
Black And White Immortal God

Being a young gifted lad with an eccentric father and a superficially jealous mother. Xiao Ming grows up to discover that he is a possessor of a powerful ancient physique- THE ANCIENT DAO BODY. Bearing it in mind that his existence like the other pre-possessors of his physique was either a huge threat or a blessing to his society and it's members. He and the Chaotic Sword forge their way through the disasters of the world to establish their existence. Finally as the solemn and one true Dao Emperor, he fixes a family issue and builds the one true Holy Dao Universe. Read the tell tale of the journey of a true hero as he ascends from a 'mere mortal' to an Emperor at the peak of the Ninth Heaven through his domineering and overbearing will.

Praise_Kalu_7393 · Eastern
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38 Chs

Human Sacred Meridians, Divine Sacred Meridians And Godly Sacred Meridians

The immediate reaction that Xiao Ming had was dumbfounded. He knew that what Master Huan chirped in was equally important. As expected, Xiao Ming could not help his curiosity. Master Huan smiled delightfully as this was within his expectation.

"Hmm.." Master Huan sighed and suddenly unleashed an aura of vicissitude as his face grew solemn. Inwardly though, he was filled with delight which he had carefully hidden even from the keen senses of Xiao Ming.

"Master, the sacred meridians is the sole foundation of any human cultivator. Demonic beasts cultivate bloodlines to inherit powerful abilities. The human body is a vessel for the absorption of spiritual qi. This qi is refined into various energy levels as one progressed. Due to constant refining, the vessel births channels for energy circulation." Master Huan explained eloquently and silently won Xiao Ming's appraisal.

"These channels are the sacred meridians right?"Xiao Ming inquired with furrowed brows. If the channels existed for energy circulation, they would replicate mortal veins.

"You are right, those channels are referred to as Sacred Meridians. The meridians of every cultivator varies according to the amount of potential they possess. A person with thirty six unsealed meridians possesses a set of Perfected Human Meridians. It is said that an inborn god possesses seventy two or even eighty one Sacred Meridians." Master Huan dictated strictly as he exuded the feeling of a powerful Dao Preacher.

It was definite that the number of meridians depicted the level of one's talent. It was inevitable that those gods would progress much quickly compared to the others with lower level of meridians. As one could absorb more Spiritual Qi, this only showed how faster one would grow amongst their peers.

"Are there any higher number of meridians above eighty one. Also, does having a lower number of meridians coupled with a powerful physique a weakness before an opponent? " Xiao Ming asked with a fastidious frown. It would only be fatal if one couldn't suppress their opponent even with brute force from their physiques.

"Of course, the gods are unparalleled existences in the eyes of mortals. This due to them posseesing an equally extra pair of sacred meridians above them. Unless it was also a Godly Meridian opponent, it would be pointless.

But dealing with stronger physiques can equally reverse this crisis. In a true light, a Perfected Human Meridian with unmatched cultivation can suppress a thirty meridian expert with a finger flick. But if one was unlucky to bump into divine physique possessors such as Ancient Yang Body or the Golden Dragon Body, the bridge would cease to exist... Of course, there were records I tbe past of people who surpassed eighty one set of meridians. But they still only existed in legends after all." Master Huan explained calmly. Towards the end of his statement, he stole a few glances at Xiao Ming to read his thought. He was disappointed when he couldn't even see a ripple. All he beheld was an expressionless face gazing at him as though he was naked in those cold eyes.

"The highest stage of sacred meridians is known as the Perfected Mystic Godly Meridians. The number is referred to as Perfected in the real sense of perfection. Usually, they summoned a powerful phenomenon after unleashed but none knew about these phenomena. The only bane in obtaining this was cruel torture and brutal death. The pain is unbearable to even the gods as the amount of pain from tbe eighty second to the final was unspeakable. Not even willpower experts like you might not be able to withstand such especially in your frail state. Generally only luck and unmatched endurance would prevail." Master Huan explained gravely and stared away to the distance. Xiao Ming on the other hand was slowly comprehending Master Huan's detailed advice.

"But how could one unlock this sacred meridians? "Xiao Ming asked abruptly. His cold and calm voice jolted Master Huan back to the surroundings. He feigned a cough and explained.

"I'll give you a diagram to guide you. You should know at least a few mantras presently. Those can be helpful to you in this state. You must try to perceive the spiritual qi of Heaven and Earth to temper your body. Afterwards, you'll create missiles from the qi of Heaven and Earth towards your sealed meridians. Once you achieved this, you can barely be referred to a Spirit Condensation stage warrior. This stage would involve the nourishment of your orifices, innards and your outer organs with spiritual qi. The stage where you successfully create a Spirit Qi pool or sea is the official step into cultivation." Master Huan explained solemnly but his voice sounded pitiful. He looked to see Xiao Ming who had his eyes closed and his hair fluttering wildly in the wind. He couldn't help feeling slightly envious of this divinity descendant.