


Dragonfire099 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3

It was a peaceful day in the capital, some people were working, others were having fun and others were just wasting their time.

Inside the palace, you can see a small training field that is currently used by a handsome young man that has white hair with silver eyes and is about 178cm or 5.8ft, he is fighting against 10 people who had grey clocks.

In the corner of the training field, you can see two other people looking at the fight, one of them is the current Magic King Julius, he is a tall, middle-aged man with short messy blond hair and purple eyes. He also has a blue six-pointed star on his forehead, the other one is a young man with fair hair in a bowl cut hairstyle. He has narrow eyes with long lashes and has his typically serious expression on his face, he is one of the advisers of the Magic King.

" Aevus has become very strong with his grimoire Master Julius," Says Marx as he watches the fight.

" Indeed, Aevus is a genius, he managed to learn mana skin on his own by reading books and when i started teaching him, he also learned to use mana zone in 3 weeks. Now that he has gotten his grimoire his magic control and magic power have at least got doubled" Says the Magic King with stars in his eyes while feeling proud.

Aevus uses his time-domain that can cover up to 10 meters now thanks to his grimoire, in these 10 meters he can see the future for up to 3 seconds, he can slow down the time or accelerate it for his enemies allies, or even himself, and as long as his head is intact he can heal himself from almost every


As Aevus can see their attacks with his ability to see the future, he slows down the one that is about to throw a fireball and charges to their support while accelerating himself, he almost instantly reaches their support and takes him down by hitting his neck, next he slows down almost everyone except someone who uses earth magic, he instead accelerates him to confuse him and he succeeds, so Aevus rush at him and punches him in the head which knocks the clocked figure out.

This happens a couple more times until every one of the cloaked figures is knocked out or unable to get up.

" Good work Aevus your use with your special mana skin and time-magic was almost perfect." Says the Magic King.

" Master how can i perfect my skill if i only fight some guards that are afraid of hitting me," Says Aevus in an angry voice.

" Well Aevus they are not afraid of hitting you anymore, it just that they can't, i understand in the past some guards were going easy on you but now even if they used their full power and are aiming to kill you they can't, simply because you are too strong for them." This time says, Marx.

" Then send me to some mission about defeating some bandits or some magical creatures i believe this will surely make me stronger, yes?" Says Aevus.

" Why the rush, in 5 months is the magic knight's Entrance Exam after you have joined a magic squad you can do as many missions as you want," Says the Magic King.

" So when can i leave," Says Aevus in an excited voice.

' You didn't hear what i said *sigh*' Thinks to himself the Magic King.

" Fine... fine you can leave tomorrow, come with me so we can see what mission i can give you." Says Master Julius while Marx has a couple of black lines on his forehead.

' Just tell him that you were planning to send him on an adventure to see the outside world until the magic knight's Entrance Exam ' was about to say Marx but kept it to himself in the last moment.



" Aevus your mission is to go to the forsaken realm and to go to the village Sosshi, there are some wild boars there that are attacking the villagers, go help them." Says the Magic King.

" Very well, but my next mission should be at least a little more difficult ok?" Says Aevus in an annoyed tone.

" We talked about this yesterday, you will start doing weaker mission so you can start gaining experience and when you have gained enough, you will be given missions that correspond to your true strength"

" Fine *sigh* give me my equipment"

The magic king gives Aevus a bag that has a communication device, some money, and an emblem.

" I will give you missions with that object over there( communication device), you have your own money but i still gave you some just for an emergency, and as for that emblem, if someone asked for your identity just show the emblem to them and they will leave you alone."

" Very well, master i am going to see again in 4.5 months," Says Aevus.

" Be careful Aevus" Says Master Julius.

Aevus lifts his hand and a broom comes to him, he gets on the broom and starts flying away.


' It took about 4 days to reach here' thought Aevus as he landed in front of the gate of Sosshi.

' I should probably go and ask the mayor of the city about those wild boars' Aevus looks around and spots a young woman doing a job.

" Hello, miss can i ask you where the mayor of this village is?" Ask Aevus a young woman.

" Of course if i remember correctly he should be at the village square right now," Said the young woman without looking at him.

" Thank you"

As Aevus was going to the village square he looks around the village ' It looks quite simple not gonna lie' thinks Aevus to himself.

When Aevus reaches the village square he asks another person for whom the mayor is.

When Aevus spots the mayor he goes to him and says " Hello mayor Seihi i am Aevus i was sent here by the Magic King to deal with the wild boars"

while showing the emblem that was given to him by his master.

" What is your name kid," Asks the mayor.

" Aevus chegar"

" Very well Aevus the wild boars are located in the forest in the north please be careful." Says the mayor.

" Don't worry the wild boars are no match for me" Says Aevus as he leaves.

" I hope you are right young man" mutters the mayor.


As Aevus was walking inside the forest, he easily spots the 3-meter tall boars, so he starts walking towards them, when he reaches about 15-meters away from the boars, they noticed him.

Aevus used his time-domain, to slow time for the wild boars and to accelerate himself, he uses his special mana skin on himself that allows him to no only have defensive abilities but also offensive like boosting his strength or agility.

" Eternal sword" Mutters Aevus

A bright golden sword with silver lines appears in Aevus hands. The eternal sword is an ability Aevus gained when he was learning about weapons from his master since he fought in hand-to-hand combat.

When you make an attack with the eternal sword that attack will repeat itself until the target is dead or manage to escape it. But Aevus only uses it when fighting to the death since if he fights someone whom he wants to capture or spar against, he might make a mistake and the target might die accidentally and most importantly it cost a high amount of mana to use the attack.

' I rarely use this ability, now is a perfect opportunity.'

Aevus easily ran past the boars while cutting them with the eternal sword and in about 6 seconds he kills all the boars. Almost all the boars died with the first attack except their leader who managed to live until the second attack.

" Now how am i going to take them back to the village" Aevus wonders while standing in front of 7 boars that are stacked one on top of the other.

" Might as well go back to the village and tell them to bring back the boars themselves."


When Aevus went back to the village he informed the mayor that he

had killed the wild boars and that they just had to go get their corpses.

" Nice job Aevus now we will be safe for at least 6 months." Says the mayor.

" Why 6 months?" Answers Aevus confused since he killed all the boars.

" New boars are coming every half year, so we are quite used to them."

" Is it normal?"

" From what some magic knights said the last time they came to kill the boars it is," says the Mayor, while immediately changing the subject.

" Now Aevus please stay here for another day so we can treat you to some food, those wild boars are really delicious." Says the Mayor.

" Thank you, i will take that offer." Answers Aevus without asking any more.

This is my first time writing a battle so it is a little boring but i hope i will get better at it in the future.

Dragonfire099creators' thoughts