
Simple Ordinary Everyday Devil Lives

The void encompasses my surroundings, stretching as far as the eyes can see.

I attempted to move my hand, but nothing happened. As of right now, I am practically one with my surroundings.

"This is a dream, isn't it?"

I sighed as I heard the familiar voice.


"All right, what's next?"

S!ओolउieusरिrupऍpयोepपेनoओnयोyeस्ल्य्ep oaषेxर्स्alर्s!

"You know that I can't hear you?"


My brow would be twitching right now if I had one.

"That was an insult, wasn't it?"


I'll be honest: what I did next was not my proudest moment.

"All right, that was definitely laughter!"


"Like, seriously WHAT?!"

I said...

"I still don't know what you're saying!"

"I said wake up you idiot!"

The voice abruptly changed to that of one of a familiar agitated small girl.



Before I could fully rise from my bed, I was struck by a blunt object, and instinctively screamed the first word that came to mind.


"Language Nii-san."

I turned my attention to the much less irritated speaker, who was clutching one of my grandfather's old cranes.

"Ugh," I grumbled as I rubbed the spot my sister smacked me across the head.

Well, might as well get up…


I was now fully clothed in my uniform at the kitchen table, massaging the spot on my head where my sister had struck.

"Was that really necessary?" I had to ask.

My sister Kaho popped up from the kitchen with an unhappy expression on her face, wearing a Kouh middle school uniform under the apron.

"Well, it's not my fault; it's been nearly impossible to wake you up without resorting to violence since you came back," she responded with her remark.

I laughed and scratched my head, knowing there was nothing I could say in response.

"Don't hold it against me! Blame it on the devil genes, where a tan can mean the difference between life and death for a new devil!"

"It was also your turn to help Gengo up!" she exclaimed, turning to point the spatula she was holding at me, her grey eyes locked on mine.

"Ah, fu-"I quickly closed my mouth, withering under my sister's scowl "...crap."

She finally grumbled and turned away.

"I understand you have responsibilities as a student council member, but that doesn't excuse you from your responsibilities here!"

Those words made me stiffen

"I can't explain the reason why I was late was because I was hit by a blue freight train... "

I haven't told anything to my family about my new devil status because, while I don't think they'd mind… they already have a lot on their plates.

"So how is Gengo doing in preschool?" I ask, attempting to conceal my desire to change the subject.

Her flat expression indicated that I had failed, but she seemed to accept it as she returned to her cooking.

"Well, he appears to be doing well in terms of listening to teachers," she said, pausing to add, "but there is one problem..."

But before she could finish, we both turned to the stairwell and heard small footsteps. A young blonde boy dashed into the kitchen to greet us.

"Good morning, Nii-san and Nee-chan!!" We both returned Saji Gengo's, the youngest of the three of us, a smile.

"How are you doing, Gengo?"

"Hey, Gengo, did you finish preparing everything?"

In response to my question, he proudly crossed his arm.

"Yep! I didn't need either of you to help me with my clothes!"

My sister laughed, and I couldn't stop my grin from growing at his enthusiasm.

Like always when he's present, any tension between us dissipates.

"How's it going at school?"

He dashed up to the table to take a seat as my sister and I heard our youngest's school antics.

"Well first–!"


"Whew, just in time!" The devil looks down at his phone before turning around to face Kuoh Academy.

"Whenever I see this prestigious place, I tend to feel like I don't belong here..."

And he genuinely still believes it.

"Yo!" A tap on the shoulder snaps the young student out of his reverie.


He gave an understandingly lukewarm greeting due to it being the same person who had knocked him into next week; Tsubasa Yura who was also standing with their junior Ruruko Nimura.

With a friendly smile, the assailant extended her hand to greet the pawn.

Obviously, he responds by giving her the stink eye.

"Oh, come on, don't be like that," she said as she moved to his side, her face still a cat's grin despite what she was saying. "It's only natural for the knocker of the knockee to admire their handy work."

As she walked forward, Saji grunted and softly smacked the blue-haired girl on the shoulder, to which she responded with a hearty chuckle, as if she thought it was a humorous gesture

"Yura-senpai, you shouldn't bully Gen-Senpai like that." Finally, the first-year student addressed her senior to chide her.

