

5 years passed by since Sekke started learning how to wield a sword under Will and it's been quite harsh for him to deal with the Hunter's way of doing things. He was constantly thrown in front of strong and dangerous beasts that the hunter wanted to hunt. He had to carry a large and heavy beasts either of them killed. Act as a bait whenever he wanted to lure a strong monster...if we think about it, he was just taking advantage of Seeke's innocence.

But leaving that aside, because of all this not only Seeke's swordsmanship and awareness improved, but his strength, and speed increased exponentially as well.

He wanted to learn ki as well but not knowing how to do so was the thing holding him back. His instinct with fighting the beasts of the forest alone had honed his instincts enough that the speed of the spells if the people in the town that he knew were not a problem for him and was not able to unlock ki.

His mana amount has increased a lot as well comparable to that of a normal magic knight and his arsenal of spells increased as well and now included swords that he could make out of his magic and fire it towards the opponents, a round shell around him to protect himself from all sides, his latest and favourite spell, a bike made of his bronze magic which looked fine and not ridiculous like the one in anime.

He also learnt how to fly on a broom and it is only Sekke who knew how many injuries he received by falling down from the broom. He hated the broom a lot and by a lot he means a lot.

His sword has improved along with him as well just as it was told to him by his brother but just for comparison, previously it was able to cut a thick block of wood in a slash and now cutting through a whole tree whose wood is special for its durability and hardness was just a normal swing for his sword.

The area where Sekke didn't progress much was his other magic affinity because the more he tried to use it, the more confused he got. At first he thought that it must be lightning magic since some sparks used to come out of his opponents whenever he struck them with that spell, but later a black glow came out of his hand a d he didn't even know what that spell even does....he just decided to leave that magic alone and wait for his grimoire to know what type of magic it is so he can progress in that.

Now onto the the most important part, the only power that Sekke was unable to use seems to be manifesting soon. Sekke for the past few days is having dreams about a black dragon and without thinking much, he understood that his sacred gear was close to being manifested.

He has been trying to do so for past few weeks but all of his efforts were in vain.

And just like that currently Sekke was standing in the magic training ground where he would usually practice, looking totally beaten up and covered with sweat.

"Haa let's call it for today." muttered Sekke as he fired one last sword towards the target.

He then bent down and started taking deep breaths.

After a while he stood up drank some water and then looked around. Once he made sure that no one was there.

He stood straight and took a stance, "Let's do this."

Immediately he turned serious and clenched his fist tightly and then closed his eyes.

'... Serious series: Serious punch' though Sekke as he punched forward with full force.


And yet again nothing happened making the blond haired boy sigh.

"...What am I doin wrong? Even that loser Issei could manifest his sacred gear but why can't this dark lord do that? Are you saying that the oppai dragon is better than the dark lord." said Sekke as he scratched his head in frustration.

He sighed and sat down in the ground and then stared at his hand for a while and then thought, '....may be if I think of something draconic then it might help.....Issei too in the original used dragon Ball z ripoff help, right?.....nah.'

Sekke then took out his sword as he stared at it and said, "Whatever who needs that shitty sacred gear that isn't even willing to manifest. I have my sword which is better than anything else.....now that I think about it I haven't names you yet right....what should I name you then.... Excalibur....EA.....Lost vane.....Ascalon.....oh I know let's call you Extase, since you speciality is sharpness. The cutter of creation: Extase."

Suddenly the sword glowed as he heard a sound in his head.

[Name acquired: The cutter of creation: Extase

New features unlocked:

•Shape and size alteration

•Charge and fire

Unique skill:

•Magic sharpness: The more magic given the sharper it gets.]

Hearing those words Sekke became silent but soon his lips curved in a smile as he immediately stood up and said, "Change to Excalibur."

The sword glowed and changed to long sword instead of a short one.

Without wasting anytime Sekke imagined how Saber used her Excalibur and raised his sword as well.

He then started channeling the remaining mana in his body to the sword which started emitting a glow.


Sekke gripped the sword tightly and took a step forward.


A white beam of light shot forward from the sword and pierced through a bunch of trees making a hole in their trunks.

Sekke soon stopped giving his mana to the sword and inspected the holes and said, "Well it's not comparable to the original but you can say it's an EX rank replica which can work like the original as well." and nodded his head with satisfaction.

Just then his hand started glowing making Sekke close his eyes but soon he opened them and saw a black coloured gauntlet on his left arm.


Seeing that Sekke became speechless and looked towards the sword and said, "You really are my by best buddy looks like you strengthened my imagination even further and make me manifest my sacred gear.....Now if only you were to turn to a beautiful girl just now all my fantasies about swords would be fulfilled." said Sekke as he stared at the sword.


"... Nothing huh, well whatever you are still the best." said Sekke as he changed his sword back to its normal form and kissed it's blade before he sheathed it.

He then looked at his gauntlet and said, "Now you little troublemaker....we have lot of work to do." said Sekke as thrusted his hand forward.

"Se-chan let's go home it's already late. I prepared your favourite steak tonight." said Elaine as she called her son.

"...Well let's interact sometime later.....steak is more important than self important sacred gear." said Sekke as he turned around and ran towards Elaine.

Next chapter