

In a world where werewolf politics and passion collide, Alpha Alex finds himself torn between duty and desire when he encounter his mate Lilura, a strong-willed she wolf who refuses to submit to his authority. As their fiery relationship unfolds, secrets are revealed and boundaries are tested, leading to a dangerous game of power and seduction.

sunmisolaligali · Urban
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5 Chs


Boundaries Contract

This agreement ("Contract") is made between Party A, Mr. Alex, and Party B, Ms. Lilura.

1. Communication:Parties agree to communicate only when necessary.

2. Formal Address: Parties shall use respectful titles when addressing each other.e.g Mr Alex, Ms Lilura

3. No Chit Chatting:Parties will avoid casual conversation.

4. No Acts of Care: Parties will not provide care or assistance to each other.

5. Privacy:Parties will respect each other's privacy.

6. Neutral Interaction: Parties will maintain a neutral relationship.

7. Optional Greetings:Verbal greetings are optional.

8.No Emotional Bonding:Parties will avoid emotional attachment.

9. Minimal Contact:Parties will minimize interaction or no interaction at all.

10. **Mutual Respect:** Parties will treat each other with respect.

Consequences:Violations will result in warnings and possible loss of privileges.

Party A: ________________________

Party B:________________________

I glared at the contract in front of me, my frustration mounting with each passing second. Lilura sat across from me, her gaze fixed firmly on the table, refusing to meet my eyes. It was infuriating how she could remain so defiant in the face of our agreement.

I let out a heavy sigh, the weight of the situation settling heavily on my shoulders. This contract was supposed to establish boundaries between us, but it felt more like a barrier, driving us further apart instead of bringing us together."Lilura," I said, my voice tinged with exasperation. "We need to talk about this."

" It's Ms. Lilura to you, Mr. Alex." she said firmly her gaze not daring to meet mine

With a resigned sigh, I reached across the table and gently lifted her chin, forcing her to meet my gaze. "Lilura," I said softly, "please... let's find a way to make this work… this contract is off "

She removed my hand and stood up " sign the contract or I will mark another alpha" it sounded more like a threat, but I was not ready to argue with her and i went back to sit down so as glance through the contract again

With a sharp intake of breath, I pushed back my chair and rose to my feet, my anger simmering just beneath the surface. "I won't sign this," I declared, my voice tinged with indignation.

"You would sign it , Mr Alex.. it's more like our routine I wrote there" she yelled in irritation and I scoffed

You know what?" I retorted, my voice rising in defiance. "Fine. Let's go with yours…I would sign ."

With a sigh, I reached for the contract and picked up my pen, my hand trembling slightly as I scrawled my signature across the page.Lilura followed suit, her hand steady as she added her own signature to the document. Without a word, she stood up and affixed the contract to a prominent spot where we would both be reminded of its terms every single day. Lilura's boundary contract was the least of my worries now, I need to go see Mia Ashton. She needs to get herself back and I will figure out how to get rid of the baby . Since it was more like an open relationship Lilura and I were in, I needed to find another omega I would bring home. I can't be questioned again right? I grinned happily, seeing the contract will favor me . I picked up my car keys and made my way into the hospital

Frustration coursed through me as the receptionist blocked my path, her expression unyielding. "I'm sorry, sir, but I can't let you in," she repeated, her tone firm.

I took a deep breath, trying to rein in my temper. "Listen," I began, my voice tight with frustration. "I'm Alex. Mia Ashton is family, and I brought her here. I need to see her."

The receptionist hesitated, her gaze flickering with uncertainty. "I understand, sir," she said hesitantly. "But without proper authorization..."

"Authorization?" I interrupted, incredulous. "I'm her family! What more authorization do you need?"

She flinched at my outburst, clearly uncomfortable. "Maybe you should call the doctor in charge," she suggested, her voice barely above a whisper.

I resisted the urge to argue further, knowing it would get me nowhere. With a resigned sigh, I pulled out my phone and dialed mr michaels number and i voice was heard from the other end

"Hi.. Mr Alex, Good to hear from you " he grinned

"Mr michaels, I'm at your hospital and the receptionist in charge won't let me in to Mia " I explained

"Ohhh … we are sorry about that , it will be fixed now " he said and without further argument, i ended the call.

Just as I turned to leave, the receptionist's intercom buzzed, prompting her to answer the call. I watched as her expression shifted, her eyes widening in surprise before she hurriedly spoke into the receiver.

Moments later, she replaced the receiver and turned back to me, her demeanor transformed. "I apologize for the inconvenience, Mr. Alex," she said, her voice tinged with regret. "You can go ahead and see Mia now."

I nodded gratefully, a sense of urgency driving me forward as I made my way towards Mia's room.

Panic surged through me as I reached Mia's ward and found the betas I had entrusted with her care fast asleep at their posts. Without a moment's hesitation, I pushed past them and flung open the door, only to be met with an empty room.

"Where's Mia?!" I yelled loudly, the urgency and fear in my voice echoing off the walls of the empty room.My shout pierced the silence like a gunshot, jolting the betas from their slumber. With startled yelps, they scrambled to their feet, their eyes wide with alarm as they took in the scene before them.