The rook laughed again as she went further ahead, despite her junior's chastisement.

Ruruko groaned, "One of these days she'll learn to stop egging you on."

Saji took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"It's fine," he said, baffled, his fellow pawn was taken aback by his statement. "We both know it's better than keeping these feelings bottled up until we lash out at something."

After hearing his explanation, the twin tail girl closed her eyes for a second before turning and nodding to herself.

Yes, that is clever! You're really smart, bo-*ahem* She came to a halt and coughed in her hand while a tinge of red "Gen-Senpai."

"What was that all about?"


"So I'm guessing the voice in my head is only good for insults."


As any reasonable person would, the male devil ignores the voice in his head.

"Now that I think about it," he says to his fellow pawn, changing the subject, "why were you walking with Tsubasa?"

Said pawn blinked, surprised that this topic had not been discussed previously.

"Well, we do share a neighborhood."

"Does she live by herself?" The second-year inquired.


They were about to continue when they noticed a happy Tsubasa and a tearful Tomoe together, as well as Momo sighing in the distance.

"I wonder what's that about?" Saji asks this out loud as he and Ruruko dash up to the group.

As they approached, the twin tail girl called her senior.

"So, what's the deal?" She asked Momo, who for some appeared tired despite the fact that it was still early morning.

Momo turned to face her junior in response to the remark.

"Well…"Momo awkwardly trailed off.

Tsubasa took over and answered for Momo because she was apprehensive about answering.

"I came out with a cool 2000 yen!"

In response to those words, Tomoe groaned.

There were two reactions to that response. As Ruruko let out an oh, Saji's expression became even more perplexed.

"I didn't participate in it," she murmured, averting her gaze as if still guilty, "although Tomoe really didn't understand the significant disparity in the pieces' power."

Once he heard the pieces it clicked for Saji.

"Wait, you decided to gamble on our fight?" He then paused, more shocked than irritated, then realized something else: "wait, you betted on me?"

In response to the question, Tomoe regained her upbeat demeanor.

"Of course I bet on you, silly," she said, crossing her arms and puffing out her chest. "What kind of sensei am I if I don't?"

"Please stop calling me that."

"Ho ho ho, all in good time young child" the knight tried her best to sound like an old man.


Tsubasa pats the exhausted pawn on his back in response to his groan.

"Don't worry about your string arms; you'll get better. All you need are sit-ups, push-ups, and plenty of protein."

"Shove it."

To this, the rook placed her hand on her fellow demon's shoulder and stared him down with an unwavering straight face.

"It brings me no greater joy."

Saji gave her a look, his eye twitching as if to say that if she said anything else, he'd hit her right then and there, and she returned the stare, ready to accept the wager.

"Um, even though we are devils, nourishment is very important in our development ages." Tomoe nodded in agreement with Tsubasa's observation, completely unaware of the impending brawl.

Momo and Ruruko laughed at their three most colorful classmates' antics.

They didn't notice the two prying eyes of two women at the school gates, both in silence for different reasons, as they continued to banter.

One glance was emotionless, while the other was apathetic, acknowledging that they had done it to themselves.



"They don't know I can hear them?"

"I believe they don't Sona."



"They do know that gambling is illegal on school grounds?"

"Indeed, they do Tsubaki." The devil King's voice grew frosty every second.

After that, they remained in silence while their peerage made their way to the main gates until a certain bishop approached the gates.

"Well, isn't that a surprise it is unusual for all of them to arrive at the same time, Kai-?"

When Reya turned to see her president and ran towards the school, her words died in her mouth.

*Ahem* "I didn't see anything. I'm just getting ready for class." The bishop fled with a frozen expression on her face to hide her fear.

"You do so," Sona remarked as Tsubaki sighed again.

For the student council, it's just another day.


"Mmm! It's nice to get out of there!" Saji exclaims as he and Reya go down the sidewalk.

Reya agreed and offered him a grin.

She replied, "Outside of school?"

"No outside of the student council room!" He swiftly corrected the girl with the braided hair.

It was already evening because the school day had flown by. But it was what happened after that that made two students want to get out of there as soon as possible.

"Heh you got me there," the bishop said, unable to refute It, "even I was startled at how openly hostile she was about it."

