
chapter 3

The rain, the weather, it all reminds me of that day. the day when I lost everything. that day was as ordinary as today and that night was as disastrous as today. It seems as if the past is repeating itself. 

And now I'm standing inside the front door of my cafe looking at the person who is slowly coming towards my cafe. he/she is limping but still trying his/her best to reach here.

I feel pity for him/her but at the same time, I am also scared about who he/she is and why he/she is coming here.

As he/she moves forward my steps are going backward. while limping he/she has come to the road. Now the whole figure of that person was visible a little. He is a bit taller than me and is physically a little like Chris. He's a man but he's got his face hidden from the hood so it's a bit difficult to recognize him.

He is now only a few steps away from the cafe and I'm standing in fear near the cash counter. Thankfully I have locked the gate from inside so that he cannot enter by himself.

But the door is of glass, looking at his body, it seems that it will not be too difficult for him to break the door. I immediately ran to the kitchen and took the biggest knife and came out of the kitchen with it.

But when I came out of the kitchen, that person was not there. I slowly stepped towards the door. But still, he was nowhere to be seen, not in the forest or on the road. 

I slowly opened the door, the knife was still in my hand. I looked left, right and front side, he was nowhere to be seen. "Who was that? And where did he go? Has he disappeared somewhere in the sky?" I looked up while saying. It was raining heavily in the sky and there was thunder and lightning.

I sighed maybe he was just my illusion I thought and looked down. And…..

And I saw him a few steps away from me, lying on the ground. He was lying like a dead man wrapped in mud. The rain was falling on his body and he was not moving at all. 

Is he dead? I thought and slowly moved towards him. I hit him lightly with my foot on his leg but still, he didn't move. 

I got worried, what if he's dead? I quickly took my phone out of my pocket and called Chris.

It's ringing but he is not answering? Maybe because he thought I'm getting so worried about him?  "Stupid Chris,"  I said angrily and then was going to call him again but then…..

I felt the dead man move a little and said something. I jumped backward in fear. He turned around and straightened, but his body was still on the ground. Now half of his face was visible to me and half was covered by his hood. He was moaning and trying to say something. Slowly I got closer to him.

"Sa… Save Me P… please, Please" That's all he was able to say before he fainted again.

I knelt to see his face. I first took his hood off his face and if I tell the truth he is so fucking handsome, his face is so attractive, with the perfect jawline, high bridge nose shape, and thin lips with mole below it. While looking at his dark brown hair I can easily guess his eyes must be dark brown.

I quickly got out of my nasty thoughts and started lifting his heavy body to get him inside. He is heavy, maybe because of his biceps and abs which I can see through the bulge on his shirt. Yes, I was right. He has Chris's body type, and that's the only thing that makes me attracted to Chris.

I put one of his hands on my shoulder and grabbed his waist with my hand and carried him on me and then I started slowly dragging him to get him inside the cafe.

Bringing him inside the cafe was no less than a battle for me. He is heavy and my body is very small in comparison to his. I put him on a chair and I sat on a chair in front of him. 

I immediately took the phone out of my pocket and called an ambulance and thankfully they picked up my call.

"Hello, city hospital? I need an ambulance right now, there's a guy in my cafe and he has fainted" I spoke in one breath.

"Let me speak sir, first tell me your name and from where are you talking?" the lady on the phone responded.

I tried to keep myself calm and answer her "I'm Ace Brown from Brown's Cafe, it comes on the main road between the village and the city and…."

"Wait for a second sir, if it comes in the village then you have to call the village hospital" The lady answered in a calm tone before I finished.

"No, madam, it does not come in the village, it comes between the village and the city" I tried to make her understand my point again.

"Sir I will not be able to help you at this time as you can see the weather condition is very bad so now we cannot send any ambulance to the village" her words raised my anxiety level.

"I request you to call the village hospital once if they can send an ambulance to you" she finishes her opinion as politely as possible. 

I became so frustrated by her opinion and shouted on-call "And what is the guarantee that the village hospital will send an ambulance in bad weather?"

she sighed and said in a forcefully made gentle tone "So do one thing, throw a glass of water on your friend's face, he will come to his senses. Thank you for calling The City Hospital," Have a Good Night Sir" and before I could respond she hung up the call. 

And I knew that there is no use even calling the village hospital, they will also answer the same. I groaned and put my palm on my head. At this moment I don't know what am I supposed to do? I looked at the man in front of me. He must be a little older than me. He is looking so peaceful while sleeping or should I say faintly? His clothes are all covered in mud.

He's wearing a black shirt with a hood, now it's got brown, muddy spots and blue ripped jeans, both have a lemon label on them. Lemon is a huge brand that only rich people can afford. If this man is that rich what he was doing in the forest? And the most important thing which I noticed late, where are his shoes? He is barefoot with bruises on it and is covered in mud.

Is he a thief or something? Or trying to evade the police? I got up quickly and went to the kitchen and brought a glass of water. I don't want to do this but what if it turns out to be a thief?

