1 Beginning Of The Story

Angga is a child who comes from a harmonious and happy family. Pride's father worked for a large company, while Angga himself attended high school.

Every morning he leaves with his father. Once upon a time, Pride's father was promoted to become a manager in a company where he worked. However, his success was disastrous for the angga family. Secretly, one of his co-workers is jealous of his success. He wants to try to overthrow him and replace his position as manager.

Angga's father did not realize that his best friend was the enemy in the blanket, he was always nice to him, he already considered his friend like his own brother.

Once upon a time, proud father overheard his friend's conversation with another employee. He vilified himself, and his father was annoyed and immediately approached him and then reprimanded him. But his friend did not accept the reprimand from angga's father.

Angga's father went home with a pale face, sad and disappointed.

"Tok tok tok ... Daddy is home!" Said the proud father.

"Why is your father's face so gloomy?

Not as usual, coming home from work

with a smile, "asked the mother.

"Yes, Ma'am, I have a problem at work, a friend who I think of as my brother

himself turned out to stab me in the back, "replied my father.

"Well, don't bother, maybe it's my father's trial, for the increase

rank, "said the mother encouragingly father.

The sun began to show its light, that morning my father got up

a weak, lethargic and lackluster face.

"How come my father's face is still limp and not excited, are you still thinking about it

father's friend? "asked the mother.

"No, I'm just feeling a little unwell," Dad replied.

"Maybe my father was tired because he was busy working. yes, dad doesn't have to work

first, it's better to just rest, my father will be sick again, "said the mother.

"Dad, it's okay. Said father.

"Never mind take a break, father's condition is not very good," said the mother.

"Yes, I called the office person first, saying that I didn't come in today," he said


Then Anggapun's father rushed into the room to rest.

"Where are you, Mom, why haven't you come out yet?" Asked angga.

"Your father is not feeling well," replied the mother.

"Is father really sick mom?" Asked angga.

"No, your father is just exhausted from being too busy at work," replied Mother.

"Oh, I hope you get well soon," said Anga.

Angga go to school. After school, angga asked again

to his mother.

"Mom ... How is father?" Asked Anga.

"Your father is still asleep not awake," replied the mother.

"Well, just let my father rest so he can get well quickly," said Angga

The next day Mango's father was still sick, his face was pale

his body was weak and his stomach was slightly bulging.

Angga asked his father.

"What's wrong with your stomach, why does it look a little enlarged, does your stomach hurt?"Anga.

"Father doesn't know either. Why is dad's stomach getting big like this, but stomach

ordinary father does not feel sick! "replied father.

After a few days, my father's condition was getting worse. The father angga's stomach got bigger, his face was getting paler, and often bleeding from his eyes, ears and nose. Once in a while, the father angga screamed in pain in his stomach

it was as if his stomach was alive and moving.

A few days later, his father died very tragically. Even though he was devastated by the death of his father, he became a gloomy and quiet child. He is no longer active as usual, always remembering the incident of his father's tragic death.

Since the death of his father, Anggapun continues to dream about his father if his father died unnaturally, Anga always dreams about his father, in his dreams Arangga's father continues to ask for help, Even if he is curious about his dream, what's wrong with his father.

Finally, Anggapun know why his father always asks for help in his dreams. But Anga doesn't believe that his father died because of black magic. After a while, Mango's mother died. Anga's condition is getting worse, almost every day Anga keeps on daydreaming, his relatives are confused, how to give advice

angga in order to accept the death of his father and mother.

The dream came again, my father said:

"Please. . .! please father, Anga. Release father from this suffering, "

Angga awakens from sleep and is pensive, Anga is increasingly confused by all of his dreams. He couldn't believe his dream.

"Maybe this is just a flower sleep." Said Anga in his heart because he kept daydreaming about his parents who had died in an unnatural way.

"Why can I dream like this?" Muttered in pride.

Anga started to find out, ten
