
Black And White Immortal God

Being a young gifted lad with an eccentric father and a superficially jealous mother. Xiao Ming grows up to discover that he is a possessor of a powerful ancient physique- THE ANCIENT DAO BODY. Bearing it in mind that his existence like the other pre-possessors of his physique was either a huge threat or a blessing to his society and it's members. He and the Chaotic Sword forge their way through the disasters of the world to establish their existence. Finally as the solemn and one true Dao Emperor, he fixes a family issue and builds the one true Holy Dao Universe. Read the tell tale of the journey of a true hero as he ascends from a 'mere mortal' to an Emperor at the peak of the Ninth Heaven through his domineering and overbearing will.

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38 Chs

Dao Lotus Purification

The backlash of the formation process was noticeable on Master Huan whose energy had been drained down to just barely a tenth of its initial status. Just when he was about to collapse, he suddenly retrieved Xiao Ming's blue hilted Tiger Heart and devoured it wholesomely.


"Barely enough! What sort of food is this". He spat out with a questioning expression. He gazed back with a grave serious expression at the swiveling Xiao Ming. He was unaware that Xiao Ming had secretly regained a bit of consciousness and he could feel the changes that this energy brought to him. he feigned even more deceitfully, he just needed more of this undisguised blessing.


Within few minutes, a silver-golden glow emerged from about a hundred seals and runes that Master Huan had painstakingly drawn. There was dense Yin aura coming from the silver glow and a scorching wave of Yang was released from the golden glow. Both of them converged and pierced right into Xiao Ming's glowing flesh. He was shrouded in the rays of Yin and Yang.

After the rays had permeated through Xiao Ming, they contorted to form a massive dao lotus. The dao lotus was silvery-gold and it enclosed Xiao Ming like a cocoon. The rays extended and circled around him in an awesome manner concealing his aura. If one extended their spiritual sense, they could never discover even a trace of his existence. This was one of the powerful abilities of the Dao Lotus healing technique.

Back in Sheng Yun realm, Master Huan had worn a bit of fame from using this powerful technique. It was through the technique he had been able to establish an alliance with Xiao Yunhai. But sometimes, possessing good fortune leads to restlessness. This object of fame led to many enemies coming after Master Huan and that led to his tragic fate - turning into a sword spirit for Xiao Ming.

"What next? he-he!" Master Huan chuckled with a mischievous expression as he waited. he was delighted when the lotus wrapped around Xiao Ming as this proved the technique had been completed. Once the lotus had emerged, the divine healing would take effect.

"It seems like my Dao Lotus Purification Art is still as effective as ever, although I am a sword spirit, it's difference isn't huge compared to my human state.... too bad I've exhausted my energy source and I might need to go to sleep soon. Once Little Ming wakes up, I'm afraid I'd be bullied.... But once he gets stronger, we'll team up and go beat the hell out of that Dao Dragon and have some fun with Big Brother Hai " Master Huan huffed coldly. All of a sudden, a loud bang resuscitated his thoughts.




A series of explosions boomed everywhere as the unbloomed lotus developed cracks. Master Huan furrowed his brows with a frown as he found this action strange. Usually, the flower ought to bloom, but right now, the flower showed signs of unsteadiness. The cracks all over made it look like a perfect mistake. a worried expression appeared on the pale faced Master Huan.

"What could this be? Did I possibly miscalculate? Oh no! If only i had sufficient energy. Little Ming, I guess you aren't hurt right.... Dao Dragon! hmph" Master Huan seially questioned in panic. He quickly hurried over to observe the state of the lotus before a relieved sigh rung out.



More cracks spread symetrically around the fully budded dao lotus. The cracks tailed down even to the bottom. However, before the cracks could extend to the full lotus to shatter it, a blooming force countered it. The rebound transformed the cracking force and caused it to bloom the flower even more hurriedly. Master Huan's keen perception had figured it out a while before and hence he wasn't surprised.


A petal struck open first shrouded in silvery-gold aura. The aura released entwined around the spinning Xiao Ming. however, the eighty one petals within the fully bloomed lotus unraveled itself to depict seven hundred and twenty nine spinning seeds. Seeing this, Master Huan chuckled and began directing the seeds towards Xiao Ming's dantian.

Within Xiao Ming's dantian, the seeds exploded into streams of quality Spiritual Qi. This level of Spiritual Qi could even make a Demi Immortal's eyes glow with envy as it was beyond the term 'pure'. The energy was dispersed slowly to cure Xiao Ming's hardened internal injuries. As a human 'abyss', Xiao Ming consumed the energy to nourish his weakened injuries to a better state. After releasing all the seeds, the lotus itself shattered and released a bountiful amount of energy to the surroundings. Master Huan had already predicted this, hence, the energy released was immediately contained in the Energy Trapping Formation. Master Huan also struggled miserably to absorb a bit of the energy but he didn't seem to get any improvement.

After serenity returned to the environment, Master Huan examined Xiao Ming again and had a delighted smile. he was impressed with what his sight had just fed him.

"Phew!" it's all good now, Little Ming should be awake by now and I guess he surely won't be unable to practice the Shadowless Spirit Sword Sutra with this huge amount of energy... This has turned the lad's disaster into a twofold blessing haha!" Master Huan chuckled at his achievement feeling accomplished.

Suddenly, Xiao Ming made a slight buzz and a pair of silver and gold dragon emerged from him. The dragons were the Yin and Yang draconic aura that was unique to Xiao Ming. The aura bore a disdaining pressure on all creatures and even the immortal Master Huan was not exempted. The dragons slowly retracted after making their proud emergence. Due to the condensation of his aura, Xiao Ming became distracted from his meditation. His eyes shook forcefully as they tried to devour the light of this world again.