"You can say that again…" The pawn's thoughts drifted back to a few hours ago.


It was just another day after school, and we were all on our way to the student council room as usual.

"Whew! Now that we've finished all of our boring schoolwork, it's time to move on to even more boring work!"

Me Momo and Nimura sighed in response to Tomoe's proclamation.

Tsubasa laughed despite her disdain for paperwork as she swung her arm around the knight and spoke.

"Yep, another arduous day of paperwork!"

The individuals behind them were not as thrilled as the two were laughing with each other.

"Momo… I have to ask; does it get any easier?" I murmured; my voice devoid of all energy.

"Not at all... All I have to say is that we're about to experience a change of pace "She responded with a tired tone as well.

We then both take a lazy glance at the two in front of us.

"I wonder where Tomoe gets so much energy from. "I couldn't help but ask.

Momo messes with her white hair in response to my question.

"You, me, and the entire universe," she answers.

I agreed with a grunt.

"Uwuuu... " Nimura was sobbing quietly to herself, clearly not as fond of this as we were. "Does Kenko go through all of this?" She muses to herself.

"Kenko? Oh yeah, Toujou she's part of the occult research club, right?"

Both of our questions were answered by Reya.

"Yes, Saji, but sadly Nimura, we got the short end of the stick because Rias can do much of the paperwork on her own."

Nimura sobbed again in response to the reply.

"From what I heard from Tsubaki when Gremory heard mention of the paperwork, she promptly chose the other option," Reya said, adding the shocking truth regarding the red hair.

"That sounds about right," Momo agreed, "it probably went over our King's head because she didn't realize her friend didn't want to do paperwork all day."

Yeah, I can see that.

"But now that you mention it, Kusaka, you don't seem too bothered by it?"

"Oh me? Well, I used to sort bills while working three jobs for two years until Sona shut that down, so I'm used to it."

Because of how casual she uttered it like it was no big deal, it took me a second to notice the ludicrous statement she spoke.

It seemed that only Nimura and I were unaware, based on our wide-eyed stares at her compared to Momo barely reacting to it.

I couldn't tell if she didn't notice or simply ignored us because she continued walking without saying anything.

We were already at the door of the student council room before we could get any answers.

Tomoe quickly grabbed it and swung it open.

"Hey, prez we're he-"

Kaichou appeared in front of the entrance, grabbed the knight's head, and magically electrocuted her before the red hair could finish her words.


All five of us stood there terrified while our king shocked Tomoe for 30 seconds without showing any emotion on her face, making it all the more horrifying.


Tomoe's face filled with smoke as she slumped to the ground as Sona let her go.

She then turns to us, as if she hadn't just cruelly punished a member of her peerage.

"Oh wow, look at that, it appears that Tomoe is unable to perform her student council obligations," she said flatly as she kicked the red hair to the side without even looking, only for Tsubaki to grab her and take her to a couch.

"It seems that we need someone to do her share of work. You'll do that won't you Tsubasa?"

The rook understood that the frozen tone of voice indicated there was no way to refuse.

"I–but you!– yes, Sona..." We watch as Tsubasa desperately tries to come up with an excuse, but in the end, she surrenders to her king.


They both quiver at the memory.

"She figured out that those two were gambling and was not happy," the pawn concluded his analysis of the situation.

"For one thing, I was relieved to have takeout duty two days in a row," Reya added.

Saji agreed with a nod.

"That room was so oppressive afterward," Saji continued, " everyone except Tsubaki wanted to leave as soon as they could. But the worst part is..." Saji sighs and averted his eyes to the side as he remembered something dreadful.

"She didn't even try to help her; she just left her there."

Reya finished his thought as she rubbed her brow.

"But damn that stench Tomoe gave off was revolting!"

Like Saji had said, because of the lack of healing, the knight reeked like a charred corpse, which was not pleasant, but no one wanted to do anything about it as they were afraid of the president.

"Mhm," Reya agreed, "I've heard that when treated properly, even a competent low-class devil can survive a direct lightning bolt with no apparent aftereffects," she concluded, holding her nose as she gagged at the thought.

"Of course, they excluded that," the male joked, "but wow, now that you mentioned it since I hardly feel any different than I did when I was human, I never realized how different being a devil really is." Saji couldn't help but exclaim.

