

I have been developing my foundation since the beginning and I plan to start creating more spells after I collect my grimoire.

As I worked on understanding the law of my magic, its power and control increased. The more I focus, the darker the flames become . One day I condensed too much and lost control , a small orb of dark flames dropped causing a violent reaction and burned all plants around with it even its mana . Although I often got hurt by my own spell but that moment even the skin of my hands got melted till my bones . It took almost 2 week of constant healing to return to normal . After that I decreased practice of higher flames up to certain extent but never stopped that as I found way to increase my power .

While practicing I figured that I could solidify flames up to a certain expect if I compressed it long enough . Currently I could only make small shapes and blades of flame . Sister was surprised as not all magic can be solidified like she her flames . I decided to make wings and armor in the future with this.

Overall, I was satisfied with my development. Now I had to thing about which squad to join . I had many things to consider while joining which was freedom of movement and stable growth opportunities . I had some ideas for my future development. I have to be present during the cannon events as in no way I am trusting my previous knowledge .

But before that I have to get a grimoire . As a reincarnated person ,there is high probability that I could get a different grimoire from others but I never thought of receiving a five leaf one . I had to receive when no one was looking to remain low for now as I don't want people from the underworld up my ass not until I join a squad .

Next day I went to the grimoire tower in the common realm and got a reservation at night , they took 5000 yuls from me for reservation . During the night I informed sister and went to the tower to get my grimoire .

Grimoire towers are long cylindrical buildings made by ancient mages to provide grimoire to everyone who can use magic . These structures are literally unbreakable made with an unknown material .

Most people receive a grimoire at an age of 15 ,some receive it latter on . These books are fueled by mana of the user and the book disappears when the user dies .Some people even say that grimoire are artifacts that represents the soul .

Grimoire gives access to strong and vast spells and unlock the true potential of a mage .Only the person who received the particular grimoire can use it. People can use the spells in the grimoire by chanting its name ,or can use it latter without grimoire if gained enough mastery over the spell .

Inside the tower multiple shelves were filled with prototype books which would turn into grimoire when touched by the user. I waited for some time but nothing came , I released my mana all over the tower covering every book . This made make a lot of books shake and finally a thick book came floating towards me . The moment my finger touched the book , my vision got filled with darkness and I was struck with a terrible head ache .

After my vision cleared a bit ,I found myself in an unfamiliar place . There was a scene playing in front of me but behind me was complete darkness. I realized that I had lost all control over my body , with no option left I focused on the scene that was playing .

In the scene I saw some people dressed in robes with different ornaments standing forming a circle but all their faces were blurred. Every person had a symbol on their robes, from which I only recognized three leaf clover . The circle had different symbols I didn't recognize.

All of the mages standing released their mana into the circle with a scroll in its center and the circle shined . They kept on feeding mana to the circle and after a while the circle stopped shining and the scroll got dissolved into the circle .

After the process ended , everything stopped as if paused but the only person moved was the one with clover symbol on his back .

He moved his head and looked at me in the eyes as a smile formed on his face . He started speaking something which I could neither hear nor understand by lip movement. He came forwards and was about to touch my shoulder when his body along with everything started getting blurred and after a while I was standing in a complete darkness.

Soon I was hit with similar headache and I was back in the tower. What in the hell was that !! who was that !! What did I get myself into !!

The only thing I could infer was it was vision for me and some sort of ritual . I kept that for latter but most importantly I realized that not even a second has passed in real world as clovers didn't appear on the grimoire yet. As soon as I touched the book , the entire tower got enveloped in a golden light.

One by one clovers started appearing , one…two...three....and finally stopped at four releasing a red light illuminating the tower . The grimoire was red in color with four clovers at its center and different pattens in black around it .

My excitement knew no bound as I yelped in happiness, why not it was the legendary four leaf grimoire !!! given to only special individuals . Getting the grimoire filled all sorts of information in my mind .

All my spells had received a boost by fifty percent ! . In order to unlock more spells I had to have an idea of the spell and develop it accordingly, the grimoire will help in fastening the process . Spells could also be unlocked by deep emotions . And most importantly I could store weapons inside my grimoire like Asta ,how cool was that.

I felt like a restriction was removed from my body along with increased understanding of my flames . I concentrated on my mana core and noticed that in place of usual yellow – orange mana it had turned red .I summoned a fire ball in my hands and focus on it ,its color changed from normal flames to red flames in a few seconds when if would take few minutes normally .

This change was not permanent and will loose its form when I lost focus but it was a large step for my development . Now if I think about it , Yami acquires power to cut dimensions and Patry's light magic becomes black light when he becomes a dark elf . This must be related to the law and evolution of their magic .

I took my dagger and held it near the grimoire , surely it was absorbed in the book with words filling the entire page . I saw that every spell that showed in status panel was now written in the grimoire along with its description and pathway of mana used to use the spell .

Putting the grimoire into the pouch I received from sister I set out towards the Church .

On the way back I received a notification .



- you have received the legendary 4 leaf clover grimoire

= all spells effectiveness increased by 50% increase + spell comprehension speed increase

-you have comprehended basic law of flames

-mana =+40

Body points :85

Mana points :220


My mana increased my 40 points making my total mana nearly equal to a royal

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