
Bittersweet start and ending

Alexanderrboopboop · Action
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2 Chs


I was walking towards the house that was next to the barn, stepping up their front porch I knock on the door holding my small bag close.

I fixed my hair and put on my cap back when I heard footsteps approaching and unlocking the door locks.

I looked up from my feet to be met by Blue and green eyes, the boy standing in front of me looked like he was the same age about me despite the height difference.

"Can we help you?" The boy asks.

"Uh...I was hoping to..stay for the night here?"

I said nervously looking back down to the ground.

He only chuckled and called out to his mom.

"Oh, dear! You must be freezing here out in the night cold please come inside" The mother of the boy stepped aside to let me in.

I reluctantly entered the house.

"Now don't be shy!" She says she starts leading me to what looks like their kitchen "Come join me and my son for dinner!"

"Oh uh okay.."

I sat down next to where her son was sitting, I was quite uncomfortable being in a strangers house, I also looked around me observing their kitchen, it looked pretty simple but it said the words: 'comfortable' and 'safe'.

I looked at the son who was sitting next to me, his hands were on the table I looked down at my hands that we're on my lap and shifted in my seat.

The mother came in with trays of food and placed them down on the table and sat down.

"So, tell me, sweetheart, what brings you here all by yourself?"


"I ran away from home.."

She looked at me worried and concerned her son tilted his head and just looked at me confused.

"Why would you run away from your own home?" He said confused why I would run away from home.

"There's just been a lot going on and I also aspire to be an adventurer so...here I am away from home," I said looking up at them putting on a smile.

"Oh! How rude of us we haven't introduced ourselves to each other" She said clapping her hands together.

"I'm Lily Evanhansen and that's my son William Evanhansen" She said pointing at her son.

I smiled "Nice to meet you, I'm Sa- Liam, Liam...uh...Brightstone...yes... Liam Brightstone!" I said closing my eyes putting both my hands on my hips.

William snorted "If your going to introduce yourself by using a fake name might as well not make it obvious that 'Liam Brightstone'"

He said Air quoting my pseudonym.

(Pseudonym it is another term of 'false name' I wanted to sound smart...👉👈)

" isn't your real name" He added, he leaned towards me which I leaned back.

With a smirk on his face "Tell me what is your real name anyways 'Liam Brightstone.'"


"I wouldn't be undercover if you knew who I really was," I said straightening my position and crossed my arms.

He looked at me with an 'are you serious' look before leaning into his seat.

"Your not wrong," He said.

It was awkward for the mom, to be honest, starring at the two bickers at each other.

'They'll get along just fine' She thought before getting food on her plate and began to eat.


I was tucked into the sleeping bag that was laid down for me in Williams's room.

"Where will you head in the morning?" William asks while he shifts in his bed to look down at Sami.

"...I don't know, where ever the wind will take me?" I shrugged.


"Probably going to a town called 'Brighton'" I said still unsure of my choice.

"Or...you can stay with me and Mom and live a life here in the countryside, you look like you need a fresh start," William said.

"Now don't get me wrong on all this since we just met but you look like you just need a new home and such, someone who can understand??" He had added.

"I'm on the run from someone I don't want you guys any harm," I said turning to my side opposite from William and closed my eyes and hoped to fall asleep.

'I don't want them finding me here which will cause you guys to harm you if they knew you guys were hiding me...'