"That doesn't change the fact that if we get hit by lightning, it will still hurt a lot," the bishop helpfully reassured the man, who twitched at the prospect.

"Duly noted," said the adolescent, half wheezing. "I hope to stay under Kaichou's radar so that I don't end up like that."

"Oh, that won't be a problem." "She only gets that physical with Tomoe," she explained, drawing a puzzled look from the pawn.

"Does this have a story behind this?" He was surprised that Tomoe was being singled out in this manner.

The braided hair girl tilted her head to the side, lost in thought. "I'm not sure about the details, but from what Tsubaki has told me, Tomoe was raised in a way that compelled her to rely on her own logic, making her difficult to reason with."

"I don't get it," the blond continues to be skeptical. "I mean, she's awful at teaching people because she can't explain things properly to save her life, but I wouldn't call her unreasonable."

The brunette simply shrugged. "You'll have to ask Tsubaki or Momo about it because, from what I've heard, she used to be a lot worse." Those two just accept it, and Tomoe doesn't seem to mind from what I've seen either.

He assumed a pensive pose, still perplexed by the new revelation. "It does seem that I still have a lot to learn about this peerage," he thought to himself aloud.

Reya responded with a well-intended chuckle, "you do that, but anyway we're here."

They both walk over to the store.

"Who decided on Chinese food?" Reya asks of her fellow devil.



As they entered the shop, the two engaged in more idle chatter. Their discussion ranges from the supernatural to the mundane as they wait for their food, and it persists even as they leave.

"It still doesn't explain why they all dislike being called by their last names, and never mind why Momo loathes that nickname," Saji spoke as he held the door open for Reya, and the two of them walked out holding food.

The girl winked and teasingly poked her tongue out as they went out of the establishment. "Sorry not my story to tell but I think only Momo will not give you a straightforward answer."

Saji scratched his head in response "well, if that's the case-".

They both turned to see a young male in a Kouh uniform sprint by them, looking as if he'd gotten a new lease on life. The boy had bolted for who knows where before anyone could say anything.

"Here one minute, gone the next..." Reya spoke to herself as she stared at the boy, who was getting smaller by the second.

"Well, that was rude," her friend murmured before realizing, "Hey, wasn't that-"

"Hyoudou Issei 2nd year of Kouh" as the blue headband girl finished her sentence Saji's expression soured.

"Oh him," the blonde grumbled, his contempt for his fellow man obvious in his tone of voice.

"Oh my," Reya exclaimed, putting her hand over her mouth as if surprised, "what do you have against him?"

With his blank expression, he knew she already knew the answer, but he went along with it. "I mean, why wouldn't I have a grudge against him? The dude is an enemy of women and gives all men a bad name."

"I think it's kind of cute," she said, causing the pawns to look at her as if she had grown a second head.

"Cute? That guy is literally one step away from being a sex offender, cute my ass" Saji spits out the retort.

It was at this point that the girls' demeanor turned into something a little more sinister.

"So, you don't think the same way he does, Gen-kun?"

At the unusual nickname, the male teen stiffened.

"No!" I am nowhere even close to the Three Stooges!" He retaliated even more forcefully than before.

"Oh, really now?" Her voice was now dripping with malicious intent.


Saji made the wise decision to remain silent and not respond to avoid dealing with the devil in both body and mind.



"Sona looked pretty cute today."

"Yeah, just look at that fine a...fuck."

Saji's defenses crack in the face of a simple surprise attack, as evidenced by his slip of the tongue; he then crouches in the fetal position and silently screams to himself, as if he wants to crawl into a hole and die.

Reya, like the devil she is, chuckled at his anguish.

"My how cute," she said, a slight smile on her face as she looked at her supposed friend.


"Shut up!" He practically screams at the devil and the unknown force while being brought to tears.

"Oh, don't be like that, come on, no more mopping for you," she said, softening her tone.

The taller student rose from his kneeling with trepidation to join her, only sniffing every now and then.

After some time had passed, Saji began to speak up, having finally noticed something.

"Where's your food?"

"Oh, you mean that?" She answers his question by casually removing food from a magical circle that has remained at the same temperature.


