
Chapter three

Chapter 3

"Do you guys trust me?" Alice asked, they all nodded "ok." Alice said and walked into the one on the right. It is a forest that looks like beautiful vines everywhere, trees that reach the sky "Wow," Sophia said, "it is just the right place for me. Too bad I'm only level16." "We could save a gem," Alice said, then her expression changed and yelled "dogge!"They did, and just then, a monster that looked like a bird flew over their head, missing them just a little. Charlotte put her hand together this time she increased the speed on everyone, strength on Alice that is all sense she is only level 20. Iris raised both of her hands, her eyes shining blue, and a doorway appeared. A bird-like monster flew out and picked up Alice who had pulled out Alex, Sophia summoned veins which were trying to trap the spider. Alice jumped down from the bird and slashed at the spider as the bird also charged, its beak was sharp and made a tiny hole on the spider, Alex also left a mark. The spider broke the cage of vanes, and spit out a spider web, Sophia summoned a vein and pulled Alice back and the spider web hit her hair. "That is it." Alice closed her eyes and when they opened again they were shining gold. Will only Iris and Alice know that, had used her power to stop time and she let Iris stay with her because she can also attract. "That is your power? It is so cool." Iris said "yea, I can know what will happen 5 min later and stop time but because I'm only level 20," she said as she kept slamming at the monster. "There is only one more person that I can bring. It is pretty much dead." "how do you know?" "Because its head is off." 

"You two have to explain why its head just fell off." Sophia said as she was trying to pull out the gem, "We will, when you get that gem off, that is 10 points." They did after Sophia pulled out the gem. Sophia looked surprised but not Charlotte, Charlotte had seen Alice use her power before, she was just sitting on the ground meditating. That is what Charlotte does whenever she has time. Alice looked at her and said "we can rest here, this is the hardest one, I'll be on duty now and then Sophia, Iris, lastly Charlotte." Sophia and Iris nodded and started meditating as well.

There are not many more monsters that come around that day, only small ones that Alice can kill by herself, and to her surprise, she meets a monster that can control time. It has the ability to stop time, but because Alice and also stop time, Alice easily killed it, then she called Sophia and started meditating with the gem. It was hard, it feels like something in your body wants to get out, trying to break free, she has to use her energy value to keep it steady. Time passes, it takes what seems forever. Then, the thing seemed to disappear and she opened her eyes and saw Sophia. Sophia told her that Charlotte had taken her turn and also found a gem of healing power, and they will continue when she wakes. Charlotte doesn't look like she is struggling, just calm, Alice saw that there is blood on her shirt. "How many points do we have right now?" There is a pile of gems on the ground, most of them are 5 points, one 10 points from Iris and two 20 points. One of them is from the spider, one is from someone, Iris doesn't know, but whatever. It has to be over 70 points. "It is definitely enough." Iris said, then there was a flash of light and Charlotte stood up. Alice smiled at her sister and said "Come on, let's go back. We only spent one day, I want to stay in our room for two days. let's see what will happen in five minutes."

Just then a few shadows jumped down from the trees and a boy's voice said "Not so fast." There were seven kids that made two rooms and before they could dodge they were surrounded. "Give us all your gems and we'll let you go." the boy who seemed to be the leader said. "You are from the school! how can you do this, it is not fair!" Iris said "Oh, she just said 'it is not fair', how cute" the boy that is the leader mimicked and it brought up some laughter, "nothing is fair here, didn't you hear the principle? You can kill each other?" Iris looks at Alice like she is about to cry, but Alice is not looking up, what the boy said brings back her memory. No, she said to herself, not that, she nodded and pulled out her sword. Charlotte increased the speed on everyone again and strength, Iris and Sophia got a new increment, energy value, it was Charlotte's new increment for level 20, But there is no time for amazement, Alice charged at the nearest kid beside she, he yelp and got stabbed by Alex and staggered backward into the wall of people. Alice tried to attack once more but the leader came up and met her sword. The sound swords clustering fill the air, Iris has called out two monsters, the bird and a cat, out and Sophia is summoning out vines. Then they all felt the increment disappear, and the boys smiled. 

A thought flashed over Alice's mind and the boy stepped back and said "Your choice, she only has power to support." It was a trick! Alice thought, she looked back and saw Charlotte holding both of her hands up, looking at her back, a boy was holding a knife at her neck, blood seeped. Sophia and Iris had stopped attacking and looked at Alice "it's ok," Sophia said "we can hunt out other monsters, give them the gem." However Alice is pretty sure that if they surrender, the boys will still kill them. "What should I do?"Alice muttered, then she saw Charlotte sigh, and heard Charlotte who she had thought for eight years that she did not know how to talk said "Who told you I only have one power." Before anyone could move, Charlotte looked up, one of her eyes gleamed green the other one gleamed with silver. The surroundings became colder, The leader of the boys yelled  "Kill her." but it is too late. Ice block covered the boy that was holding the knife and he stopped moving. Charlotte pushed the boy's hand away and walked out of his control, then she turned back and knocked the boy's forehead twice and turned around. As she walked away, staring at the boy's (who is now an ice statue) forehead, the ice started to crack, then it shattered into small pieces. Charlotte rubs the blood away from her neck, and looks at her roommates. 

Charlotte tilted her head to one side as if nothing had happened, then she looked at the boys. The boys shivered, they felt as if they had been looked at by the devil and they ran off screaming. Charlotte looked again at her roommates who were all shocked, they looked like three statues. Alice is the first one to "come back alive again" she smiled at her sister "Charlotte, that was amazing. And, and…" she has so many questions that she doesn't even know which one she should start asking first. Charlotte just acted like nothing had happened and pointed to the direction that led back to school.Charlotte's eyes shine just for a second, which Alice decided was the sun shine, and as Alice, Sophia, and Iris start to walk to the doorway and talking about how they plan to spend the 2 days that they have. Charlotte started waking slower and stopped, she looked up at a tree that almost reached the sky, behind her mask, she smiled. Someone spoke in her mind.

"You think that if you don't use 'Crow' I won't be able to find you."

"I'm glad to meet you too, Henry." Charlotte said as she raised an eyebrow.

After that, a boy jumped down the tree.