
Black And White Immortal God

Being a young gifted lad with an eccentric father and a superficially jealous mother. Xiao Ming grows up to discover that he is a possessor of a powerful ancient physique- THE ANCIENT DAO BODY. Bearing it in mind that his existence like the other pre-possessors of his physique was either a huge threat or a blessing to his society and it's members. He and the Chaotic Sword forge their way through the disasters of the world to establish their existence. Finally as the solemn and one true Dao Emperor, he fixes a family issue and builds the one true Holy Dao Universe. Read the tell tale of the journey of a true hero as he ascends from a 'mere mortal' to an Emperor at the peak of the Ninth Heaven through his domineering and overbearing will.

Praise_Kalu_7393 · Eastern
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38 Chs

Detoxifying The Withered Rose Poison


After he sensed that Dao Li had left, a relieved sigh sounded from Xiao Yunhai.

He was barely saved by clinging tightly onto a steep edge of the cliff with his breath and aura withheld.

On sensing the disappearance of Dao Li's aura, he breathed in relief. With his eyes closed, he immediately revolved his divine energy, directly placing them into his legs.

Right then, he landed!


On landing, Xiao Yunhai immediately revolved his divine energy to suppress his grievous injuries.

Although he had the Ancient Yang Physique, the injuries he sustained turned out more unbearable.

His Royal Spirit realm cultivation was having a hard time keeping up with the injuries that had ran wild during his chase.

Being on a marathon to save his life for almost a month, it was understandable for these injuries to accumulate.

"That was a gambit on my life just now, I can rest here for a while after suppressing my injuries" Xiao Yunhai declared decisively.

He knew that he had only managed to put off the immense danger narrowly.

However, he had finally been given a moment to rest his head and he would not let go of this opportunity.


With a flick of his robes, a few hundred of blue colored stones appeared in a small circle around him.

The stones had a mysterious godly aura and were dense with god-energy.

These were divine stones used by experts in Divinity Stage and aided in healing processes.

Not long later, Xiao Yunhai worked endlessly and tirelessly.

He was either absorbing, refining or suppressing for a long period of time. Not long after, his pale face grew a tinge of red as his blood began to circulate slowly.

The next problem to be tackled was the Withered Rose poison. Of course, the poison was a rare deadly breed and was no pushover.

Ordinarily, it would not matter much due to his exceptional abundant yang vitality, but due to his inability to suppress it earlier, it had worsened.

While he fled, he had not sensed the major damage inflicted but after he rested, the symptoms appeared.

The Withered Rose was a Yin-attribute poison and it was also a very powerful parasite.

After it had accumulated enough energy from Xiao Yunhai, it tried to rot and freeze Xiao Yunhai's yang-energy-it's polar opposite.

The pain was overbearing and turned his face ghastly pale as the poison violently surged inside his body.

Gritting his teeth, he willed for a miniscule, thumb-sized blue crystalline pellet to appear on his hands.

Although the pill seemed tender due to its color, it actually gave off the aura of true flames!

"Flame Return Pellet… you'd better not disappoint" Xiao Yunhai said coolly.

This divine pill was worth a fortune and he could only wish it could actually combat the Withered Rose poison. As he tossed the Flame Return Pellet in, he felt a warm flow of energy.

A loud bang emitted as his body jolted from the warm influx of pure flame energy.



Xiao Yunhai had been forced under immense pain to throw the Flame Return Pellet rashly into his mouth.

The violent energy could not be sustained for a period of time and hence resulted in a mini explosion.

In a few breath's time, a burst of golden divine flames cackled from around Xiao Yunhai. His originally suppressed yang energy had broken free and was now actually twice its usual amount.

Usually, it should be a great danger if it were to be any other regular cultivator.

However, Xiao Yunhai possessed the Ancient Yang Body and he could withstand this sort of energy.

Notwithstanding, he needed a greater amount of yang energy to purge out the poison soul of the Withered Rose off his body.

Due to possessing a greater amount of yang energy, Xiao Yunhai felt a strange sense of confidence in overpowering the cold yin Withered Rose.

Within his dantian, a smaller and clone-like appearance of Xiao Yunhai was in a lotus position with shut eyes.

This small clone was Xiao Yunhai's Royal Spirit he had cultivated painstakingly. Beside the Royal Spirit was a dim rose flower.

The flower seemed to have dehydrated and was crumpled like something squashed by a person's hands.

This was the poison soul of the Withered Rose that had been wreaking havoc in Xiao Yunhai's innards.

If Xiao Yunhai's Royal Spirit was akin to an acacia tree, then the Withered Rose was like a day-old sapling.

The Withered Rose wriggled itself around the Royal Spirit as it wanted to devour its essence.


Without a warning, a billow of dense flames blew out from the Royal Spirit and caught the Withered Rose off-guard.

The Withered Rose immediately retreated intelligently as it seemed to be scared of the divine flames.

The Withered Rose was a special poison as it possessed a sentient soul with intelligence of a spiritual beast.

However, Xiao Yunhai had bloodshot eyes and his eyes shone with a cold glint on seeing the cowardly Withered Rose scampering at the sight of the first wave of flames.


Controlling the flames into a palm-sized ball, Xiao Yunhai lunged at the poison using the Royal Spirit.

Their minds were totally connected and all the actions either of them made were similar to the other.

Just like that, the collision went on violently for nearly half an incense stick time.

Finally, the light on the Withered Rose dimmed totally as it gave in to the power of the divine flames.

The flames completely devoured the subdued poison soul of the Withered Rose and burnt it into nothingness in a few breaths.


After the ashes were dispersed from within his body, they reappeared as steamy, pungent black liquids on the surface of Xiao Yunhai's skin.

The surrounding raging flames quickly dried the liquid up before it could accumulate any further.


A few minutes later, the scalding divine flames around Xiao Yunhai receded and his pale face appeared once more.