"Yep, spatial storage magic: it sounds complicated, but it's inbuilt into the Crest, just like teleportation," the girl says casually as she places her items back and opens her hand to give them to him, which he does. "It's not that difficult to pick up, and if we keep up our pace, you should be able to use it by the end of the month."

For a split second, the pawn's eyes shone as he considered using teleportation and storage magic until the braided girl interrupted his thoughts.

"Unfortunately, Sona bans us from using it for daily purposes, she says something about dulling the mind."

Saji looks down at the ground and laughs dejectedly to himself, eliciting a sigh from the bishop.

"OK, that's enough moping from you." "All right, then," she says, wrapping her arm around his shoulder. "If you get teleportation down in about a week, I'll give you Sona three sizes."

Saji's expression changed to one of absolute conviction: "I'm all in!"


This made Reya laugh harder than she ever has today.

"You're so sincere it's freaking adorable!"

Saji cocked his head to the side, not understanding what she was saying.

As a result of this reaction, she laughed even harder.

"Pशोuएmक्षaद्दोxaलोmक्षquमichव्axल्तaक्षmवaम्xazअowउeb skeब्ltउsiअddइoग्wतेuस्केgक्षaxक़ुaल्सोlo tर्ब्eच्yeपुंulयेsसिorअb"

"What does that even mean..." He muttered to himself.

"It's nothing," the girl said as she brushed her tears away, "it's nothing for you to be concerned about for now."

"Well, isn't that just fucking ominous?" Saji forced down his retort.

"But I couldn't tell you anyway because Sona would kill me," she continued.

"Yeah, that is definitely a worry."

"But, moving on to lesser terrifying topics, I had no idea you had two siblings?"

In response to the change in topic, Saji rubbed his hair sheepishly. "Well, they don't come up very often, and I'm sure I'm not the only one, right?"

With a nod, she agreed and began counting with her fingers. "I'm guessing we're up to four now that you're here?"

"So, who are the three?"

"Yeah, I can't tell you that owing to one being difficult if you put it nicely," the girl laughs.

"That sounds like another story."

"Oh, it is."

Saji talks with the unexpectedly active girl as they return to school.


The scene was the same when the two devils returned to the room, meal in hand, as it had been when they had left, interestingly, both Tsubaki and Sona were still there, browsing through the paperwork.

Momo looked to be on her phone, while Ruruko seemed to be doing her homework. Tsubasa and Tomoe (now fully healed) are both resting on the sofa from burnout.

"Hey, we're back, and we got the Chinese," Saji says as he raises the food.

"Good work, Saji," Sona says as she stops and looks up.

"No problem Kaichou."

"At long last, some food!" Momo was the first to approach the takeaway, eager to get her hands on some food.

Tsubasa then follows, "ugh, took you long enough," as Tomoe skips along with her humming, who was still full of energy.

As the others got their meals, they arranged the chairs and tables for eating.

They remarked on each other's days and made short quips to each other as they ate.

After they finished and emptied the garbage, as many left for their own reasons, this only left the bishops and pawns.

Momo then draws attention to herself by clapping her hands together. "Alright, I think it's time for us to begin our lessons. Reya, you're with Nimura, and I've got Saji, correct?"

Her fellow devils agreed with a nod.

"OK, let's go—" the white-haired girl pauses before turning to face the other bishop.

"Who's turn is it to take to the gym?"

"Yours, Momo," Reya says, amused by her friend's flub.

"Ehehehe right," she chuckles, her cheek flushed, "then let's get out of here, Saji!"

"Got it."

As he responded, the two-second years walked out of the student council room and toward the gymnasium.

While they were walking, Saji spoke up. "Why does Sona insist on us being in separate rooms?"

"She says it's bad for humans to learn magic together in the early stages because it can cause inferiority complexes when they start comparing each other and hinder their development."

As they walked, they talked casually until they arrived, at which point the training began.



"Come on, you can do it!"


"Yes, that's it!"


An orb of purple energy the size of his head appeared above his palm.

"Now let it fly!"

As Momo screamed, Saji turned the orb towards the target and stabilized his hand with his other hand.


At these words, he launched the purple sphere into the air, and as it flew towards its destination, it quickly faded into nothing.

The sight of the dissipating orb made the boy and girl collapse on the ground exhausted.

