
1-11; The Bell Tolls For Thee

Eventually, my vision returned to me, and I was in the middle of some barren, disgusting street in this horrendous, foul city. Lolita was beside me, awakening a bit after I had.. Odd since she went through the door first. I knew that this was finally the real place and not me. If it was a part of me, I wouldn't be here. Ha ha. What would have happened if I stayed in my simple, ignorant bliss? Nothing. My fate would have killed me without my understanding... and I would never rest. Acceptance of the cruel thesis of fate is all I can do, since it has shattered my ignorance.

Lolita, coming to her senses, fell onto my lap, "We're back, aren't we?"


"We aren't dead, are we?"

"Not yet."

"Ah... I should blow your fucking crotch off with a missile for taking me there, but if you didn't... I would have come to love you."

I petted her head. "Same goes for me. I love you, too, Lolita..."

During out lovey dovey happy time moment, The Reaper appeared before us... Still as a cute little chibi with his blood stained scythe. "Yo, Khrona~! It seems you inally understand. The problem is, I have to kill you... But the worse news is, I have to kill earth."

I smiled. "That's one of my greatest wishes. In fact, two. One, to rest forever peacefully, and two, to extinguish the corrupt vermin scum of this place for their constant disrespect, hate and destruction of all they inhabit."

Lolita hugged me a bit tightly. "So. Let's get this over with. I'll be happy to die with my love and with a cool guy like you, Reaper."

He smiled and twirled his scythe. "For that, I'll let you see the apocalypse. I'll do it all cool since you say I'm so cool~! Wait right here and look to the sky."

He warped into space, leaving us to ourselves. The reaper expanded himself to an astronomical size, more than 4 times larger than the planet. His skull was now ghastly, menacing, dark and stern, cracks only adding to his superlative creepy goodness. Around his neck was a demonic bell about the size of the earth. He spoke, but now...

*missing pages*

"Ask Not For Whom The Bell Tolls; It Tolls For Thee."