
Black clover: Reincarnating as the strongest character

Dying and meeting a being who made him his new brother and promised to reincarnate him into the body of the strongest person of that world, what could go wrong with this right?....Well let's see how our protagonist deals with this when he finds himself inside a body that is destined to be strongest, which he will achieve no matter what. P.S.: It's not a serious story just a light read like a casual fanific about a guy reincarnating into Black Clover with some wishes.

overloaded_maxima · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Let me catch a break

"Captain Charlotte, I have cleared the area around here. The fire has been put out as well." said Sekke as the captain of blue rose looked at the black bull magic knight before turning towards the people who were looking at her with a mixture of emotions. Fear, Lust, Relief, Admiration, Anger, Confusion, Jealousy, Respect, etc. Though Anger, Relief and Lust were the more prominent ones.

Nodding her head once, Charlotte looked back at Sekke and said, "Good work, this will easily make others look over how you and that brute just jumped off after busting through that wall."

"I followed what my captain told me to do." said Sekke as he glanced at the few kids who were stuck to his legs trying to hide behind him.

"Oi, what did you say to nee-san!!" said an angry Sol.

"Don't scare the kids, they are already having a hard time to deal with all this." said Sekke as he glared at the tanned man hater and adjusted his pants which were being pulled by the kids who were surprised by the Sol's sudden outburst.

"Sol shut up." calmly said Charlotte as she glanced at her subordinate.

"But-" said Sol as she tried to voice out her displeasure but stopped as she noticed the looks of anger from many people.

"Hey, don't be scared I will protect you, but I won't be able to do that if you all pulled my pants down, you know." said Sekke as he tried to calm the kids down who just looked back at him with a scared and pleading gazes.

Smiling helplessly at the kids Sekke slowly freed his pants from their hands and looked back at the crowd of people behind him and then turned towards Charlotte.

"Do you know where to take the people in situations like the one we have here. I don't think staying in one place with these many people is a good idea." muttered Sekke.

Charlotte who heard what Sekke said nodded seeing which Sekke sighed and looked back at the crowd.

"We wil-"

"Alright everyone! We will be going to a relatively safer place! Get back into formations like we discussed earlier! Those who have injuries, do make sure to get yourself healed up and not hold back the whole group. Make sure to keep an eye on the kids. Keep you guard up!"

Not even giving a chance for Charlotte to speak up Sekke gave orders to the people which made them go back to what they were doing before Charlotte and the others came along.

"Captain Charlotte please lead them, being a new recruit I don't know where the shelter is." said Sekke as he looked at the blonde captain who just looked at Sekke and thought, 'Even the subordinates of that man's squad don't listen to others.'

"Sol, use your magic to lead the group. As for the two of you. We will be keeping a guard from all sides. I will cover the back of the group while you two take a side each as well."

Sekke, Sol and Anna gave a nod as both Sekke and Anna immediately walked away and took their sides.

Seeing that Charlotte looked back at Sol who used her magic to make a huge golem and got on top of it.

"Follow them." ordered Charlotte as the citizens started following the earthen giant seeing which Charlotte got back to observing the surroundings and soon took her position as well.


Meanwhile at other districts, other magic knights arrived as well and started to deal with the zombies and take control of the situation they were in.

Asta along with Noelle and Leopold were watching Fuegoleon deal with Rades who was spouting some nonsense about his magic being greater than any noble and all.

Soon enough Fuegoleon defeated and restrained the former purple orca member which made all the zombies fall down lifelessly on the ground making the magic knights the winners of the first battle.


Sekke and Anna who saw that the zombies that they were about to fight fall down without even taking any attack were surprised and started looking around as they noticed that the other zombies were falling down on the ground as well.

"Looks like someone defeated the caster." said Charlotte as Sol kicked around the lifeless bodies spouting something along the lines of how only she was allowed to touch Charlotte's body.

The news soon spread amongst the crowd as they started cheering the magic knight squad who saved them. Needless to say that the popularity of Sekke was higher amongst the group who were saved by him as some of them also cheered for Charlotte and Anna as well.

"Hm, now this is what being a dark lord really is." said Sekke as he nodded sagely after hearing the people thanking and cheering for him.

The kids who were following Sekke earlier were now looking at him with shining eyes as some of them even told him that they were going to become a magic knight like him.

Seeing the totally innocent and admiring gaze of the children even Sekke felt a bit embarrassed as he scratched the back of his head and said, "Sure, I know that you all can do it. Work hard and make sure to be safe."

"""Yes!!! Thank You Nii-chan!!!""" said all the kids in unison as they gave Sekke one last group hug which something that Sekke returned with a defeated sigh and thought, 'I really am feeling glad that I saved these kids.'

A small smile appeared on Sekke's face as he hugged the kids tighter because of the excitement and said, "You guys really made the dark lord happy!"


"Too tight!! Too tight."

"Oh sorry."

Immediately breaking the hug Sekke apologized to the kids with a helpless smile seeing which the kids laughed at the blond man and soon went back to their families.

Now being the handsome, manly and attractive dark lord Sekke was. Not to mention the suspension bridge effect from the recent event many people from the crowd glanced at Sekke with suggestive gazes.

But before Sekke could notice any of those gazes Anna appeared in front of the people who were glancing at Sekke and just looked back at them with a total silence and an expressionless face.

Many people were confused by what was happening but some of them soon backed off. Seeing that the weak willed were down Anna smiled a bit before she looked back at the people who were still looking at Sekke and thought, '...I really want to release my magic to scare them away.....or to make them disappear for good.'

But soon she snapped out of her thought as she heard the voice of someone she was familiar to.


"Yes, Sekke-kun."

Immediately turning towards Sekke, Anna looked at him with a small smile trying to be welcoming since one of her fellow squad members told her that she didn't look welcoming at all.

Sekke ignored the weird smile on Anna's face as he crouched down and placed his hands on the back of two girls beside him.

"These two want to say something to you."


Tilting her head in confusion Anna looked at the two girls who were fidgeting.

The two girls looked back at Anna and took a gulp.

"T-T-Thank you for saving us earlier." said the girls in unison as they bowed their heads in front of the crimson lion mage.

Widening her eyes in surprise she looked back at Sekke who just smiled seeing the surprised Anna and shrugged his shoulders.

"You are welcome. And it was my duty to save you two." said Anna as she looked back at the girls who just smiled at the female magic knight before running back to their families.

Seeing the kids run back to their families Sekke gave a pat on Anna's shoulder and said, "Looks like you got two fans. Good job Anna."

"Thank you. But I think that you got many admirers as well."

"Well you can't help that. It is me afterall. I am great and am just built different." said Sekke with a shrug of his shoulders but soon his eyes widened in shock as he sensed a lot of mana below his feet and noticed a black portal appearing below his and Anna's feet.

"Let me catch a break for fu*ks sake!!!" said Sekke in an angry tone as he noticed a similar portal appearing below Charlotte's and Sol's feet.