
black clover self insert

a man gest transported to the world of black clover

Senajit02 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

knights exam and the black bulls

soon the broomsticks exam ended and went ahead for the other ones, yuno and Alex both were showing amazing talent which was making the spectators wonder about their background, for peasants to have such talent was unheard of, at least in the clover kingdom that was the case. asta on the other hand was struggling, for he had no magic in him his talents were solely based on combat and not mana control the poor boy could not even fly on a broom, many could not even sense any mana from him the situation was not looking good for him but, Alex was not concerned for he knew that asta will join the black bulls no matter what. soon the exam reached the combat test, everyone participated in it many lost many won, but that does not mean that you can be a part of the knight's corps. soon the time came for yuno's battle against that hapshas bastard but as one would know that noble lost badly and humiliated himself. soon later the turn for asta came against sekke and defeated him swiftly, at this Alex thought to make talk with yuno that is weird Alex said what is yuno asked that magic sword asta used it came out of a grimoire so it must be magic but I have no idea how I cant sense any mana from him do you know Alex asked yuno anti-magic it negates other magics yuno answered hooo amazing that really is amazing, see I told you I have an eye for people Alex said. yuno only smiled at that and now it was Alex's turn to fight, a noble named Randall Tigre challenged him, and much like other nobles, he was also haughty and arrogant, before the fight even started he had declared that he will win this break the bones of Alex throw him back to the forsaken town he came from, as soon as the match was started Randall made a large spear and threw it at Alex but, it did not work because as soon as it came near Alex it stopped mid-air changed its direction and turned into glass and went strait for Randall himself and threw him at the back of the arena. the audience was speechless not only were two nobles were defeated by peasants, they were defeated easily without much effort but, before announcing that Alex was the winner the Randall guy objected i object, this guy cheated he yelled and soon many people in the audience as well supported his claims. seeing the commotion captain William vengeance took to his feet and asked Randall" what makes you think he cheated do you have any proof " "he is a peasant" Randall yelled "so was the applicant before who defeated the hapshas boy" William said "that boy had the four-leaf clover, of course, he has the strength, but this guy he doesn't even have any mana" Randall yelled this brought the attention of many people on Alex who never any though to him having no mana and soon many yelled and supported randall looking at the growing commotion captain fuegoleon stepped forward and asked Alex " can you prove that you have mana in you and that you were not using a magical item of any kind " alex simply nodded and said to the audience "as many of you can see I have a ring on my right hands" he showed his hand and brought everyones attention to it and continued" this ring is a mana inhibitor it keeps my mana from leaking out, as such you cannot sense it but if I remove it then" saying this alex removed his ring and let his mana flow in the enviroment which soon turned dense and send out surges, of magical power which forced a lot of people to breath from thier mouth the amount of mana he let run rampant was at 13000 mana capacity, he wanted to bring forth all 15000 but he may need an element of surprise in the future so he kept himself from doing that. at the captain's Pavillion all the captains were discussing among them "such dense mana it is more than my own capacity" charlotte said incredible indeed it much more than royals as well" nozel said, "such a monster, I want this kid in my squad" Yami said, "now now we may move forward with the exam" saying this William vengeance looked down on Randall and asked " do you still have any objections " no Randall muttered, "then I announce Alex as the winner" the captain of the golden dawn yelled. soon the exam came to an end and the acceptance ceremony started as one would guess all the captains raised their hands for yuno, while accepted the golden dawn and asta got into the black bulls. soon Alex's turn came and again all the captains raised their hands. while pondering for a while Alex took a step forward and asked Yami sukehiro "captain Yami is the black bulls fun" this took Yami back, as he was not expecting such a question but holding his sense he looked at Alex and smiled stood up and yelled "yo kid it is fun" "then allow to me join your squad" "Alex asked sure kid you are a black bull now" Yami said "they got a good one" William said on the other side seeing Yami. once the exam was over Alex got to meet asta, he was just as goofy and gullible as he was in the anime nothing more, nothing less though ut was fun to meet the guy he was interesting and knowing the future to a certain extent Alex knew just how better asta will get considering that Alex made a mental promise to not be left behind, and train hard to become stronger. later they went back to the black bulls hideout, and it was cool and amazing a place like that is the treehouse dream of all modern earth children, as soon as they entered, there were noises of explosions coming and walls breaking, it was luck and Magna fighting, Yami stopped both of them an in order to do, so he broke a wall on his own. "now you idiots these two are our new recruits, asta and Alex treat them well. now I am going to take a dump" with this yami left soon both Alex and asta were bombarded with questions and later on finral introduced everyone to them, just like in the show. oddly though the cloak acceptance ceremony done by Magna did not happen, Alex thought to himself maybe because of his presence which deviated the story line, whatever it is Alex got a new room and now it was his time to sleep