
Same Time, Different Person

15 years ago 

[Someone's Pov] 

"I'm sorry, my child. I can't let you live with me. You can have a peaceful life rather than live with me." 

Then, they put down the newborn on someone's door and knocked on it. Before they walk away, they leave a note. The notes said; 

"I'm sorry to trouble you but please take care and raise this child as you wish. His name is Daisuke"  

After a few moments, the door was opened, showing a young man in his late 20s wearing an apron and holding a hammer. Seems like he is a blacksmith. The blacksmith looked around to search for the source of the knock, but it was useless. No one was there except the child in the basket. The blacksmith was hesitant to bring the child in but did it later. 

As he brings the child into the house, he is discovered by his wife. Seems like his wife is pregnant as she is downstairs. 

"Whose child is that?" she asked with a concerned and surprised face. 

"I don't know. I found it outside." The blacksmith responds while pointing at the door. 

"Poor child. On this rainy night? Let's take care of them?" said the wife as she walked towards the baby and caressed their cheeks. "Did they have a name?" the wife continues while looking at her husband. 

"What this note said, their name is Daisuke." Replied the blacksmith. 

The wife smiles softly as she gently holds the baby. The blacksmith just watches his wife as she holds the baby. 

"Daisuke, eh? Alright then. Welcome to our household, Shiroma!" said the wife with an excited voice. 


[Daisuke Pov] 


A noise from the backyard woke me up from the bed. "Oh, come on, in the morning?!" I muttered. With a heavy sigh, I get up from the bed and open my window. As I open the window, I see my father, Manzo Shiroma, is forging another customer request. 

"Father! Really?? In the morning?!" I yelled from above. My father is a passionate blacksmith, even the best in the land. No matter what I did to catch his attention, he would never flinch even for a bit! 

My father suddenly stopped put his hammer aside and looked up at my window. "Oh, my son! Good morning! Best time to quench, huh? HAHAHA," he responded with a laugh. Sigh. At least he responded. "My bad if I woke you up, but this is requested from Shogun-Sama himself. So, I must make it as fast as possible! So, less talk, more forge!" he said and turned back to work. 

Well, just what I expected from him. Passionate as usual. I closed the window back and walked downstairs. As I walk downstairs, I see my mother is baking something. She then turned around and noticed me approaching the kitchen. "Good morning, sweetie. It's rare to see you wake up in the morning so early. Anything happened?" she asked. 

"I'm good. It's just that father woke me up with his job. You know how he is, a passionate and workaholic father." I said with a bit of sarcasm. 

My mother chuckled as she continued cooking. She is a very caring and gentle mother. Even though she knows I'm not her biological son. Exactly, I'm adopted. I heard this news when I was 12 years old on my birthday. 

Of course, I never blame them. Even I can't come up with good reason and explanation. After all, I already have a hunch that I'm not their child, just by looking at my features. I didn't have the same color compared to them, a white hair family with a black hair son. 

"Morning, big bro, Mother" 

Oh, that's my little sister, Maria Shiroma. Between her and me, she seems to look more like them than me. Of course, she also knew about my condition about being adopted son and brother. Maria is smart and she already knew when she gained her consciousness, you know? However, she never treats me like a stranger but a big brother instead. I am lucky to have her as my little sister. 

"What with that grinning on your face, big bro? Don't tell me you see me in that way, don't you??" she squeaks. 

"Huh?? Who the fuck want to see you that way, anyway." I replied. 


Did she just click her tongue? Why did she do that anyway? Maria and I only have one year gap but according to my father, we would have been twins if my mother had labored earlier. 

Maria then took a seat beside me and waited for my mother to serve the food. 

"Alright, kids! Breakfast is ready. Daisuke, can you call your father? You know he always missed the breakfast lately." 

"Alright, mother. Coming up." I replied as I got up from my seat and went to the backyard. 

A few moments later, all the family members gathered at the dinner table. We started praying before eating. After we are done praying, we begin to eat. For today's breakfast, my mother baked bread and made mayonnaise as dessert. For the main dish, she made standard dish, steamed rice, miso soup, grilled fish, pickles, natto (fermented soybeans), tamagoyaki (rolled omelet), nori (seaweed), and a variety of side dishes such as vegetables, tofu, or salad. 

