
Black dawn

When Jae's daughter passes away and his wife leaves him, nothing but revenge boils through his body. But not only that, he's depressed. He was not able to save his daughter and he could not prevent that his wife wouldn't leave him. Was it all his fault then? But when he goes on a foreign mission with his squad, he may or may not have found a way to have his revenge.

Fallenluna · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


<i>I am really going to kill him.</i>

That's the only thought that went through Jae's mind as he saw that the men got acquitted. His jaw set and his hands clenched to fists as he saw how the men stood up, thanked the judge and then left the courtroom. He looked a little anxious to Jae but quickly walked away. Jae just sat there, in his black suit and angry mood.

'Sir, you can leave the room now.', the judge told Jae as he stood up as well. Jae stood up, bowed his head slightly to the judge politely and then walked out of the room. Everyone else stood up as well, turning to leave the room.

Within seconds, Jae was wearing his coat again and was standing outside. He looked around, but sadly enough, he couldn't see the man anymore. He must have run away because he knew Jae would be coming for him. He sighed. Out of his pocket, he fished a cigarette and a lighter and light the cigarette in his hand. He inhaled and then blew out a cloud of smoke.

'Hyung, are you okay?', Jae turned his head to see his college and a good friend of his. Quinn came walking to him. His hands were in his pockets so you couldn't see his tattoos. His slightly long black hair fell messily on his head. He looked very intimidating with his height and muscles which you clearly could see through his clothes, but he was just a very nice and soft person - always checking up on Jae when he felt down. Jae scoffed and rolled his eyes, bringing the cigarette back to his lips.

'How do you think I feel?', Jae asked before clamping the cigarette between his lips again.

'I don't know.', Quinn said. 'That's why I'm asking you.' Jae rolled his eyes as he looked at the road. A few cars were speeding down the street, but they stopped as a girl crossed the road. Jae looked at the girl.

'I feel awful.', Jae mumbled. 'He should be in jail.'


'He should be!', Jae shouted, turning toward his younger friend. 'He killed her! He killed my daughter! H-he killed... he killed my baby...' Jae threw his cigarette on the ground and covered his eyes with his hands, turning away from Quinn. 'I'm sorry...',

'Don't worry.', Quinn said, placing a hand on his shoulder. 'I understand.' Jae smiled weakly and removed his hand from his eyes, wiping a tear away. 'Are you coming back to the station soon? It's getting boring without you.' Jae snorted.

'And solving murders isn't fun enough for you?', Jae asked with a raised eyebrow.

'Not if you aren't there.', Quinn smiled. Jae rolled his eyes but smiled anyway.

'Is...- ehm... Is Mavi still there?', Jae asked hesitantly. He really didn't want to be a jealous ass, but he couldn't help it really. Quinn opened his mouth to answer, but he didn't know how to put it in a fine way.

'She is there, but she's working on a case, so she won't bother you.', Quinn finally said. Jae nodded.

'I've seen her enough for the next couple of weeks...', Jae mumbled. Quinn nodded and patted his shoulder.

'Good luck, mate.',

Jae smiled at Quinn but then took off. He walked down the street until he reached his car. He stepped in and started the engine while putting on his seatbelt. After that he left, making his way to the city hall.

As he arrived, his stomach turned. Outside of the building stood two women hand in hand. One of the women looked a little uncertain, while the other looked very confident standing there. Jae stepped out of his car and walked toward the two.

'Oh, Jae...', the uncertain looking woman noticed Jae as first. 'You're here...'

'I'm on time, Rose.', he said bluntly. The other woman eyed him warningly, making Jae roll his eyes. 'Let's go in, I want to go home.'

The minutes passed quicker then he expected. The first second he walked into the building, the second he was sitting with a pencil in his hand staring at a divorce-paper. And the end two signatures were required; one of him, and one of his wife - which will be his ex in just a few seconds. After staring at the paper for just a few other seconds, he placed the pencil down on the paper and scribbled his signature.

Jae didn't really listen to the man in front of him, he just stared and nodded a bit. A little irresponsible, but he just didn't care anymore. When Rose and Mavi stood up, Jae did as well and shook the man's hand before leaving.

