

In a world where werewolf politics and passion collide, Alpha Alex finds himself torn between duty and desire when he encounter his mate Lilura, a strong-willed she wolf who refuses to submit to his authority. As their fiery relationship unfolds, secrets are revealed and boundaries are tested, leading to a dangerous game of power and seduction.

sunmisolaligali · Urban
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In the moonlit garden, I twirled gracefully, lost in my thoughts about my mother's legacy. The moon cast its gentle glow, my silent companion. I then felt someone just hit me suddenly and I turned up to see the figure

"Watch where you're going, Alex," I quipped, my voice sharp with defiance.

"It's Alpha to you" he said and I scoffed

"Like I care… " I said and he smirked, his gaze unwavering. "My apologies, Luna. Didn't expect to run into such a spirited guardian she-wolf."

I scoffed, my tone tinged with skepticism. "Save your apologies, ALPHA. I'm not here for pleasantries." I said as I emphasize on the word Alpha

His grin widened, a hint of challenge in his eyes. "Seems like the moon goddess has quite the sense of humor, sending me a Luna who's not quite ready to bow down."

I met his gaze as I stood and stepped closer to him, my own daring him to underestimate me. "I may bear the name Luna, but I'm not yours. I'm here because of the moon goddess and my mother's legacy, not because I belong to you."

Alexander's smirk faltered for a moment before he regained his composure, his eyes twinkling with newfound respect. "A fierce she-wolf with a mind of her own. How intriguing."

"I can never be claimed by you… never will I allow you to mark me" I said in disgust. My mother is the only wolf I'm not scared of… and I have no reason why she has asked me to accept Alex.

"You're playing a dangerous game, Luna," Alexander remarked, his voice low with a hint of admiration. He looks like he's flirting with me, but I'm not the type that backs down. I am an alpha of my own destiny and I don't expect anyone to talk down on me because I'm no weakling.

"Danger is my middle name, Alpha," I countered, my tone laced with defiance. "And I'm not afraid to play dirty if it means coming out on top."

His eyes glinted with appreciation and he grinned. "You're not like the others, Luna. You challenge me in ways I didn't think any other person would do…or I will have them leave to regret it"

I smirked, my confidence soaring"I'm not here to be like anyone else," I shot back, my tone laced with defiance. "I walk my own path." just when I thought it was over , alex stood there flashing his teeth as he was glaring at me

His smirk was a challenge. "And where does that path lead, Luna? Straight into my territory?" He said and I scoffed as I rolled my eyes

I met his gaze, unflinching. "You wish."

He stepped closer, the air crackling with tension. "You may think that now, But I have a way of changing minds…most especially when its comes to people like you"

A defiant spark ignited within me. "Good luck to you then"

He grinned, undeterred. "I'm a dangerous man, And I don't intend to lose." He muttered silently, his voice barely above a whisper and I scoffed, he turned to leave and I breathed a shaky sigh , just when I thought it was over again he turned and moved closer. He is so daring and he thinks he's dangerous , he just a wolf with a title, nothing more.

"You're playing with fire," Alexander warned, his voice low and husky.

"Then it's a good thing I'm not afraid to get burned," I retorted, my gaze steady despite the rapid beat of my heart.

He laughed menacingly as he stepped closer, the heat of his presence searing through the cool night air. "You may be a wild one,but every wolf has its weakness.

"I tilted my head, a smirk playing on my lips. "And what makes you think you've found mine?"

His eyes gleamed with challenge. "Because I can see it in the way you look at me.In the way you can't deny the pull between us."

I took a step forward, closing the gap between us until our breaths mingled in the space between our lips. "I'm not one to be swayed by fate or by you. Don't get too comfortable."

His hand found mine, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through my veins. "Then let the games begin. Because I never back down from a challenge."

As his hand still held mine and eyes staring into mine, sending shivers down my spine his phone pierced the tension with a jarring ring. His expression shifted from concern to fury in an instant. Releasing my hand abruptly, he muttered, " I'll be back for you," his tone laden with a promise that sent a shiver down my spine and with that he moved in large strides as he picked the call.


I turned away from Lilura, striding purposefully far away from where she is as my phone vibrated insistently in my hand. Answering the call, I growled, "What's the situation?"

"The omega we've got, boss," the voice crackled urgently. "She's collapsed."

My heart clenched in concern. "What happened?"

"She just went down, sir," the voice replied, urgency palpable.

My jaw tensed. "Get her to the family hospital. I'll be there in a minute," I ordered firmly, my mind already racing with potential threats and repercussions.

With a quick "Yes, boss," the call ended, leaving me to navigate the treacherous waters of the mafia underworld once again.

With determination fueling every move, I slid into the driver's seat of my sleek black car. The engine roared to life as I navigated through the city streets, the urgency of the situation propelling me forward. That omega captured in my underworld territory is a bait for my interest, let's just say my selfish interests, it's not my fault, my Luna has refused I marked her and I need someone to mate with when the mating heat arises , she satisfied my primal urges and all was a force. I am an alpha and I have an advantage over all my pack members . My beta doesn't know that is what I used her for nor does my Luna know I have an omega I go out to meet.