I threw the whole glass of water at his face without thinking. He shook a little but fainted again. I went up to him, grabbed his shoulder and shook him hard, and asked "who are you and what were you doing in the forest?"

"I'm….  try... Trying to save me.. Myself…" He spoke in a trembling voice and I saw he opened his eyes lightly. His eyes were dark brown as I expected. 

"But to whom?" I asked without taking my eyes off his eyes.

I still held his shoulder. He looked into my eyes as if he was trying to find something in my eyes and said in his deep husky voice "from the robbers." And before I could respond, he collapsed again and his head fell on my shoulder. 

I sighed in relief and thought I was unnecessarily doubting him, he seems out of luck. I looked at his face, he was lying very calmly with his head on my shoulder. 

I carried the weight of his body on me and began to carry him above the Stairs. His body is too heavy like I'll die under him.

When I got upstairs I took him to the guest room and laid him on the black sofa then I went to my room and brought a pair of clean clothes. I went to the washroom and brought a bucket of hot water and a mug.

I took a deep breath and walked closer to him, he was sleeping very peacefully. There was no wrinkle on his forehead. I kneeled down in front of him and I start undressing him. I slowly extended my hand and grabbed his shirt and raised it up. It was a bit of hard work as the shirt was stuck to his body due to being wet and soiled. As soon as I took off his shirt and laid it to the side, his bare body start to make my heart beat faster. he has a masculine body with pale skin color and now, I can clearly see his abs and biceps and most surprising bruises all over his body like he got beaten up by someone, I felt bad for him but….

I felt a burning sensation and redness on my cheeks, is it because I'm gay, or is this guy really so tempting? I took the hand towel and soaked it in the hot water of the bucket and squeezed it. I got up and sat down next to him on the sofa.

I grabbed his shoulder and slowly started cleaning every part of his body. His chest, shoulders, arms, stomach, and waist… I put the towel in the bucket and unbutton his pants and open the zip slowly. "WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING" I stood up screaming. 

I groaned angrily, sit on the floor and I put my both palm on my head. Why do I feel like I'm raping him Who is he and why am I so concerned about him? Before I thought of anything else I heard him moaning in pain and starts moving on the sofa.

Now he was sleeping on the sofa on his stomach and his back was clearly visible but my eyes went to the lower part of his neck where there was a strange tattoo….

I quickly got up and went to the sofa and looked closer to him and saw it was not a tattoo, it was someone who made a mark by burning it.

It is written in some other language, it is difficult for me to understand it, maybe it can be found by checking on the phone. Phone? Where is my phone? I quickly started checking in my pocket, maybe it was left on the counter below.

As I was about to go down he grabbed my hand and said "Pl…. please help…. me, I'm in pain" I sat on the couch as if he had me hypnotized and he put his head on my lap and fell asleep. I slowly started wiping his wound with a towel, especially that tattoo-like wound. something very bad has happened to him. 

I slowly took off his pants and started wiping his feet with the towel. now he was just in his underwear. he was still holding one of my hands. I slowly released my hand from his and went to my room to get the medical kit.

As soon as I went to my room I saw from the window it was getting dark outside, only the sound of rain and lightning could be heard. I should go quickly and close the outside wooden door. 

I reached the guest room with the medical kit. He was still sleeping on the sofa. I went near him and sat next to him. I started applying medicine to all his wounds with light hands. He used to moan while applying medicine to some wounds. and his moans making me uncomfortable between my legs. 

After I had applied the medicine to all his wounds, then I started putting him on clean clothes that I had brought him. Thankfully, I had an oversized pajama set because Chris used to sleep here when he came late from work. After dressing him I put him to sleep on the bed.

When I saw him sleeping soundly, I quickly went downstairs, I turned off the automatic wooden door on the outside with the switch, along with the steel door closed on top of it. Now my cafe is locked with three doors so lightning and rain can't damage my cafe.

I finally found my phone on the counter. I once thought to call Chris, but after reading the message notification, I was relieved that Chris, Zoe, and Eric have reached home comfortably. Just Eric wrote that he got a little wet on the way. Right now it will not be right to tell Chris about this stranger, he will be unnecessarily worried and this man doesn't seem dangerous, so let's wait till morning.

I went up the stairs but before going to my room I went to the guest room to see him one last time. He was sleeping very peacefully I went and sat on the sofa and stared at him for a while. After all, who is he? Looks like a prince of a palace, but in his condition, he is very disturbed and running away from someone.

A lightning thunder brought me out of my thoughts. I got up and went to the window. 

Strong winds were swinging the trees loudly as if they were having fun. The rain was falling with all its might in an oblique direction as if today it will drown everyone and everything. Thunder Lightning was making strange marks in the sky as if it would fill the whole sky with marks tonight. 

I closed the window and went to my room.

I went into bed and tried to sleep.


Nature is on its edge just like that day and The Rain pouring like tears like that day.....