
BL When you transmigrate to other times

"The world is full of mystery. I've heard that all my life and it seems to be true. But if I go through something mysterious myself, will I be believed? Maybe I'll think I'm crazy, or everything that happens to me in my everyday life is just something I'm dreaming and soon I'll wake up. Questions without answers..." Everything changes after he returns from a pilgrimage to a miraculous statue of the Holy Virgin Mary, when he becomes the victim of a plane accident in which, with no hope left, he prays alongside the other passengers, gives his final blessing, and then... And then what? He wakes up on a bench. Where exactly? Right in the heart of the most important square in the world, in Rome, caput mundi, as the Latins used to say. What is he doing there? He remembered the airplane accident, but he also had other memories. How did he get here, what year is it? He was at the Vatican, but still... Is it the year 1492?!

Antlittle · LGBT+
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40 Chs

Chapter XVII: Nothing is the same as before

Finally, I have returned to my native land. My native land in this world is called Wallachia and is ruled by a lord that is quite occupied with wars against the Ottomans. However, the Church is in a period of peace where no one seems to be concerned about anything. Especially the bishop of Targoviște...

Well, to be honest, I don't think everything should be so tranquil during this time. Especially after something mysterious was discovered a few years ago...

I think it would be better to explain from the memories I have in this world...

In the year 1476, approximately 16 years ago, the ruler of this land was killed and buried at the age of only 45. Honestly, several people discovered that this person did not die but transformed into a "strigoi," or as we would say in the 21st century, a blood-thirsty vampire.

Several strange events have occurred in recent months, and I have always believed it to be divine punishment for the negative deeds committed by the Church, such as stealing from the poor... Yes, that's why I became the target of ridicule from the Church and left for Rome, but it doesn't matter

The name of that lord was Vlad the Impaler... Yes, the renowned Dracula of our time... It seems that the legend is not far from the truth. Honestly, I hope it's all just a fabrication by the elderly and that it's nothing important.

As soon as I returned from Rome, I went to my bishop to recount my adventures in Rome... However, even if I will lie to him from the bottom of my heart, I still have to provide some explanations, don't I?

"Your Excellency!"

"Oh, Antonio... I truly felt your absence... Come!" the bishop warmly greeted me.

"Your Excellency, I am not worthy of such a reception. You know, before leaving, I harmed your reputation, and I have come to apologize for that..."

"What? It doesn't matter... Anyway, I heard you went to see the Pope... Did you meet the Pope?"

"Yes... And I was extremely delighted to speak with the Holy Father about Your Excellency..."

"Seriously? What did you tell him?"

"I told him about the wonderful plans you have for the Church in Wallachia and how merciful you are towards the common people, especially the priests with various issues..."

"Seriously? And what did the Pope say?"

"The Pope was very pleased with this and said that you are a bishop deserving veneration from all..."

Ha, the old man fell for it... Well, I hope to leave my rural parish and make my way to the city. Who knows... Maybe I will even become the right-hand man of the old man, and when he can no longer do anything against me, I will deliver the final blow by participating in the nominations for the future bishop.

It seems that Rome has changed me, hasn't it? Honestly, it has changed me. And I still ponder... Why should I spend a lifetime in anonymity when I can become a monsignor or even a bishop? I think it's worth a try...

"I-I truly apologize for hitting you in front of the councilors, but you know I don't like being judged for my actions, right?" the bishop calmly said to me.

"I know, Your Excellency and that's exactly why I'm sorry... I wanted to make amends and make you known to the Holy Father... Maybe you'll be proposed for promotion as a Cardinal..."

"I don't think I have any chance of becoming a Cardinal... Especially at almost 70 years old... But you, you are still young, and maybe..."

"Your Excellency, you flatter me... You know, I'm not worthy of such words from Your Excellency..."

"Antonio, you know... You just received your doctorate in Law, right? Would you like to become an ecclesiastical judge within our diocese?"

Wait, what? Is the old man really that vulnerable? It seems I did well to return to the country... Anyway, I no longer care about Cesare or Rome... They are all fools. And here I was trying to appear humble... Ha, it seems to work and bring results... Let's see where I can go with this theater.

"Your Excellency... I am a simple priest in a rural parish, and I am not good enough to become Your Excellency's trusted man..."

"It seems that your visit to Rome has made you more composed, hasn't it? Well, what I said, I said... Starting tomorrow, you will come to the capital and become an ecclesiastical judge."

"I willingly submit with filial love to Your Excellency's commands..."

"Very well then... I will speak to the servants to prepare a room for you in the episcopal palace, and you will start tomorrow, is that okay?"

"Of course!"

Ha, it seems I have to return to my former parish to gather my books and other belongings and bid farewell to my people.

As soon as I arrived, the entire community came out to greet me like a hero returning from the battlefield. To my surprise, everyone already knew that I would leave for the capital, so they welcomed me with tears in their eyes.

We celebrated a final Liturgy in the local church, and then I bid farewell to the people with these words:

"My beloved sons and daughters, the Lord has called me to a high position, and I must leave you. The love I have for you, I have shown it many times when you were mistreated by the wealthy. And to you, the nobles, although I scolded you for your stinginess, I considered you as brothers in need of correction. Now, in parting, I offer you the blessings of the Lord."

In the end, they started crying. How touching... I had almost immersed myself too much in the role... Before, I would have been willing to give up any position to be with these people, but now that I have seen the true face of the Church, I can't stay among these ignorant people. I need ranks! I need favorable connections through which I can gain them!

