
Bitter Honey

Ellie Jeffrey Andrea Andrew Diana Mary Mark Sandra etc

Akinniyi_Comfort · Teen
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2 Chs

One and only (1)

"Andrew i can't do this,i don't like you at all,not even an inch." Ellie snarled indicating with her thumb and index finger

"Ellie you can't be that cruel, even if we can't be friends with benefits then can we be just friends, or is that too much for you to handle?"

"Andrew try to get this straight, i don't wanna date you, you're not my match, just stay away from me, do you get it?"

she hissed has she tried to make her way back to her deck, just few steps away from her destination she heard her name, she recognized the voice immediately, she does not need a fortune teller or a magician to tell her whose voice it is.

"gosh what does this guy want from me? isn't it obvious, that I don't want him around me."she said within her as she turn towards Andrew who was busy turning the globe which was placed on the deck before him.

"Andrew, what do you want from me?"she demand amidst rage.

"I want....."

He was interrupted by Diana who was approaching them.

"Ellie I'm off to the library when you're done with whatever you doing, come join me,i want to read ahead for the history test we're having, do you copy that."with that she jogged towards the library.

Ellie was still thinking about the reply she was gonna give Andrew if he tries any rubbish.

"Ellie"he called as he snapped his index finger and his thumb before her eyes.

with that she snapped back to reality.

"Andrew why do you call me here?"

"Ellie please hear me out,i can't.....

"Hey, Andrew just let me go,i said no earlier, please stop disturbing me, do you think you can get whatever you want just because your family is rich, that can work on other girls but not me to hell with your family damn...."

That's was all it takes for Andrews mood to change.

"Ellie, stop"he said trying to hide his emotions,he poked out one of his finger"don't you dare mention my family,"he commanded as he run his finger through his hair.

Ellie smirked as she suddenly became terrible of the boy before her,he was not the gentle boy that was pleading with her some minutes ago instead he was now replaced by a moster, who continue to rage because of some words she ultered unintentionally some minutes ago.

"I think I should go now cause I can see I don't belong here anyway"with that she went to join Diana in the library.


At night in Ellie's house, she laid on her back on her bed.

"I just can't wait to get to the end of this matter"she said as she looked at the letters which was positioned inside her clothes closet, she has gone inside earlier to go get a blanket,cause the inside temperature was freezing,as she was about to pick up the blanket, she saw a yellow paper under the blanket, when she picked up the letter it smelled of her favorite perfume,she opened the envelope inorder to read the content of the letter, it's reads:

"Dear Ellie,

you may be wondering who put this letter in your closet but you don't need to worry, I'll will always love you."


Your one and only.

by the time Ellie was through reading the content of the letter she was frigeting, the content of the letter was short but was full of details.

Her twelve years old brother Alex, was far too young for him to advise her, her mother was far from it, the only person she can relate this issue to was her best friend,Diana, but she couldn't trust anyone with this type of issue, it's meant to be a private matter.

How did the person gain access to her house, let alone her room, she began to feel unsafe inside her room, many thoughts began to run through her head, thought like, what if the person who brought the letter was still inside her house or whose, inside her bed room?, what if the person choose to attack her?, with that she ran to her brother room.

inside Alex bedroom

Alex was already sleeping peacefully,by the time his sister entered.

"Ellie what're you doing here?, what happened to your room?"he said as he rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"Em.... nothing happened, it's just that i want to sleep with you tonight."

"come over"he said as he pat his bed.


"good night, have sweet dreams"with that he slept off.

"and you too".

Ellie was still feeling restless, she has a feeling someone was watching her, she stood up went to the window, she checked outside but nobody was there, she locked the window and went to bed some minutes later she was sleeping peacefully like a new born baby.


A male wearing black turtle neck and black pants entered the room.

"Do you think you can hide from me, I'm your one and only I'll always know your where about"he scoffed. With that he left.


At the Gerry'Mansion

Samuel was eating the fruits that was positioned on the center table.

"who's there?",he said as he climb out of the chair he was resting to go check who's ringing the bell, when he opened the door he was surprised by who he saw, it was Jeffrey his friend.

"Jeff, Jeff, what're you doing here, are you not meant to be at the club partying with those hot chicks of yours,"he said has they head to the living room to settle down.

"Sam, it's not everytime one has to party,i have a press conference to attend tomorrow and I must look my best."

"Jeff, we're too young for all this stress we're passing through, I'm twenty and you're twenty one,by the way, Robin has a party in a month time, it's a all white party with a touch of gold."

"I'm all in,as long as there's beautiful babe."

"you can never change."

"I'm sleeping at your place tonight or what do you say?"

"make yourself comfortable."

"let's go to bed"Jeff surgested

"fine with me"sam said as they head towards the bedroom.