
Black Clover: The True Knight

This is black clover x OC fanfiction. I'm writing this because there is not any fanfic of my liking. The story follows the anime manga so keep it in mind. That'sall. Enjoy..

Firesight · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

chapter 19: Battle of the capital part 3

"You're not going anywhere!"

Asta yelled as he ran toward Rades, his sword held firmly in his hand.

Rades laughed, "Hahaha, I'll not be seeing you kids again!"

Asta yelled, "Dammit! I won't make it at this rate..." Greeting his teeth, a sudden flash of inspiration passed through his eyes as he pulled out his new Anti Magic sword and threw it into the portal, negating the activation and absorbing the magic. In a matter of seconds, the portal disappeared, leaving Rades nowhere to run.

Rowan ran at Rades and slashed him with his sword, slicing him across the chest and sending him flying across the room.

Rades let out a pained cry, "Owwww! You little brat, you'll regret this!"

Rowan yelled, "Is it hurting you!? I'll make you feel ten times more pain than what you made the people here feel!"

Valtos quickly opened a portal behind Rades, while Rowan continued to press his attack on the weakened mage.

"Look out!"

Noelle yelled as Leopold came back to his senses and shot a blast of fire towards Valtos, who quickly dodged out of the way.

Leopold muttered to himself, "What good does it do to lose my cool? I have to stay calm at all times. Right Fuegoleon?"

Valtos quickly created several more portals and teleported a couple of hooded people from the portals.

Rades shouted, "Still, looks like the tables have just turned!"

The hooded mage shook his head in disbelief. "We received a report from our Master and came here, but against people like these it's pitiful."

Rowan yelled to Asta, "I'll make you an opening, then you get out of here. I'll take these people on!"

Asta shouted, "What!? No way! I can still fight!"

Asta took out both his Demon Slayer sword and his Demon Dweller sword, and slashed himself where he was hit with curse magic. And as soon as the sword touched the wound the curse was broken.

"You're not going to hurt anyone else here!" Rowan shouted as he stepped forward to confront Rades and his buddies.

Rowan's sword was glowing brighter with each passing second as he took his stance, a smirk firmly planted on his face.

Asta started to spin around with his swords, repelling the attacks coming towards them with ease. Leopold joined the fight and blasted a few of them away with powerful spells.

"[Flame Magic: Exploding Flame]!"

Leopold shouted, "You think I'm going to let you people throw your weight around here after what you did to my brother!? You won't escape alive! Let me join you rivals!"

Asta shouted, "Sure, jump in!"

"[Ice Magic: Ice God's Thundering Foot]!"

Rowan jumped forward and left a trail of blue fire behind him as he burst forward at a shocking speed.

"My spell is getting stronger with each passing moment," Rowan thought as he unleashed a flurry of sword strikes.

The combined might of Asta, Leopold, and Rowan soon overwhelmed the mages.

The hooded mage raised his hands and shouted, "You were never our target, but we will not let you interfere with our mission! Take this!" He then sent a powerful magic attack towards the group.

Noelle quickly reacted and shouted, "[Water Creation Magic: Sea Dragon's Lair]!" As she cast her spell, a powerful wave of water erupted from the ground.

Noelle quickly shifted her spell to create a barrier and blocked the wind needles, but the mage used his wood magic to drain the mana from the barrier, leaving Noelle vulnerable.

Rowan moved with lightning speed, quickly reaching Noelle and pushing her out of the way of the incoming attack.

As he did not have time to cast another spell, Ryan sent his swordslashes covered in blue flames towards the windneedles. However, some of the needles missed and stabbed at different parts of his body.

Noelle gasped as she saw Rowan get hit by the needles. "Rowan...!" she shouted, her voice full of worry.

Rowan gritted his teeth in pain as he felt the needles stabbing through his body, but he pushed through the pain and kept slashing. The blue flames from his swords managed to deflect the wind needles away, and soon the onslaught stopped.

He was trembling with pain, his clothes torn and tattered, and blood oozing from the wounds caused by the needles. His face was set in a grimace of pain, but he still managed to keep a smirk firmly planted on his face.

Noelle rushed over to Rowan, her face pale with worry. "Rowan, are you okay?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Rowan nodded, still trying to keep the smirk on his face. "I'm fine. Nothing has happened."

Suddenly, a group of magic knights appeared, led by the captain of the Silver Eagles Magic Knights.

Noelle stuttered, her eyes wide with surprise. "You guys..."

"You dare send us all the way out there!" Alecdor shouted, his face filled with rage.

Valtos shook his head in disbelief. "It's impossible...! How did you manage to cover that distance so quickly?"

Alecdor continued, "We really didn't want to but we all worked together to get back here in time, with the help of super compound magic."

"Joining forces isn't so bad," said Hamon with a smile.

Sol chuckled softly and said, "Well, I guess men aren't totally useless."

Charlotte crossed her arms and scowled. "Hmph. I'll acknowledge their abilities. No more."

"Tch. I'm never cooperating again," Solid muttered under her breath.

Nebra sighed and said, "We really don't play well with others, you know."

Nozel stepped forward, his face serious. "However, our nine Magic Knight Squads exist to protect the peace of the Clover Kingdom."

Valtos looked around at the group. "It'll cost us if we keep fighting. Let's retreat," he said grimly.

"What's the rush?" Nozel asked, his voice tinged with annoyance. The mage had used "[Mercury Magic - Rain of Silver]!" and it had created a shower of silver needles that blanketed the area.

Sally quickly cast her spell, "[Gel Magic: Sticky Salamander]". Immediately, a strange, gelatinous creature appeared by her side.

Nozel's eyes widened in surprise as he saw the mage counter his attack with her own magic.

Sally quickly injected something into the creature, and it began to expand. She shouted "[Dark Magic Item: Special Properties + Alpha Absorbed]!".

Rowan had noticed Sally trying to reach Asta and quickly pushed him out of the way, taking the hit himself. He was immediately engulfed in the gellyfrog, unable to move.

Noelle gasped in horror, "Rowan!"

Sally smiled, "Aww, we got a different one! No matter! "He's still mine!" She added excitedly, "And he can use icy fire, that's interesting too!"

"What are you doing with him?"

"Hehehe... That's a secret."

Klaus shouted, "Rowan!" while Charlotte yelled, "Stop this!" and Mimosa screamed, "Let him go!"

Charlotte rushed towards them while sending briar at their way, but it was too late.

The Eyes of the Midnight Sun had announced their existence and disappeared in a flash, taking Rowan with them. Noelle, Klaus, Charlotte, Mimosa, and the others were left in shock and disbelief. They had failed to prevent Rowan from being taken, despite their best efforts.