
Black phenom-the successor

A 23 year-old born ,descendent of the king of kowana land.After witnessing the brutal murder of his father decided to use his father's tech to create himself an invincible suit of armor to hunt down the culprits and bring peace to his dads resting soul. but on the way he finds love and embarks on a journey unlike the other............................

Melvino_Gawanab · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Black-phenom vs The musketeers

Wanda was on the search for the three men called the musketeers.Late at night Wanda was busy visiting an underground illegal fight club.

Wanda was busy watching the fights and also placed a bet.

The FBI suddenly came barging in and everyone in there ran out of the place.Wanda was arrested by the police,he tried his best to convince him that he did nothing.

After a day of investigation the police were ready to set him free.

A female detective walked up to him and said,"you shouldn't be in places like that".Wanda stared at the lady for a while and said thank you.

She was also about to leave.When they went out of the station Wanda didn't even know which way home was."Is the baby lost",asked the detective.Wanda replied",Yeah I'm new in the city".She offered him a ride home and they had quite a long chat in the car.

Wanda offered to buy her lunch someday and she agreed.He smiled for the first time in a while and immediately started planning for the date.

While all this was happening,the man Wanda had integrated gave The musketeers a call from the prison house to warn them about the threat that was coming their way.

Wanda went out on the date with the detective Emily and they had the best time of their lives.

Then came that moment where they had to share secrets.

She asked him to te her his biggest secrets and Wanda told her everything about the kings death and his conquest.She immediately started shivering and told him to stop or he'd get himself killed.

He took her home and headed home to rest.

The next morning He got a call from Emily's phone."listen! we have the girl and if you ever wanna see her again,come alone",said the anonymous voice.

Adrenaline started rushing through his veins.They texted him the adress.Yhat moment Wanda realized that there was only one of him and he was walking into war.

Finally he had found a purpose.He ran to Zeng Lo and told him about Emily and the kidnapping. Zeng Lo told him,"yes son,Finally you have found a purpose".

Zeng Lo and Wanda went to the place where Emily was being held captive.The musketeers were there and they asked loudly,"So you're the African kid who has come to aveng his fathers death"."Don't you dare speak of him said Wanda".Zeng Lo told Wanda he'd take care of the men.all Wanda had to do was find Emily and free her.

Zeng Lo was an old man but his fighting technique was very young.He beat up the musketeers and told them,"Go tell Edgard we're coming for him".

"Shall we start your training?" asked Zeng Lo.Wanda came to train with Zeng Lo every single night.He immediately became a fighting machine.They had drinks,and always sat down to have a chat.One day while they were having one of their usual chats,Zeng Lo asked Wanda when he was planning to tell Emily how he feels about her.Wanda denied that he had feelings for Emily,although it showed that he did care for her.

"So were those musketeers",asked Wanda.Zeng Lo told Wanda that the musketeers were not from earth,nor were they human.

The musketeers were shape shifting beings from another reality."They are here to search for the missing samples of the fountain liquid",said Zeng Lo.

The fountain liquid is only one if the red,purple,yellow,blue,orange,pink and the blue samples unite.

For as long as the fountain liquid is not one and contained.The balance between life and death shall be maintained.