
Black Rinnegan In The Rain Village

PerSiMa · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

08 - The Spy

At Kosuke's house

"Ahhh what a tiring day, it's a lot of fun to walk on water but learning about it made me really tired" Kosuke said to himself.

Kosuke had woken up early and while he was still awake, he decided to go out to eat.

"Aff... It's raining again..." Kosuke said a little uncomfortably.

In the middle of his walk to the restaurant, Kosuke felt a strange presence, as if someone was watching him, Kosuke quickly looked in the direction he suspected.

Kosuke can't tell if it was just a figure created by his vision when he made the quick movement of looking back or if someone was really there.

Doubtful, Kosuke continues to walk more attentively, but this time without any suspicious movements.

At Maruki's restaurant

Kosuke thinks a bit about his current situation as "Amegakure's hidden prodigy."

"The tricky thing about being a hidden or potential power in the Naruto universe is the interest of mercenaries and militias in that power, I'm surprised Hanzõ didn't kick my ass as soon as he could... That general wasn't difficult for me in my awakening, but Hanzõ... I'm afraid of what he would be like" Kosuke thought, tormented by his own paranoia.

"I should be more careful with this power, any show of strength could draw more eyes to me, and even though I feel powerful, I don't think I'm a match for anything... ahhh what a headache..." Kosuke thinks exhausted.

Kosuke pays for his meal and goes to the rock on the training ground to continue his chakra flow training.

On the training rock

A few hours had passed and Kosuke had managed to stay on the steep part of the rock for a few minutes, but still without much mastery.

"Ahhh!" Kosuke shouted.


Kosuke had fallen countless times that day.

"Ahhhh how boring... ah?" Kosuke says surprised by a silhouette in the distance.

Kosuke observes the silhouette without showing much expression to be sure of what he is looking at.

After a while, Kosuke blinks and notices that the silhouette has disappeared.

"What?" Kosuke mutters.

"Man, this is really weird" Kosuke thinks and reflects on the events of the day.

Kosuke stands up, aware of his surroundings for fear that he is being watched, until...

A hand touches Kosuke's left shoulder.

"AHH! ! !" Kosuke says startled.

"How's the training going?" Inara says.

"Uff" Kosuke sighs.



"Oh sorry hahaha, I forgot you were scared" Inara says with a sarcastic smile.

"Urghhhh" Kosuke mumbles angrily.

Hours had passed and Kosuke was finally able to attach himself to the wall and keep his balance.

"Sensei, I'm almost there" Kosuke says enthusiastically.

"Good" Inara says with a proud smile.

Kosuke noticed that Inara was unusually attentive to his training that day, a completely different profile than he had seen before when Inara was teaching him to walk on water.

Kosuke felt a little confused about this, wondering if it was due to some underperformance or perhaps some higher order. In any case, Kosuke felt pressured by his sensei's presence, which made him train more efficiently.

"Sensei, look at me!" Kosuke says with satisfaction.

"YESS! ÃhHh..." Kosuke jumps, forgetting that gravity is different on a wall than on the ground...

Inara holds Kosuke by the collar of his blouse and says seriously.


"Huh?" Kosuke exclaims, stuck in an uncomfortable and confused position.

Inara and Kosuke remain still for a few moments, Inara was completely static, just observing his surroundings until Inara throws a shuriken.



The shuriken hits a tree, right next to what looks like a ninja using rain camouflage ninjutsu.

"Huh?" The mysterious ninja shouts from a distance.

After being discovered, his stealth ninjutsu disappears, and in the ninja's gradual appearance, it is possible to see that he is wearing the mask of Amegakure's elite guard, possibly one of the village's shinobi.

"What are you doing here? No shinobi has been assigned to protect us" Inara shouts at the mysterious ninja.

"Tsk" the suspicious ninja mumbles.

"Kage bushin no Jutsu" the suspicious ninja says casually.


4 clones appear next to the suspicious ninja and all jump in different directions including the real ninja.

Inara does the same.

"Kage Bushin no Jutsu"


But instead of 4 clones, Inara creates 5, 4 clones and Inara himself chase after all suspicious ninjas and the only clone left next to Kosuke says.

"Let's go back to the village, it's not safe here anymore".

Kosuke agrees and follows Inara to Amegakure.

At the entrance of the village

Once inside the village, Inara tells Kosuke to go back to his house and wait for more information.


The clone falls apart.

Kosuke is confused by the situation and at the same time feels very guilty for not being able to help in such a dangerous moment. Even though he is worried about Inara, Kosuke rushes home.


Inara manages to find the real ninja who was watching Kosuke's training.

Inara's clone shows up at the right moment and uses her chakra concentration to gain momentum in the chase, taking the mysterious ninja by surprise.

Inara gains momentum and lands a kick to the ninja's back.

*Tush !

"Ah !" the ninja exclaims in pain.

Inara then makes hand signals and says the following.

"Suirou no Jutsu."


A distorted water bubble sound forms from the hand of Inara's clone to the suspected ninja, trapping him in a water bubble to await the arrival of the original Inara.

This jutsu is normally used to trap ninjas in a water bubble and suffocate them, but for the purpose of extracting information, Inara creates an air bubble on the prisoner's face, along with small air intakes in the bubble to preserve the prisoner until the original Inara arrives.

In another chase location.

The original Inara continued her pursuit of her randomly selected clone until he observed the following for a moment.


The clone had been disassembled, probably because the ninja behind the jutsu had been attacked, so Inara waited for his clones who had gone through the same situation as the clone he was chasing to be disassembled so that when his clones returned to their original body, he would get information from each clone.

When he realizes that all of his clones have returned to his body and regained their memories, he easily spots the missing clone, who was probably with the original suspect ninja.

Inara heads to the location of his last clone.

Arriving at the location, Inara observes the prisoner and thinks.

"These clothes don't look like those of an Amegakure shinobi, but the mask is certainly identical to the one worn by the elite force" Inara thinks.

Inara asks the prisoner.

"Who told you to spy on us? Hanzõ? Kotaka? Satoshi ?"

"Hanzõ ? hahahaha I don't take orders from that weakling" the prisoner says.

Inara forces his eyes open, confused by the answer.

"Who are you? And where did you get that mask?" Inara asks.

"Those are questions you will get no answers from me" the prisoner replies.

"Tsk" Inara mutters.

"I didn't want to have to do this" Inara says.

Her water bubble stops and her clone disappears.



The prisoner is confused by this decision, but before he can think.


Inara slashes the prisoner's right leg with an ice axe, amputating it.

"AHHH ! ! !" The prisoner screams in pain.

"I'll ask you again, if I don't like the answer, I hope you don't like your other leg" Inara says apathetically.

The prisoner observes the sea of ​​blood caused by his leg, with blurred vision focusing and unfocusing, the prisoner slightly lifts his head to observe Inara's unrepentant expression.

"Ah... FUCK !" complains the prisoner in tears of pain.


Author note

10 chapters ahead at p@treon.com/persima