"Can we please not do that again? I understand that shouting for two minutes isn't difficult on our lungs, but it sure as hell is exhausting." Saji eventually spoke up while still lying on the floor.

"Agreed," she said as she stood up, "so two out of three shots hit, but they all lost volume before," he groaned at the sound of analytical analysis.

"Don't I stink?" As he got his back off the floor, he asked the bishop.

Momo replied with an ambiguous "yes, from a certain perspective."

"Don't even attempt to sugarcoat it!" Momo rolled her eyes in his direction as he snapped back angrily.

"So much for Tsubaki's words..." Saji recalled as he thought back to his first magic lesson.


"So? What exactly do I have? Is it a one-of-a-kind or one-of-a-kind element?!"

I was practically bouncing in and out of my chair as Tsubaki stared at the outcome of my magic evaluation on a sigil.

"Huh," as Tsubaki said these words, I knew the outcome wouldn't be good.

"W-what is it?" I said, hesitantly.

Kaichou was the one who responded as she looked around.

"None," she said flatly, breaking my heart as I collapsed to the floor, tears in my eyes.

"Uuuu… So, I can't do magic?"

The vice president's eyes widened, and he quickly corrected me.

"What? No! Don't be so direct with him, Sona."

"Well, he shouldn't be jumping to conclusions," she said quickly, turning the situation into a teaching moment.

I laughed and rubbed my head. "I'm sorry, Kaichou."

"Like always try to avoid the blame" after my apology Tsubaki muttered something I couldn't hear as she pushed up her glasses and continued. "What she was implying was that you lacked any exceptional abilities."

Despite the fact that she chastises Sona, Tsubaki is just as harsh as she is!

As a result, her response did not improve my mood. "Isn't it just a fancy way of saying I'm terrible?"

"I'm amazed it's so close to the center; it's unlike anything I've ever seen," Sona commented.

"You're not helping, Sona." Tsubaki's statement surprisingly silenced Kaichou, then she looked me in the eyes and said, "Your average aver-rage got it?" As she waved her finger in front of me, I nodded somewhat baffled by the action. "That means you can perform everything at an expected level with no flaws." We were only surprised because you are so average on a mechanical level."

"Mechanical?" I blurted out.

Tsubaki examined the result as if it were a problem to be solved. "It's as if a computer gave you the most average magical capability." She sighed and shifted her weight back into her chair. "Well, regardless," the speaker adds, "it doesn't change anything."

"That means?" Hearing that almost made me jump out of my chair.

Kaichou eventually spoke up, using a rare simile to express herself. "Yes, you will begin magic training next week, as soon as Reya and Momo have free time for you two."


"I was ecstatic at first when I created my first orb, but apparently that's all there is to it." Interrupting his thoughts, Saji's fellow devil smacked him across the head as he was grumbling to himself.

"Ow! What is that for?! " Yells the blonde angrily at his assaulter.

At the complaint, the white-haired girl gave him a serious look. "Have you had your fill of self-pity?"

"Hey, I don't-" The pawn abruptly ended his argument at one look of the bishop and changed his response to, "OK, I do mope a lot."

Momo huffed again as his gaze shifted away from her, and she sank to his level. "Now, do you recall how demonic power operates?" "You collect demonic power by drifting the aura that covers your entire body," she said as he nodded. She began by gently holding Saji's hand and gliding her finger up his arm as if reflecting his spirit. "In contrast to magic, demonic strength is fueled by imagination and manifested thoughts." Momo smiled brightly as she rested her hands on the befuddled boy's shoulder. "Everyone has an idea; it's more about finding a trigger than it is about talent. So don't be concerned." She then made a small fire by clasping her palms together. "All you need is a good push if you concentrate and feel the surge of demonic power."


Because of how unexpectedly close he had been to a female, this was all Saji could say at the time, and the next words came unexpectedly for both of them.

"You smell nice…"

She turned a bright scarlet red and pushed him to the ground almost instantly.


"Don't say that out of the blue! It's weird!"

"But it's true though?"

"That's not the point!" exclaims the speaker. She screams, her face red and determined.

He only nodded, perplexed, until he realized, "so this isn't magic?"

She gave him a puzzled look, surprised by the sudden change of pace. "Hm? Yeah, it isn't." Momo then averts her gaze, sighing, "and before you ask, that's more in Reya's wheelhouse to teach."

