
Black Clover : Sign In As Meliodas


Doasist · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: Ambush in the heart of Darkness

The moon hung high in the ink-black sky, casting an eerie glow over the desolate landscape below. In the heart of africa, a lone figure moved like a ghost, his steps silent and deliberate.

Tall and lean, with a shock of grey hair, Isaac was a was a soldier of the Special Military Force, a shadowy organization known for its deadly efficiency. His years as a mercenary had honed him into a composed and reserved individual, one who never flinched in the face of danger.

His icy blue eyes, devoid of any trace of fear, scanned his surroundings as he navigated the dense forest.

But Isaac's stoic demeanor was not the result of ordinary circumstances.

When he was just nine years old, his world had been changed. A plane crash had robbed him of his parents, leaving him orphaned and stranded in the middle if nowhere. In a sea of despair, fate had led him to a group known as the Camp.

The Camp was an experimental unit under Iron, a global private military corporation that operated in the shadows of the world's conflicts. It was a place where young children like Isaac were molded into instruments of war.

A place where humanity was stripped away.

In the bowels of the Camp, a thousand young children had been subjected to grueling training that pushed the boundaries of human endurance. Only the strongest would survive, and Isaac was among the chosen few.

Forty individuals, the cream of the crop, emerged from the crucible of pain and hardship, earning the title of "the Elites."

Isaac had been one of them.

The memories of those brutal training days were etched into his very soul. Endless hours of combat drills, sleepless nights, and harsh discipline had shaped him into a lethal weapon.

He had become a top-class mercenary, serving in the harshest battlefields across the globe, his every move calculated and precise.

All that changed the day he had been introduced to a child he had to escort. It was that same day he was introduced to a show called black clover.

Watching the show somehow made him feel like a frog in a well. He felt as if he couldn't escape his fate of being used.

It was on that day that he had gathered the courage to defect.

That was the day Isaac defected from the Camp.

The repercussions of his decision had been swift and merciless. The Camp, unwilling to tolerate dissent, had to eliminate him. An operation had been launched to silence Isaac once and for all, to erase any trace of his existence.

But Isaac faked his death with some help , and the rumors of his death had spread like wildfire.

He had vanished into the world, adopting a new identity, a new alias. He became known as "Yami," a code name that struck fear into the hearts of those who heard it.

For five years, he had continued to work as a mercenary, his skills sought after by shadowy figures and covert organizations.

As Isaac walked through the darkened forest, he couldn't help but wonder if his past would ever catch up to him. The weight of his actions, the lives he had taken and the ones he had saved, hung heavy on his conscience.

But tonight, The year 2022, in the depths of the forest, he had a new mission. His mission was clear:

infiltrate the stronghold of a ruthless executive and eliminate his private army. It was a task tailor-made for someone of Yami's caliber.

Five squads had been dispatched for this mission, each handpicked for their skills and trustworthiness. Among them were Menno and Tim, two comrades who had stood by Yami's side through thick and thin.

Alongside them were six other members, all of whom had earned Yami's respect and trust over the years.

The journey had been grueling, the relentless sun scorching their path as they navigated the terrain.

Two kilometers from their target, the world erupted into chaos as the enemy sprang their trap. Bullets ripped through the air with lethal precision, and Menno, always the first to charge into danger, fell with a splatter of crimson.

"Menno!" Tim's voice cracked with anguish as he sought cover amid the pandemonium.

Yami's heart raced, but he maintained his composure. His icy blue eyes scanned the battlefield, calculating the enemy's positions and devising a counter-strategy.

"We can't stay here!" Yami barked orders, his voice a steady anchor amidst the tempest of war. His comrades rallied around him, their faces etched with determination as they sought refuge behind rocks and trees.

The firefight raged on, and as the minutes stretched into an eternity, Tim, Yami's closest friend, took a bullet to the shoulder.

His grimace of pain was hidden beneath a mask of iron resolve. Yami rushed to his side, his fingers working quickly to staunch the bleeding, all the while aware of the relentless hail of bullets around them.

"Yami, we can't hold out much longer," Tim rasped through gritted teeth.

Yami met Tim's gaze, his own unwavering. "We'll make it through this, Tim. We always do."

But fate was fickle, and in the chaos of battle, victory was often elusive. The enemy's fire continued unabated, and their numbers seemed inexhaustible.

Yami knew they couldn't remain pinned down forever. Determination flickered in his eyes as he rose to his feet, scanning the battlefield with a soldier's keen intuition.

"We need to break through their lines," Yami declared, his voice carrying over the battle. "On my signal, we charge. Keep your heads low and your guns steady."

His comrades nodded, their trust in Yami unshakable. The air crackled with tension as they readied themselves for the desperate gambit.

As Yami prepared to give the signal, a sharp report echoed through the jungle—a sniper's shot. In an instant, his world spun, and pain exploded at the back of his head.

He staggered, darkness encroaching upon his vision as he tried to comprehend what had just occurred.

"Yami!" Tim cried out, but his voice sounded distant, as if from another world.

The battlefield whirled in chaos around him. His comrades fought valiantly, but Yami was no longer a part of their struggle. He fell to his knees, the world spinning as life seeped from him.

His last sight, as he lay dying, was the enemy troops advancing, their cold, merciless eyes locked on his fallen comrades.

The battle raged on, but Yami was no longer a player in this deadly game.

The world moved forward, indifferent to the lives lost and sacrifices made in the shadows. In that remote corner of Africa, 2028, 3rd of January, the Hero Isaac code name Yami was killed in Battle.