
Black And White Immortal God

Being a young gifted lad with an eccentric father and a superficially jealous mother. Xiao Ming grows up to discover that he is a possessor of a powerful ancient physique- THE ANCIENT DAO BODY. Bearing it in mind that his existence like the other pre-possessors of his physique was either a huge threat or a blessing to his society and it's members. He and the Chaotic Sword forge their way through the disasters of the world to establish their existence. Finally as the solemn and one true Dao Emperor, he fixes a family issue and builds the one true Holy Dao Universe. Read the tell tale of the journey of a true hero as he ascends from a 'mere mortal' to an Emperor at the peak of the Ninth Heaven through his domineering and overbearing will.

Praise_Kalu_7393 · Eastern
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38 Chs

Planned Torture


While Xiao Ming and Bai Qing were expectantly hurrying over, some plan was cooking behind their backs.

On a small mountain-some hill towards the Bai Clan's Ancestral Residence.

A beautiful young lady adorned in azure martial robes and with a perfectly matched dazzling white boot stood on the peak of the hill. Her face was the breath-taking definition of what true beauty was. She had all the sexiest curves in the world and just her standing alone could bring dreamy looks of passion to almost every man in the world. The fairy was holding to her sword scabbard that was on her waist strap.

The hill where the fairy stood was the Bai Clan's Earth Mountain and no ordinary person dared to ascend so high on the mountain. For the beauty to do so proved her irreplaceable status and value in the Bai Clan. The fairy was continuously giving off an ethereal pressure and charm like a goddess. Her aura alone limited all the men from approaching towards her due to the gulf between their strengths.

Next to the fairy was a middle aged man with a scar to his cheek. The scar made him ferocious and from his courteous behavior, he seemed like a bodyguard. Aside from his scar, he also had a few whiskers on his face, these were the marks of vicissitude. Strangely, the man had a cultivation three realms above the fairy. He was suspended in the air and was floating up. This ability proved that he could control the Heaven and Earth Qi around him to some extent. He was at least in the Dao-Merge stage and only through deep thoughts could one figure this out. He was giving off zero aura fluctuation and seemed like one who was afraid of the fairy as he looked towards the same direction as herself.

"Martial Uncle Xuan, you and everyone else in the Red Cloud Sect knows that I practice the Invincible Goddess Sutra requires a cultivator of this technique to possess a pure and emotionless heart. Going against this will definitely result in a reverse circulation of the art. Then these will inflict a terrible backlash on the fragile Martial Soul.... The person's entire cultivation is set to crumble." The young fairy suddenly asks the aloof looking middle aged man. This middle aged man was known in Clearwater City and the Shen Clan. He was a respectable Elder of the Red Cloud Sect but a servant of the Shen Clan. However, Dao-Master Xuan was still a powerhouse despite his seemingly fading status.

"Young Mistress Shen Wu, you might be possibly right, the truth however is that you are still in control of these. Once your emotional walls begin to crumble, the Invincible Goddess Art begins to lash its effects." the cold looking Dao-Master Xuan explained in a grim tone while bearing an expressionless look.

"Myself?.... Haha, I do know about this and I'm really not stupid to inflict a grave injury onto my Martial Soul. Father sealed his lips on an issue like this for the very first time. I got to know that this commotion was put in place by both Clan Grand Patriarchs. I'll have less worry if my 'fated' half were to be a cultivator like Brother Yuesha and not some mere mortal. Hmph!" Shen Wu sneered and gave a cold look in her reminisce.

"What? Damn those old fogeys. They truly do not care about a beauty such as the Young Mistress. Their ancient skulls must be screwed... hmph!" Dao Master Xuan cursed loudly with a snort.

"I got some feed yesterday from a few Bai Clan members on this great fiancée of mine. This Bai Clan actually has the right to wed this young mistress to an orphan they had raised. He had been forbidden from cultivation due to a certain condition of his physique. Possibly anytime soon, his meridians will be sealed and his future as a cultivator would only turn bleaker. Supposedly, as the favored nephew of the Clan's Grand Patriarch, he'll need to live his remaining days in bliss and under my company as well. Hehe! Such a perfect plan from a screwed brain." Shen Wu disdainfully commented. They exchanged glances later on and with synchrony, they understand the next line of action to take. When they extended their lips for a lewd smile, the aura around Shen Wu suddenly increased in its might as it continuously swelled. Not long after, it stabilized and her aura was soon at the half-step Supreme Immortal. They retracted their gazes and looked to the distance in anticipation for the white robed youth

If that white robed mortal dared to come, he would only be tortured cruelly and can only give up from the embarrassment of not withstanding his fiance's pressure. He could only suffer a mental drawback and his cultivation would surely be affected in the nearest future. This was simply the cruelest torture they had set in place for the youth.