The walk through the city hall was silent and awkward. Rose was walking with Mavi - her girlfriend now - and Jae was walking with his hands shoved in his pockets, not really paying attention.

'Where were you this morning?', Jae then asked, turning to look at Rose, who looked a bit scared at Jae. 'At the court.'

'I- I told you I wouldn't come.', she mumbled. 'I didn't want to be involved.'

Jae halted in his steps, looking in disbelief at his ex.

'You didn't want to be involved?', he repeated. Rose nodded, shuffling a little closer to Mavi. 'Rose, it was because of Liv! That guy deserves to be in jail!'

'The crash was an accident.', Mavi stepped in. 'He did not do it on purpose and that's why he got acquitted.'

'I don't think I asked you something.', Jae snarled. 'Why, Rose? Just- why? It was your daughter too! Why! A-aren't you sad? She died! She isn't with us anymore!'

'It's something we should leave behind us.', Rose spoke - her voice monotonous. 'It happened, and we can't do anything anymore, sweethe-'

'Don't call me that!', Jae spat, stepping closer to the woman. 'You've ruined so much for me! But not showing up for the court...- you weren't even there at your funeral! She was your daughter too!' Mavi quickly pulled rose behind her and stood tall in front of Jae. 'And now she.', Jae continued, gesturing at Mavi. 'What have I done to you, rose? Why don't you choose for me? I've done everything for you and you just drop me. Why her?!' Rose shuffled more closer to Mavi.

'I don't know...', she whispered. 'She just takes my breath away and-' Jae rolled his eyes.

'I can't believe you.', he said through gritted teeth. 'I just...- fuck!'

He turned around and quickly walked to the exit, almost running to his car and jumped in. He closed the door with a slam and buried his face in his hands.

It had been a rough few months for Jae. First, he had to witness how his daughter got hit by a car and had died right on the spot. He remembered how her lifeless body felt in his arms as he tried to wake her, how her eyes just stared in the air and looked unfocused, how he had tried to talk to her to wake her up, but nothing helped. She had died right there. A few days later, at her funeral, his wife hadn't appeared. A few days later he got why she wasn't there - she was with her new girlfriend. And she didn't want to be with Jae anymore. She just wanted to be with her. The worse thing was that her new girlfriend was one of Jae's colleagues. So he saw her every day at work. The last few days he tried to get the guy who had hit his daughter in prison, but today he got acquitted.

He felt so sad. About everything. His wife, daughter, he really had nobody at this point. Since he was always busy he didn't have many friends. He always relied on his wife, but that wasn't an opportunity anymore. The only friend he had was Quinn - also a colleague of him.

He raised his head from his hands to look outside. He just realized that his cheeks were wet of tears. He must look pathetic to everyone who walks past him. He full-grown man crying in his car because of the events in his life. He looked like a teenager. He looked outside to see Mavi and Rose walk out of the city hall and down the street to Mavi's apartment - where Rose now lived. He looked at them for a few moments, then started his car and drove to his house.

When he arrived and walked in, he could hear in his mind what usually would happen.

<i>'Daddy!! You're home!' His five-year-old daughter Liv came waddling to him as Jae kicked his shoes out.</i>


<i>'Hi, baby.', Jae chuckled as he lifted her up and turned around with her in his hands. She would always scream with laughter as he did that, and after that, she would give him a big kiss on the cheek.</i>


<i>'I missed chu.', Liv said, poking his cheek.</i>


<i>'I missed you too love.' Jae said while carrying her into the house.</i>


<i>'How was work?', Rose would always ask, already making dinner.</i>

<i>'It was fine.', Jae said, putting Liv down so she could play again. He walked to Rose to also kiss her on the cheek. 'But I'm happy that I'm home.'</i>

Jae stared at the kitchen. That would never happen again. Instead of making dinner, Jae walked upstairs. He changed into comfortable clothing and fell onto his bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

I hope you liked the first chapter! If you have any thoughts about the story i'd really like to know! I love seeing comments!! <3

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