
Black And White Immortal God

Being a young gifted lad with an eccentric father and a superficially jealous mother. Xiao Ming grows up to discover that he is a possessor of a powerful ancient physique- THE ANCIENT DAO BODY. Bearing it in mind that his existence like the other pre-possessors of his physique was either a huge threat or a blessing to his society and it's members. He and the Chaotic Sword forge their way through the disasters of the world to establish their existence. Finally as the solemn and one true Dao Emperor, he fixes a family issue and builds the one true Holy Dao Universe. Read the tell tale of the journey of a true hero as he ascends from a 'mere mortal' to an Emperor at the peak of the Ninth Heaven through his domineering and overbearing will.

Praise_Kalu_7393 · Eastern
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38 Chs

A Decade's Transformation


10 years later,

On a dark mountain range, within the entire spatial residence of the Bai Clan, a pack of White Cold Blood Wolves howled at an extremely dark sword-wielding figure's shadow.







The scene turned out to be an eerie sight. All that could be seen was truly a shadow hidden in the dark that kept swinging what extended from his hands like a Grim Reaper at the howling beasts. They seemed powerless as more of them dropped to the ground after unleashing howls to the mute figure. This was terrifying to imagine that Late Stage Spirit Condensation Beasts could get killed from the shadow.

The wolves were furious as they watched the pack members dropped dead on the ground. The human sword wielder was extremely cruel and his sword reaped lives with a single slash. They could sense he was nothing but a mere mortal, yet, this mortal rendered them powerless. He didn't even seem to use sword skills like those cultivators outside there. They couldn't take it and pounced towards the shadow. However the shadow made a shocking cross through them, evading their attacks.





An exact repetition played unto the frustrated wolves. The sheen from the sword wielding figure continued to claim the lives of the roaring wolves. It became a rhythm like the wolves were giving their 'parting' cries. A minute later, the entire howling pack had been razed to the last drop of blood. All that was left of the pack were their crumbled flesh and sword cuts. The sword wielding shadow indifferently sorted out the beast cores with his sword and sealed it in a special pouch he was holding.


A sigh rung out as the sword wielding figure appeared under the sunlight. The sun bathed his entire figure with its rays and a first time look will convince one that this was a divinity that had appeared.

"It has been ten years now, Uncle Xiao and Cousin Qing can finally let me cultivate... Two months? I'll wait that long and then I'll chase my path of martial arts...Senior Sister Xue will love this cores. I'd give them to her now and take a few day's rest" the figure suddenly announced after his appearance was fully revealed. No longer a shadow but a dazzling white robed youth.

This youth had sword-like brows and a gaze likened to an unsheathed cold sword staring into the distance. With succulent reddish lips curved into a smile and a tinted green iris shining brightly, he sheathed his blue hilted Tiger Heart Sword. His auras were both an ethereal gentle yet a sword sharp offensive aura. The youth is the modification of the foursome youth from a decade back.

Ten years had already passed, the young six year old Xiao Ming had grown into an handsome and impressing young man. His feats alone had long spread round Moon Drifting Town. He was the strongest mortal existing so far, with strength monstrous enough to defeat and even kill Spirit Condensation warriors. The current identity he is bearing now is actually Bai Ming. Bai Ming to the world was the long lost nephew of Bai Yunxiao. His father was 'actually' Bai Yunxiao's brother- Bai Tianfei. He was both the direct nephew of the Grand Patriarch and the little cousin of Patriarch Qing.

It was a shared fact within and without the Bai Clan and even the populace of Moon Drifting Town had long known about it. With the guaranteed supply of an astronomic amount of spiritual resources, the mortal Xiao Ming had been able to nourish and temper his physique in readiness for his future cultivation. However, even himself was ignorant of the terrifying physique he possessed.