's face. "Sure, but how?"

"It's easy, but there's a chance you could die and you have to pass a few tests, but if you do, we guarantee you'll be quite strong. So, do you agree?"

"Even if I don't agree, I'm going to die in the fall anyway, I agree!"

"Good, the first test is coming soon. If you pass it, the old man will explain the purpose of the tests to you. See you, my little friend!"

All the voices disappeared at once and there was only darkness around. Paul no longer felt like he was falling. He was steady where he was. He stood still in the middle of an endless void. He waited, trusting the voices, and then he felt a flow of energy.

He looked around and saw that everything that had been filled with darkness was illuminated and all the darkness merged in front of him and took a single shape. In the middle of the bright white infinity, the darkness condensed and a sword appeared, black from blade to hilt. Just looking at the sword gave a sense of unease.

"So you have the courage to take the test?" Paul was surprised to hear the voice and looked around. As he checked everything he could see, the voice was heard again.

"Watch where you're going! Each generation is more disrespectful than the next!" After a few seconds Paul realized that the voice was coming from a sword. He scanned the sword with a puzzled face. As he tried to understand what the sword was, the sword spoke again.

"Child, you do not have the mind to comprehend what I am. But if you pass my test, you will understand what I am and especially what the Abyss is."

Paul was excited to hear the sword's words. "What do I have to do?"

"It's easy, you stab me in the heart."

Paul blushed with anger. "Are you fucking kidding me? Am I not going to die either way? What test is this then?"

"Calm the fuck down! The first test tests the body. If you're fit enough, you pass. If not, you die. If you don't take the test, you die anyway. You have nothing to lose."

"If my body will accept it?" Paul laughed awkwardly and shivered at the same time. "So be it!"

He reached out, grasped the hilt with both hands and pointed the knife at his heart. His face no longer showed signs of hesitation. On the contrary, there was a slight look of madness. He took a long breath and drove the sword up to the hilt into his heart. When the sword entered his heart completely, Paul felt the sensation of death throughout his body and he lost consciousness. Meanwhile the sword was talking to itself.

"Hmm, it's good that it can concentrate mana so much at the beginner level, but it's useless unless it can concentrate more than one type of energy. Let's give it a try."

At that moment the sword suddenly started sending a different energy into Paul's heart. This energy was mana, but for some reason it carried a lot of heat. If it was used in a spell it would have been hell, but it concentrated directly in Paul's heart and turned the mana crystal red.

"Wow, it goes well with the flame element. Maybe he can grasp it completely?"

After he spoke, he sent another mana. This mana carried an abnormal weight. If applied against a human, it could crush that person in a second, but it condensed directly, just like before. It added a slight brown tint to the core.

"It doesn't seem to be very good with the earth element, but it's enough! Hahaha..." The sword laughed for a while. Then it started to send out another mana. This time it was light and rushed quickly into the Core, but in the same way as the flame mana, it condensed instantly and added a green tint to the Core.

"The compatibility with the Wind element is really quite good. It condensed both the Flame and Wind elements at the same abnormal speed. Yes, it seems guaranteed to be Generation 7, but why don't I push a little harder?"

The sword started sending mana again. This time it was steady. It moved calmly into the mana core and slowly condensed. As time passed, blue glows appeared in the mana core.

"It doesn't seem to have much affinity for water and earth. A 7th Generation attack type, huh? Anyway, this is pretty good. I'm sure it will really live up to its name. Now all I have to do is-"

The sword suddenly went silent because Paul's mana core was acting strangely. It was trying to draw energy from the sword, even though it had just absorbed energy from four different elements. He was like a starved little boy.

"Could it be?" There was surprise in the sword's voice.

"I suppose it can't hurt to try."

The sword began pouring mana into the core again, but this time the mana had a distinct characteristic over the others, "Bright". This mana was brighter than the sun and had not the slightest desire to harm. As the mana was absorbed into the core and condensed, it caused the core to glow. When it was all condensed, the core began to glow as if it was free of all impurities.

"Holy shit! What kind of attack is this. This boy has a little bit of the element of the Will of Heaven." The sword sounded surprised and delighted.

"Well that's pretty good! I'd better be quick now. I still have to tell him everything-" The sword paused, because the mana core was sucking mana from it again.

"You must be joking. If I don't try, I'll miss a great potential, but if I try and fail, it will be worse."

There was uneasiness in the sword's voice. He was caught in the middle. After a while he made up his mind.

"I can wait a few thousand years for a genius, but I cannot ignore someone with such potential."

The sword began to transmit mana once more. This time the mana was different. It was pure malevolence, and even the sword tried to send it into the core little by little.

As soon as a small piece of the energy left the sword and touched the core, the core suddenly began to drain the energy. The malignancy was drawing the energy directly from the sword. Suddenly surprised, the sword tried to cut the energy but failed. The core was draining the evil mana.

"Stop, you stupid thing! Do you think you can withstand so much mana!?"

The sword's voice was desperate. It could not stop the flow of mana and finally the mana core cracked. The crack began to spread and after a few seconds the mana core shattered. The sword made a sad sound.

"Ah, my stupid head. I really lost a genius for nothing."

The sword was preparing to leave Paul's chest, but suddenly something unexpected happened.

Suddenly there was a concentration of mana on both sides of the heart. On one side, a fast but calm and pure energy, and on the other side, a strong, powerful but malevolent energy concentrated, and they merged in the center of the heart, forming a glowing black core surrounded by red and green colors. This core was many times more dense and powerful than the previous core and carried the power of the 4 elements.

The sword was silent for a long time in astonishment. Then it spoke with a trembling voice.

"Ev-ev-ev Evil Lord, no, the Evil God core! He really did it! He condensed the Evil God core. This is the first time someone has condensed the habistanri core. Hahahaha... Yes! Someone with the potential to become a 7th Generation Evil Lord! Worthy of the name Black Mage! Hahahaha..."

Paul's eyes and hair turned dark black as the sword laughed maniacally.

"Yes! Someone worthy of the title of King has finally reappeared!"

As he finished his words, the sword suddenly turned into a dark energy that restored Paul's heart and chest. The energy then transformed into a tattoo of a black crown adorned with white, red and green jewels on the left side of Paul's chest. Slowly he remembered the words of the first Evil God "Demon King" that came to his mind.

"When the time comes, I will die and my soul will disappear completely. But perhaps centuries from now, someone with potential will emerge! This person will command all 6 elements, the Will of Heaven and Hell, and rise above them to take my title of King. He will go through many things in his life until he receives the title of King and I ask you to help him on his path. I have already left my legacy to help him and I will leave the rest to you, my friends. I ask you to train him, to strengthen him, to make him strong enough to stand tall even if the world turns against him. That is my command as Demon King and my testament as a friend!"

Saber laughed softly.

"It's been a few hundred thousand years, old friend, and I, Spadia, have found your heir and will fulfill your will, you can be sure of that!"


There is something I feel the need to explain.

Some words in the original language in which I wrote the book cannot be translated directly into English.

So confusion arises in some places.

So I have to correct them one by one by hand.

I apologize if there are some I forgot to correct.

And here I will write the words I have corrected, and if I have forgotten to correct them, send me a message to the paragraphs I have forgotten so that I can correct them.

Habislord === Evil Lord

Habistanrı === Evil God