
Black dragon of hate _ High School DXD Fanfic

I don't have rights to Highschool DXD. Or for a photo. Read and you will find out.

Kriuswer · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


When we appeared in our apartment. It was already night. Clearly we got off at this meeting. Rias said she was going to take a shower. And let me make the bed. Without going to bed I went to the bedroom and did what she asked for. It took me a while. With nothing to do, I undressed and lay down on the bed. For some time, mainly because of Rias. And that he sleeps naked always. I also gained this habit, thanks to the daily action with Rias. After a few weeks, our relationship begins to develop even more.

[Author: I already translate. In one chapter, I mentioned "a few weeks later". Yes. I think it was the time after Asia's re-launching. This chapter will help you understand this a bit. And what the relationship between Krius and Rias looks like. Because it may seem that their relationship is fast. I hope this chapter helps.]

Our relationship officially developed when I came to Asia as my new servant. Rias saw me revive her and what emotions accompanied her. Rias saw how I took care of her when I returned to the club. Among other things, she saw how I explained Asia what the world really looks like. And who she became. Rias saw my sensitive and caring side. And considering that at that time she didn't know much about my good and bad sides.

Another situation that brought us closer was our conversation. Which took place after Asia accepted her fate and who she is. We talked in the park which was close to school, I just sent Issei home after training. Saying I have to do something.

Our conversation took place at the playground. In the place where my trainings with Issei take place.

At that time we talked about many topics, including the progress of other club members, how the club looks and the like. But when we finished talking about things that were obvious, I mean about things that have recently happened. I want to get to know her better. I started asking her for more private things. I started with small things like family relationships. She told me that her relationship with her parents was not bad. However, they gave her a good impression when it comes to education and learning magic. I told her that I had the same. With the difference that only my mother gave me an impression. Because my father died shortly after my birth. Rias grew slightly sad at that. So I continued quickly.

I told her what my childhood looked like. About how my mother gave me magic lessons every day. And about my teachers who my mother hired would teach me.

Although it was the norm. In aristocratic families of high-blooded pure devils. Heirs from birth are treated differently than in other cases. The heads of the family attach great importance to this.

Rias told me her childhood relationship with siblings and parents. She told me a lot of funny and sad stories. At the end of our conversation, Rias told stories about how the Gremory Family gocila the Feniks Family. For diplomatic purposes. They probably infected their relationship then. Which I'm going to prevent. Rias told me how Riser was shivering and teasing her during a communication party. Riser chewed at her with food, pinched it and the like. After all, they were still children.

Rias told me that it always happened when they saw each other. RIas, she didn't like Riser. Not only because he was tormenting her. But because over the years he became perverted and tried to get to her. And that was one of the reasons Rias studied in the human world. And not like Riser in hell. When Rias finished talking about her relationship with Riser, I saw sadness on her face. And it's big. At that time I didn't know that it was all about Riser getting married. And then the first breeds hugged her.

Rias's reaction was lovely. She blushed and showed a lovely mine. Which made me smile. Hugging Rias, I whispered in her ear, "Don't worry anymore, I'm here now." And nobody touches you. "I wanted to tell her this in a manly way. But I don't think I did it. Because Rias giggled. And she hugged me back. Although we knew Rias quite briefly at the time. But for some reason we felt in our presence. so comfortable that without any objections. We told each other everything, which usually should not take place.

Then I added oil to the fire. When in the club I decided that Asia would live with me. Rias must have burst out of jealousy. It was visible on her face. And it was really cute. And I think then rias understood that he likes me. And that's why she is jealous. Best of all, I liked her since I saw her, but I didn't show it back then.

When I introduced Asia to my home. I wasn't surprised that Rias came with the suitcase to me. When Rias said she would live here. I didn't know what to say at the time, but this fact made me very happy. For who would not want such beauty live with you.

And after Rias moved in. And after what happened that memorable night. Our relationship began with a bang. I literally remember today. I felt that I didn't need anything more.

When our relationship officially began, we started going on dates and the like during breaks from the obligations imposed on us by the club and school. In the meantime me and Rias were more and more close to each other. We made everyday sex easier. And it lasted longer and longer.

Relations between me and Rias have grown more and more. Because of the time spent together. At school, at the club, on dates. But the biggest impact on our relationship had the situations that took place in our apartment. I am not talking only about hot sex in the bedroom. But about the situations in which we cooked together, we cleaned up. Did we watch TV together. Takei simple deeds that require an apartment together brought us closer together. I wonder how it will go on.

When I finished my memories, Rias came into the bedroom. Which pounced on me. And we know what happened next.

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I hope this chapter has shed some light on MC's relationship with Rias. Although it seems to me that I gave too little in it.

Thanks for reading.

I await comments.

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