Saji chose to move on, recognizing that this was a touchy subject. "You mentioned it before, but who is worse than me?" He asked as he rose from the floor.

"Tsubasa," she said, giving him a sidelong glance, "from your expression you're not surprised."

Saji shrugged, and she grumbled in response; to him, it was only natural that the one who was most like him would have the same problems.

"What you were doing two weeks ago took her two months."

Then she got the expected response.

"Really?" Saji gave her a look that made his eyes widen as if she wasn't telling the truth.

"Yep, after teaching Reya, it was extremely jarring to deal with that, anyway, with it just being me and her, we had to just leave it to the pres and Tsubaki," she nodded, understanding his surprise. "It still took her a year to understand teleportation and the fundamentals," she reflected.

"Damn well, that makes me seem like a whiny bitch," Saji said, recognizing how she had interpreted his previous acts.

"Obviously," she flatly stated.

"How about Tomoe?" He spoke, assuming that the group's most eccentric member was also having difficulty.

"Oh her?" Her mood had dipped once more when she said that. "Completely self-taught. I'm not sure how she did it, but she vanished for a week and returned fully trained! They're all geniuses, I swear..."

When the white-haired girl realizes she's shouting in an unusual manner and Saji is staring at her, she coughs into her hand.

"Anyway," she perked up and pointed at him, her face flushed, as if nothing had happened in the previous few seconds. "Back to work!"

Seemingly all better from before Saji pumped his fist and gave her a determined look. "You bet!" exclaimed the pawn, and training resumed.


"So? How are things going for you two?"

In response to Sona's question, Momo and Reya both sigh loudly.

There were only three of them in the student council room at the time; everyone else had gone home.

She simply asked, indifferent to their distress. "Is it really that challenging?"

The one with more experience teaching Momo responded, but her habit of not looking her in the eyes reared its ugly head. "It's not difficult in and of itself; it's just that coming after Reya and then Tsubaki is jarring."

She knew exactly what she meant because she was one of her closest friends.

"So, you're just being lazy," Sona stated.

"Hang on a minute, I never said that!" The white-haired bishop shook his head, flatly denying it.

Without missing a beat, her king replied, "But you thought it."

"All right, I did," Momo admitted.

"I just don't think I'm cut out to be a teacher..." Reya was the one who finally spoke up.

The Sitri heir gripped her head and spoke to the protesting duo. "At the very least, could you tell me what the problem is with the two?"



Sona gave them a stern, deadpan gaze in response to their silence.

"It's Saji, isn't it."

This was a statement rather than a question.

"Nimura is fine; she knows everything and could have been a bishop, but Saji..." Reya wandered off, trying to think of a nicer way to put it.

Momo, on the other hand, stepped into the conversation.

"He has the Tsubasa problem, though not as severe."

Sona let out a small oh of realization.

This so-called Tsubasa problem is an incompatibility with devil powers, not in terms of being too weak, but rather of thinking. This is frequently the result of a hazy understanding of the supernatural or simply a very grounded attitude.

"It doesn't matter if it's me or Reya; everything moves at a snail's pace "Momo concluded bitterly that the idea of her abilities not being good enough was never one she enjoyed.

Reya responded with a hollow laugh "What can we do? While I think he'll be alright, it's doubtful he'll be able to use his own teleport circle anytime soon.

Sona closed her eyes, huffed, and waved them away as she considered the outcome.

"It's fine. It is not necessary for him to learn self-teleportation at this time; simply continue to teach as you see fit the two you are dismissed."

They both bowed professionally when they heard those words.

"Yes, Kaichou," the two bishops said and then they walked out of the room.

Once she was left all alone, she let out a small sigh and leaned back in her chair, but before she could think, a magical circle appeared in her ear, to which she gave a blank stare to no one, and then proceeded to activate it.

"Rias, what do you want?" Sona answered the magic phone in a bored tone, to which another girl's voice responded.

"Oh, don't be like that, Sona."

In response to the redhead's teasing voice, the student council president held in a small groan.

The territory's co-owner laughed as if she had overheard it.

"Relax, I'm just here for the monthly update, Sona," she clarifies.

