
Bittersweet by D.Liza

Author: Dana_Laguer
Fantasy Romance
Ongoing · 15.5K Views
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What is Bittersweet by D.Liza

Read ‘Bittersweet by D.Liza’ Online for Free, written by the author Dana_Laguer, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering VAMPIRE Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Imagine waking up to a different reality. One look in the mirror changes everything and then what? You gotta live the re...


Imagine waking up to a different reality. One look in the mirror changes everything and then what? You gotta live the rest of your life trying to figure who you are all while running for your life. For Lyza Knight everyday was about work and keeping to herself is always a challenge with her roommate. Loretta always manages to yank Lyza everywhere around town during the weekends. One weekend she's dragged to the beach and it soon goes horribly wrong. Now Lyza must try to keep her wits about her as she tries to control her new found powers, but holding back the excruciating thirst proves to be next to impossible with Connor Morrisey hovering over her every move. Lyza wants Connor gone, but she needs him to survive. He seems to know a lot about who and what she is, but little does she know that her days are numbered if he sticks by her. This time permanently. Now torn between what should be done and what they reluctantly desire Connor and Lyza must make a decision or die trying.

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