
Black Clover: I am Itachi

A boy who travels to the world of Black Clover with the power of Itachi Uchiha. The man who dared slaughter his family for peace now finds himself tied to the Clover Kingdom. With his abilities, will he slaughter his enemies under genjutsu or try to find peace in everything and create a world where Madara failed.

Kalinin · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Meeting the Wizard King

Itachi traveled through the dark damp forest and made his way back to Dorothy.

He walked inside the main headquarters and walked up to Dorothy's room.

Itachi got a few stares for a few reasons.

One, he wasn't wearing a Coral Peacocks robe that all members should wear.

Two, they recognized him as the guy who stood next to their captain during the exams.

Three, he was walking straight towards Dorothy's room.

With these three reasons alone made a rumor that spread like rapid fire through the Coral Peacocks squad.

"Hey, do you think that he and the captain are dating?" A girl asked

"Now you say it, the two seem quite close." A boy commented

"Does anyone know who he even is?" A royal sneered.

The royal boy doesn't believe that a person who was so unknown could get close to the captain.

Paired with his arrogance of being a royal, he felt a rise of confidence and walked towards Itachi.

"Hey! What do you need with our captain?"

Itachi looked at the boy who was blocking his way with no expression.

He didn't even bother to answer the boy and a bunch of crows came out of his robe and started pecking on the royal boy.

"In my eyes, you're nothing more than bird food."

The boy screamed and ran away, trying to escape the flock of crows.

With that said, Itachi passed the boy and knocked on Dorothy's door.

"Come in!" Dorothy shouted.

Itachi opened the door and entered her room.

Her room was purple and full of different fun objects and different magic devices.

"What up, crow man?" Dorothy asked with a chuckle.

Itachi coughed at this nickname, and sat down on the couch.

"I've encountered some people from an organization called the eye of midnight sun."

Itachi began to explain what happened, cutting out the part of burning Magna's arm.

"I see." She said solemnly, "This needs to be reported back to the Wizard King."

Itachi nodded and papered to leave but was stopped by Dorothy.

"You're coming with me." She said, taking a sip of tea.

Itachi stopped, and then nodded.

"I'll be outside."

After a few minutes of waiting, Dorothy finally came out of her room with a refreshing smell.

"Let's go." She said, putting her arms around Itachi.

She then grabs two brooms and throws one to Itachi.

Itachi looked at the broom in his hands and then looked at Dorothy.

"I can't fly, my mana isn't like yours."

Dorothy was taken back hearing this, and then smiled, "Hey, looks like you do have some weakness."

Itachi didn't deny her and even agreed with her.

"Even the strongest of opponents always have a weakness, and that weakness is my existence."

"Considering I exist, that means I am my own weakness."

Dorothy was dumbfounded hearing this, and bursted out laughing.

"That's such a good line! Haha! I'm totally stealing this."

"Ah, only if I didn't fall asleep I'd totally use it on those eight bastards."

Itachi shrugged as he listened to her, and jumped onto Dorothy's broom and the two flew off.

As Itachi and Dorothy soared through the sky on her broom, they made their way towards the Clover Kingdom's Royal Palace, where the Wizard King resided.

The wind rushed past them, and Itachi's hair danced in the air.

As they approached the grand palace, the guards recognized Dorothy and allowed them entry without question.

Dorothy nodded to the guards and fell asleep walking to the Wizard Kings chamber.

Itachi shook his head looking at Dorothy and followed behind her.

Eventually they reached a room, and Dorothy woke up from her sleep and knocked on the door.

"You may enter." A voice sounded.

Dorothy opened the door to reveal the inside of the room.

It was very bland, with bookshelves covering each side of the room and papers littered the room.

"Aha, ignore the mess. What brings you here Dorothy." The Wizard King asked.

Dorothy walked up to the Wizard King's desk and took a seat.

Itachi followed behind her.

She then began explaining what Itachi told her.

"That's the jist of it Julius."

Julius nodded and looked at Itachi with curiosity.

"Say, what's your magic?" He asked, his eyes shining with stars.

"Illusions." Itachi said.

"Can I see? Can I see?" Julius shouted.

Dorothy looked at Itachi with some sympathy.

Itachi didn't refuse the Wizard King's request and opened his eyes.

"Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes."

The vision of him in the Wizard King changes.

The outside sky became red and there was nothing around them.

The Wizard King felt an enormous amount of pain in his body and couldn't move.

It was like spikes were driving straight through him.

Itachi canceled the illusion shortly after.

Coming back to reality, Julius' face was pale and his breathing was short.

"What interesting magic." Julius managed to say.

Dorothy looked at the Wizard King and turned to look at Itachi.

"What did you do?" She asked.

Itachi shrugged. "I used a Illusion that was meant for torture on him."

Dorothy's lips twitch hearing that.

"Well, we'll be taking our leave."

Julius regained his composure and stopped them.

"Wait! I have a mission for the young one."

With his words falling, Dorothy stopped.

"There's a dungeon that has been found recently, I ask him to go explore it. He has three days to prepare."

Itachi nodded, if he isn't mistaken, it should be the dungeon that the protagonist looted.

"Sure." Itachi said, leaving the room.

He started to regret why he didn't make a shadow clone and sent the shadow clone here so he didn't have to travel back.

"Look at you." Dorothy said, "Getting a mission from the Wizard King so quickly."

Itachi shrugged, not caring.

"Let's go."