"Oh, that was today." To save face, Sitri said it in his head but not out loud.

Sona decided to bring up a certain subject since it's important to their jobs while they were discussing their responsibilities for the previous month.

"So, how's the crow issue?"

Rias' tone shifted from lighthearted to serious in response to her question.

Rias began to explain as she let out a sigh.

"Nothing right now; it appears that they are waiting for something, and because they haven't done anything, we lack the necessary smoking gun. Because this is such a delicate situation, the only way to proceed is to wait."

Sona then lets out her own sigh as she taps her temples in irritation.

"Will you need help when the time comes?"

The Gremory heir remained silent for a brief moment in response to her question.

"That will be unnecessary. "My cute peerage can handle it and has nothing to worry about," Rias concluded, her tone brightening.

This time, Sona didn't hold back and groaned when she heard peerage.

"Oh, come on, I just mentioned them until now!" Rias grumbled.

Sona rolled her eyes as she heard red hair pouting over the sigil.

Rias decided to switch topics after realizing she isn't getting anywhere.

"So, how do you like your new pieces? "Come on, tell me who it is," you said a few months ago when you met someone interesting.

Not minding the change in pace, Sona responded. "Well, Nimura is a very good child who, aside from being a little wound up, isn't notably special, which makes what she did remarkable in and of itself."

"Wasn't Nimura the one who caught you using magic?"

Rias' statement elicited a nod from Sona, who was unafraid to admit it. To be honest, the red hair was so taken aback that she didn't even think about teasing it.

Sona felt the same way, and instead of wiping her memories, she promptly added her to the peerage, refusing to give up such a gift.

"How about the other?" Her tone piqued with interest."The boy."

It was now Sona's turn to be quiet. Given that she has kept a tight lip on him for a long time and even though she has informed her about the four evil pieces, it is understandable that her best friend is interested in him.

"He's... hardworking, endearing if not self-deprecating, and a little too enthusiastic about things, but I think he's truly special."

Rias snorted and began to tease her about her comments.

"Oh, don't tell my best friends in love?"

"No, it's nothing like that" she waved it off. "Call it a hunch but… there's something inside telling me he won't let me down and I'm choosing to bet on that."


"Line up!"

With those words, a black lizard-like gauntlet appeared on his arm, shooting a purple tongue at his intended target. Unlike the orb, the line pierced the soda can and then retracted back to him.

Saji Genshirou was on his knees, sweating profusely, even more than when he was fighting Tsubasa, although he was only wearing sweatpants and a shirt.

Even though it was nearly midnight and dark outside, he kept going, taking full advantage of the devil's endurance. He stood up straight and exhaled, as he always did, to prepare another set of targets.

When he wasn't studying or eating, he did this almost every day. This is all he does in the middle of the night to practice with his sacred gear. He's working extra hard to make up for lost time because he couldn't do it yesterday due to being late.

Two words come to mind as he erects yet another set of target cans.

"Don't stop," they repeated over and over as if reciting a Buddhist prayer.

"Line up!!"

He wasn't doing it for the sake of fame or glory, nor might or power.

"Line up!!!"

It was a simple expression of gratitude.

"Goooohhh! Line up!!!"

This young man was moved by his gratitude for the woman he loves. He sees it as an unfathomable debt that he will never be able to repay.

"Line, line... Up!!!!"

As a result, he'll continue marching forward, never looking back, destroying everything in his path.

Even if the thing in question is himself.

However, someone opposes this thought.


The only acknowledgment he showed towards the vice was a brief pause before returning to his workout, completely ignoring it.


He said quietly, "Shut up," but both of them knew the voice in question heard him.

"gलूeक,fयोufउonअpन्द्tईgबोpतःhlcक्नोueवeयोokउ'रे बुuर्नि'nन्गuयोRउgर्सेdल्फ़्eओmउiत्d."

Between gasps, the pawn began to speak more clearly.

"Hah… hah… I'm not sure what you're saying, but I can take a guess."


It was one of the few times the two could talk, as he used the silence as his opportunity to continue.

"However, I will never, ever give up because this is the only way for me."

"...षुइत् योउर्सेल्फ़्, my foolish master."

It's impossible to say whether he was aware of the unusual clarity of the voice because he returned to his training as if nothing had happened.