
black clover self insert

a man gest transported to the world of black clover

Senajit02 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

first mission

after the debacle Alex made by making a large waterfall, he was bombarded by everyone's questions, when asked about his magic he simply explained that he can manipulate mana in the air as e wishes, Alex also showed his findings regarding his blood sword to captain Yami and asked for swordsmanship lessons, to which Yami easily complied ever since then his days were peaceful. he would wake up early in the morning, do his chores, train himself with the sword and train his magic power and his magic attacks, he really needed to work on that because his only pure offensive attack was a mana explosion made by a magic ball, though he could make a lot of them to maintain a continuous barrage of attacks, he needed more than that. he also occasionally flew in the sky to practice his levitation magic he did not make a lot of progress in terms of speed but, in terms of agility, he could go a bit further. on one such a fruitful day captain Yami came to Alex "yo kid you free he asked" "yes captain you need something" Alex asked Yami, yeah you got your first mission Alex was elated to hear that to think that he will get his first mission this early he quickly jumped to his feet and asked what his mission was. according to Yami, he had to take down a group of bandits from the diamond kingdom, who defected that place and became bandits here, they were in the forsaken realm near a village called toruen, and that he will be joined by magic knights of a different squad, possibly golden dawn. considering it won't be yuno and the group Alex was a bit disappointed because there were no missions like that for yuno at the beginning of the series. he was told to go to the headquarters of the golden dawn from there they would travel to their destination. after making some preparations Alex went to finral, and asked him to open a fate fir him. after reaching his destination he found yuno, mimosa, and Klaus standing together this amazed alex but he soon realized that anything can happen here without wasting time he called for them "yuno I am here" alex yelled from afar at his voice all three heads turned to see him. "yuno san does he know you" mimosa aksed "barely" yuno answered, soon Alex reached them, considering that klaus was the senior-most among them he went to him first and said" I am Alex a magic knight from the black bulls, I look forward to working with you" klaus looked at him and answered "hmm me too we are late must leave now, do you have a broom" "no sir but that won't be a concern" Alex said "how so" klaus aksed, Alex simply smiled and called for kohaku within seconds a large tiger with wings emerged from the ground everyone was amazed to see Alex with a large tiger, one could tell at a glance that this tiger was subservient to him." aah how beautifull is this your pet alex sana' mimosa asked 'more like a partner" alex answered mimosa took to pet the tiger and cuddle it soon after klaus told them to leave because it was late. everyone quickly hopped on their rides and made their way to toruen, after traveling for an hour they reached their destination. before landing though Alex asked everyone to stop mid-air "what happened" Klaus asked Alex "I am sensing many volatile mana signatures surrounding a lot of small signatures, I think the villagers are in trouble" Alex said "what should we do Klaus sempai" mimosa asked the "safety of the people is utmost we will prioritize it " Klaus answered "I can ensure their safety and create a distraction" Alex said "are you sure" Klaus asked Alex with doubting eyes, "I am sure" Alex answered with conviction in his eyes "very well me yuno and will take offense you and mimosa will take the defense of the villagers" Klaus said with his orders yuno and Klaus made their way to the opposite direction of the bandits Alex soon gathered magic balls in the air many of them and threw them in different directions, which caused explosions, a lot of them all the bandits upon realizing being under attack spread in all driections to find the source of them, while this commotion was happening no one saw the villagers, who were in the middle of the village clustered together, out of nowhere a large dome made of swords flying horixantily at high speeds covered the villagers "look what is that" one of the bandits yelled noticing the dome of swords of course this sword dome was made by alex and his dancing swords. mimosa while marveling at the magic of Alex was treating villagers who were hurt badly due to the bandits. "what are you looking at attack" the bandit leader yelled. soon many types of magic, ice, fire, acid wind, and water attacked the dome but it was stronger then they expected soon yuno and Klaus jumped from behind, yuno threw a large towering tornado which got a lot of them done Klaus from the other direction attacked the leader with spiraling spear and got the man done. once the battle was over Klaus came to Alex and asked about his magic which Alex simply answered, by explaining his mana manipulation magic. after treating all the villagers and binding the bandits, they decided to interrogate the leader.

"Tell us what was your plan," Klaus asked the leader "are there more like you what did you wanted" he added "what we wanted is already done," the man said "tell us what are you talking about" Klaus questioned the guy but to no avail "Klaus san may I try," Alex asked him "you can but I don't think it will be of any use," Klaus said, ignoring Klaus's words Alex went up to to the man and activated mind control TELL ME WHAT WAS YOUR PLAN," Alex asked our plan was to use to a magic item to bring back a magical creature of great destruction" the man answered like a robot "how did you do it, Klaus," Alex asked with fascinated eyes "mind control" Alex answered "you can do that is that a magic too," yuno asked maybe is all Alex said but for now we need to stop this monster Alex said bringing back everyone's attention to the bandit leader "WHERE IS THIS MONSTER" alex the leader asked 2 miles north of here" the man answered as soon as getting the answer all of them flew to that direction when they detected a large monster rampaging in the surrounding area it looked like a hydra with 3 heads and a reptilian body, without asking questions klaus and yuno started attacking it with barrages of magic attacks but to no avail, "what is this thing no attack seems to be working" klaus said "it is abosrbing the powers of the surrounding area and our attacks" alex said "such a terrifying monster which sould ask for back up" mimosa said "no we cant do that" alex said "why not mimosa" asked i"t is absorbing mana from the surrounding the area which means it will grow stronger by the time back up it will be 10 times stronger than now and, it will destroy sozens and dozens of village in it's path" alex explained "so what should we do we are powerless againt it" yuno said alex thought to himself for some time and then asked mimosa "from how a bad condition can you recover a patient " mimosa could not undertsand what alex was talking about but answered that she can do it if there are no great internall damages, then she can bring the guy back from being half dead. "very well klaus san be ready to take me home, and also you wont be able to use magic for some time" alex said "what do you mean" klaus asked you will know soon saying this alex stepped forward and flew upto the moster and let his mana surges flow throught the air, the incredible density amazed all three klaus, mimosa, and yuno "how come how does he has so much magic" mimosa said "it is more than before" yuno said "what do you mean" klus asked during the magic knight exam he let surges pass back then as well it was dense back then as well but this is more than that" yuno explained klaus and mimosa were speechless at his powers "but did he mean by we wint be able to use magic" mimosa aksed "who knows" yuno said on the other side alex raised his hand and and yelled MANS FEILD at this all the mana around the area started to stir up and made a large dome around a radius of 1 mile. "my magic I can't use it" mimosa explained, yuno and klaus realized that as well "so that is what he meant" yuno said "what do you mean" klaus asked "he is using a great magic which stops others from utilizing magic" then how will he kill the monster, even though it cannot use magic it can still absorb" mimosa said "who knows" yuno said soon alex activated blood feild and large tornadoes of blood came around imprisoned the monster in a large ball, "what is that" klaus yelled "whatever it is it not magic" yuno said "or else it would have absorbed it " he added soon the mosnters body exploded under high pressure ans the spells which blocked magic vanished and so did the blood field. as soon as yuno, mimosa, and Klaus started to rejoice their eyes came on Alex who was falling down. while he was falling Alex though to himself, i never thought i will get to use both of them so early.