
A new phase

Joke POV

  "Mom, I've heard you. I'll do as you have said and I would never let you down okay"? My mom nodded in affirmation. I was already growing tired of all her supplications and advices. You know, the thing is, my mom repeats things too much, at times I feel like asking this woman  if she knows that she is really saying this for the sixth time.

  But to be honest I'm eternally grateful to God that my dad is really not around or I would be begging him to leave me right now. So all I need to do is assure my mom and END OF DISCUSSION

"So... Let me just wait for the driver to come he'll be here in an minute from now". I said staring at the brown leathered wristwatch my Mom got for me when I was entrusted with the post of being the Assistant Senior Prefect Girl and Chapel prefect girl at Secondary school.

  Back then at hiltage high school it was mandatory for everyone especially the prefects to have a mini watch around their wrist. Or else you won't just like yourself. I remember a time when one of the non-prefect students in my class, SS3 came to the assembly without a wristwatch and school socks he was asked to cut the grasses on the field for a whole full day. I get confused at times wondering if my school is really a private school. Well that shouldn't bother me as long as I am not involved in any issue which is against the rules then I'm fine.

  Then I glance through the window like an expectant mother, waiting for the driver to come or my mom might bring up another issue to discuss with me any time soon. Just as predicted my mom spoke up again.

  "Adejoke mi, I forgot to tell you this, stay away from boys o. Boys only mean...."

  "Distraction mummy distraction! Mom you've said this almost ten times today mom..  You know mom you are even giving me a bad feeling I got an admission into this school..." Inside me I'm smiling thinking this should keep mummy quiet till the driver comes.

  "My dear, olowo ori mi, Omo a yan ya tan, omo a tan kanle shu shu shu, Omo isu be n'le o be l'oko... It is for your good my dear I'm too young to be a grand mother at this age o please. Remember that a woman has to be deep rooted into the Lord so that any man who wants to get to her must pass through God my dear. Hmm? I just want the best for you my dear. You know by the time you finally become a lawyer eiiiii..  Heaven and earth will know" My mom and I burst into laughter. You know what, I don't even know what my family panegyrics mean but all I can tell is that it instills pride in me and I feel this kind of joy that I just can't explain. So my mom used the family's historic magic I must say to soften my heart.

  "Pim pim!" The sound of a vehicle obviously at our gate. "Aha! Mom the driver must be here let me get going". I said looking around to be ascertained that I did not forget anything.

I took a quick glance at the mirror looking at the tall figure reflecting in the mirror dressed in a blue and peach flower-patterned shirt over a black pants. Oh, my shoes must be downstairs because I'm barefooted and I have obviously worn my shoes today.

  "Joke! Where are you? We are waiting for you now"! My heart almost beat out of rhythm the moment I heard my mom scream. " I am coming mummy"! I screamed back rushing down the stairs. "Oh mummy..haven't she heard about heart attack.." I muttered so she won't hear me.

  "Kilo'n she lata ro?" My mom questioned. "Umm... Mummy I was just checking if I've taken everything I needed you know I'm going to Ibadan and it's far, I can't really afford to come back home for my toothbrush or something" My mom burst into laughter leaving me in a confused state.

"See you, I'm even praying you forget your ATM card or something important so I can come over to visit you ... See ehn I'm growing tired of your daddy's nagging"

  Mommy is so hilarious but really if I were in her position I would have given up on daddy for so long. But dad doesn't really nag like that but he's very jealous over little things. " Mummy, I don't like it o, everyone in this house knows that....."

"Pim pim"! I was being interrupted by the hooting of Mr. Chike's cab.

"Mom, I have to go before Mr. Chike goes for another customer and I know you are fully aware of his love for money. So bye for now, I love u mom" I said and kissed my mom on her forehead. I know she should be the one doing that but I did it involuntarily, it didnt even come to my mind but I just did it.

  Just as I stepped outside of my house and as the fresh breeze splashed on my face giving me a new feeling,  a feeling of freedom, a feeling that makes me feel bubble with excitement.

But then I look back to take one last look at the two storey building painted with gray and white paint, I saw my mom resting the crook of her left hand on the concrete arm rest in front of our house. I can see that she really wish to pull me back but she just have to be a strong woman so I can make her proud. I really have to make her proud. Then I screamed "Boys only mean distraction and babies Mom!" Then a smile etched on her face with slight lines of wrinkles fading as she came to hug me so tight.


  I can feel that she's actually crying because

my back was slightly wet with some drops. I understand how it feels for mom, since I was the only child she had. And she was barren for eleven years before she gave birth to me. Every time she talk about all she passed through when she couldn't give birth to a baby, my hatred for my paternal side of the family exceeds what I could ever imagine but my mom had always taught me to be forgiving.

  But there's a part of me I don't seem to remember. But mom will always wave it off from my mind by my family's panegyrics of course.


  I can slightly hear my mom's hoarse voice telling me to be of good courage and never depart from the way of the Lord. But deep inside my heart I know if not for anything but for my mother, I will start this new phase of my life with God's leading.


   "If na drama all of una wan make I watch you, for tell me before. Madam please I have other customers o"!