The nobles from that town greeted me with sadness. Some of them offered me expensive gifts... Someone gave me a watch, another one a silver ring for when I receive an important rank in the Church, and others gave me various monetary gifts. One of them even gave me a cassock as a gift... Cesare's cassock... No, not that one... It's just... It doesn't matter...

The next day, before sunrise, I set off for the capital where I was awaited by the bishop, who instructed his secretary to lead me to my room. How beautiful it is here.

Oak-paneled offices, a mahogany bed, and, of course, various wardrobes made of the same wood adorned my room. Next to it, is a tastefully decorated bathroom. However... Something was missing... Or someone.

It closely resembled Cesare's room. Could I ever forget him? If I can't, should I? I have to and I will... I have to!

As soon as I arranged my belongings in the wardrobes, I received a visit. It was the bishop, wishing me a pleasant stay and informing me that tomorrow I would have my first case as an ecclesiastical judge.

"Antonio, forgive me for bothering you with work since your arrival, but it has to be done... You know, we haven't had an ecclesiastical judge for about 16 years..."

"What a shame... Anyway, I will strive to faithfully fulfill the tasks you assign to me."

"What a faithful priest you are... Who knows, maybe one day you will become a bishop in my place."

Sure... That's what I'm aiming for... Maybe a cardinal position... Maybe I'll even become Pope...

"Your Excellency, I am not worthy!"

"But you are... Now, make yourself comfortable, and when you're done, come down to have lunch with me..."

"Of course, thank you!"

Ha, just a few words to stroke his ego, and already I'm sitting at the table with him, becoming his right hand... It seems the old man is dumber than he appears... Hahaha!

Hmm, to be honest, the stigmata is starting to bother me... I don't think I'll be able to work with these things on my hands, but it's worth a try. Anyway, at some point, I hope they will fade away on their own...

After unpacking all the things I brought from home, I went downstairs to have lunch with the bishop...

Milk, lamb meat, fine imported cheeses, and the best quality wine were served for lunch... I remember that in my rural parish, I hardly ate anything besides a few boiled vegetables like any peasant from Wallachia. But now...

"Your Excellency, what's with all this food?"

"Just for the two of us and for two retired priests who were my teachers and whom I take care of."

As soon as I noticed the presence of the two retirees, I shook their hands respectfully, introducing myself and trying to appear as convincing as possible.

I learned that one of them was a law professor, so we discussed various topics related to Church law to showcase my knowledge of legal matters and other theological subjects.

The bishop, absolutely fascinated, looked at me with joy. Finally, I can say that I've deceived them all... I'm glad I spent time with actors like those in Rome... Now it's time to begin my new life.

While sitting at the table, one of the priests noticed the marks on my hands, which made me feel embarrassed, but it seems I did so unnecessarily.

"Father, those are stigmata, the signs of the Lord... How did you acquire them?"

"Well, one night I dreamt of my crucifixion, and the next day, I already had these marks... To be honest, they are authentic because they were able to exorcise a bishop and a cardinal in Rome."

"Really," said the bishop. "Cases of demonic possession are starting to appear... Would you like to become the diocese's exorcist?"

"You know, Your Excellency... I wouldn't refuse the work for the sake of the Church and Your Excellency."

"Wonderful... I will inform you when such cases arise again..."

After the meal, we continued talking about various subjects, and after a few glasses of wine, the conversations started to become a bit heated.

"Father, over there in Rome, did you meet someone you liked?" one of the retired priests asked me.

"Father, you know... You studied in Rome as a priest, right? In the good old days, did you find someone you liked?" I asked him.

"Oh, Father... I think it's best to ask the bishop... He had, I think, seven lovers... Four men and three women... They were all priests or nuns..."

"Wait, what?"

"Antonio, I think you already know this, but there's no need to be a virgin your whole life... To be honest, I was your age when I made love for the first time with someone, and that person was a priest just like me... It was love at first sight, and now we are both bishops. Me in Wallachia, and him in Milan," the bishop said, surprising me.

"Well, you know... The truth is..."

"Tell us, Antonio... Come on. No one in this room has been a virgin for at least 40 years."

"Well... I broke my vow of chastity with someone..."

"With whom? Was it a man? Or was it a woman?" one of the retired priests asked me.

"Well... It's a long story... At first, I thought he was just a priest, but then I found out he was a cardinal..."

"A cardinal?! Antonio, do you have a thing for older people?" the bishop asked me.

"Well, he was the same age as me... The truth is... My first love was Cesare Borgia... I know it sounds hard to believe, but I didn't even know he was a cardinal... I thought he was just a regular priest. That's why I had the chance to speak with the Pope."

"What do you mean? Wasn't Cesare in his office?"

"No... He said he was on vacation and referred to himself in the third person, so I thought it was someone else. Even the Pope lied to me, that's why I left."

"You did not do well by leaving... From what you're saying, I think you're Cesare's first true love. The cardinal you exorcised was him, right?" the bishop asked me.

"Yes... But he doesn't even know that I left, and now..."

"Oh, God... What a love story," exclaimed the bishop. "I'm still glad that you came back to help here, in your homeland."

"Yes, I'm also glad that I finally escaped from Cesare and his lies, as well as the Pope's. He truly destroyed me while he was possessed with the "gift" he gave me..."

"Hey, who was the top, you or him?" one of the retirees said.

"Him... He was a bit more well-endowed than me, and it was only natural..."

"Well, I guess that's good... If you were the top, you would have had to be a bit more protective in daily life, so..." the bishop said.

After finishing the discussions, I went to my room where I stayed until noon when I concelebrated a Liturgy with the bishop. After dinner, I decided to go to bed early since tomorrow would be my first day as a judge, and I would have the power to decide the fate of the condemned.

What will happen next...I'm waiting for your comments

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