
hearts meet

Joke's POV

I made applied a little speed to my walking. I could hear the monsters growling aloud in my belly, and I clamped my hands over my belly as if I am trying to get control of the volume but my effort seems fruitless as the sound is still as loud as it it. Mom once told me it's just worms so there was no cause for alarm and all I needed is to take deworming drugs regularly, but I don't care and I don't want to know all I know is that they are monster-like to me. Everything I feel that rumbling sound in me, it's as if the whole world heard the monsters in my stomach. Then I laid my hands on my flat tummy looking down at it as if I had a baby, and I whispered to the monsters in my tummy gently, "darlings this is not the right moment to do this now, I'm at the verge of getting you guys a nice treat so you better behave or I might change my mind"

But I don't want to stay hungry either. Just then a vanilla scent gradually enveloped my nostrils. And without control a wide smile spread on my face and I look like a 5 year old girl who has just been gifted with a lollipop. And, this smell is just too familiar and I can't just remember where I came across it but it somehow reminds me of childhood. Or maybe it was just a coincidence. Then my eyes met brown eyes.

Seeing those brown irises emitting no emotions made me feel at home and I don't know how. It was until I could no longer perceive the vanilla scent did I realized he was a guy I blurry saw coming out of the restaurant. The guy with the guitar made my heart beat out of rhythm and leave me with no other choice than to gawk like a baby. My senses instantly kicked in when the guy stared back at me, he must have realized the way I was looking at him and I could feel that I made him feel so uneasy. Oh no! I immediately turned my back to him and faced where I was going

  But just then another, unfortunate event occurred when I wanted to keep moving forward and as i turned my head southward, my head landed on the brown wooden door.

"Ouch!" My head hurts. But out of fear I held the door hoping it won't crash down because one could clearly see that the door is about to collapse.

   Then l remembered that I was hungry and I needed to face that business. The restaurant is not really big one, from where I was I could barely see 5 people so I went to the counter and call it for me love and I got there I said, "I want to buy a full plate of jellof rice #500 with meat oh". After some minutes I was served, so, I journeyed myself to one of the customers' tables.

The tables weren't so clean like those ones dad took us to while I was still at home. But I just have to start getting used to it after all the meal is sumptuous.

Oh! Shindara, I need to call her.  After a few rings she picked up the phone

Me: Hello Sister Shindara

Shindara💙: Huh? Who's this?

Me: Joke, erm your new roommate

Shindara💙: ohh... No wonder you called me Sister..  Eww. Just stop it okay? I'm Shindara thank you.

Me: I'm sorry

  I said with a smile hoping I don't just irritate her I just want to be good and perfect in front of everyone. I used to like being the odd number in secondary school but right now a new me has been ignited

Shindara💙:  (laughs softly) it's okay darling. You don't really have to be sorry because you've done nothing. So have u eaten or are you on your way.

Me: Um, I'm done. Are you still at the spot

Shindara💙: ohh no but I'm still on that same road, silly girl! Be quick so you don't miss your way because I'm in a hurry.

Me: okay so have you eaten?

Shindara💙: yes yes! Just come quick I'm tired of this place please.

Me: okay I'm on my way.

  I said, putting the call on a red button and sentenced the huge meat into the prison of my aggressive teeth... Lol..

  So I pay my bills and walked briskly out of the  restaurant. Here in the university I realized it's not so quiet as I expected or maybe I've not realized the cool and serene spots. But I could still hear the birds chirping, the dry leaves rustling as I walked briskly. Even the noise that my slippers made in contact to the ground was not left behind.

After a while I looked up and I saw Shindara not too far away and she must have noticed me too and waved to me and I reciprocated the gesture. My father always told me that it is only good to reciprocate good gestures and I feel that's somehow mature and I saw a sweet smile form on her face bringing out her beautiful dimples clearly now because I had already reached where she was standing.

But just then, I hear a sonorous voice singing a song I couldn't recognize but the song and the voice was captivating. Then I summon on courage to ask Shindara where the sound came from.

"Oh that must be one of those boring guys here. All they know how to do is play a guitar and sing stupid emotional songs. Wait... That song must be someone I loved . I just love that song. Let's go check who it is I might happen to know him, you know I'm a big girl here too". She nudged my arm.

I bursted into laughter not in a jesting manner though but the way she sounded was really funny. And I'm so happy I'm going to see who's singing so much I was almost entirely consumed by goosebumps.

As we got closer, we could hear the voice clearer...

♪♪I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to turn to

This all or nothing way of loving got me sleeping without you♪♪

"I said it. It's the song, you know it right? Seems like you can sing seeing how u were soooo high the other time." She laughed

"Well, I don't know this song but I can sing another for you... Believe me you'll like it" I smiled back at her.

"Ohhh, that's weird. But it's cool. But this voice sounds familiar. Awwwn... Its too sad he stopped singing." Shindara rubbed my hair like she was petting her cat or something.

  I felt like my heart was torn into pieces. And there was so much pain in my throat that I couldn't respond  because I was scared she will notice that I am not okay and any word at this time will make me tear up and it will look too stupid of me.

  " okay so now let's move to our custody.. And I'm dying to hear you sing, little princess."

Ohh... Yeah.