After we finished, Maria helped Mother do the dishes meanwhile me and father talked for a while. 

"So, Daisuke, are you ready to receive your scroll for the first time?? I know it's a bit pressure I know you can have a cool, "Yojutsu" yourself!" 

Yojutsu or what another land called "magic". The Grimoire Acceptance Ceremony is what people from another land did to receive their grimoire for the first time. We, the land of the sun, use it as a reference to give "scroll" to the people who are 15 and above. Today is my turn to receive my scroll. 

After a few hours, I leave the house and go to the shrine for my ritual. As I walked through the town, the villagers were cheering and encouraging me. 

After I arrived at the shrine, I saw some other kids and adults waiting at the front of the shrine. Today's ceremony was around 100 people, huh? 50 kids and 50 adults. Not bad, last year was around 200, right? 

"Daisuke! Finally, you are here!" 

I turned my head toward the voice. It's from my childhood friend, Rin from the Nakayama clan. She has been my friend since kid, and one of the people who knows about me being adopted. "Morning" I replied. She then smiles at me and stands beside me. 

"So, are you ready, Daisuke? For me, I'm a bit nervous! I mean this determines our future you know? If some of them receive a good Yojutsu, we can leave the land and join Magic Knights!" she explained with an excited voice. 

Magic Knights, huh? Probably not a bad idea. It's already known around the world after all. If they are Magic Knights, we, the land of the sun, have Ryuzen Seven. As we were in the deep talk, suddenly someone walked behind us. 

"Already lovey-dovey in the morning? Just I expected from you, Daisuke" 

Huh? This stern and serious tone. The only person who has this perfect pitch is her. Ichika Yami, the last descendants of Yami Clan. My childhood friend's rival and another one who knows about me. Hmm? Why is she here, though? Didn't she already have her scroll and join Ryuzen Seven? 

"I know that face, Daisuke. Watching my best friend and rival receive their scroll, is that wrong?" she shrugs. 

Best friend? Oh, she meant Rin. Rin and she are best friends, an inseparable duo. The kind devil and ruthless angel. Yes, that's what I called them by nickname. They have opposite personalities despite their looks. Rin seems like a kind and gentle person but inside she is the most ruthless person, not mean but just rough. Meanwhile, Ichika, despite always having a serious face, is a chill person, you know? At least a normal girl. 

A few minutes later, a shrine maiden came out from the shrine. They are wearing white robes with a scarlet trouser skirt. Later, our Shogun-Sama, Ryuya Ryudo or "Ryu" stepped outside. He has black, medium-length hair that is messily tied back. He was also wearing a black eye patch on his right eye. 

"Welcome to the Scroll Acceptance Ceremony, everyone. As in previous years, I will lead the ceremony this year as well. Hopefully, this ceremony will be as successful as usual. Without further ado, let's begin this year's ceremony." he said. 

Later, he takes off his eye patch and opens his right eye. Tengentsu, or "Divine Eye" are the ones that are used to protect the Hino Country. It also can be used to determine what kind of Yoryoku (magic power) and Yojutsu (magic) people have. 

Afterward, he started giving out scrolls to each of us. Some of us got good and bad Yojutsu. Can't be helped, as long as your Yoryoku is weak, your Yojutsu is also weak. After waiting for a long time, finally, Rin's name was called out. 

"Rin Nakayama, you are the proud of the Nakayama Clan. Intelligence that can be parred equal to Ryuzen Seven. CQC(Close-Quater-Combat) which can ably rival with Ichika, you are proudest of our land. Be proud of yourself. Now let me investigate you and determine which scroll suits you." Ryu said. Second, he said that he uses Tangentsu on Rin and analyzes her. 

"I see. Now I know which scroll suits your battle style. Scroll of Light Magic!" he exclaimed loudly. 

The crowds suddenly gathered and gave her applause and cheering. Even I was shocked and joined the crowds as well. Ichika still has a serious face but has a smirk on her lips. I hope I can have something too. Alright time for my turn! 

That's what I thought... the first word he said when he analyzed me was "None".