

Arkania, a hectic world where everyone rushes through their lives and activities. Very vibrant during the days and during the night. Cyrus find himself constantly lying to everyone he loves, and coward in front of adversity. Until the day he learns he is marked by the Bureau. Running for his life, he stumbles on a lady that will forever change his reality, throwing it on a new track when he enters a villa. The howling of those mysterious people within in the nights. Those individuals with abilities that defy common reasons. Those people called the Bites. Cyrus must survive this new way of leaving while finding an imaginary artefact called the primordial canine. Unfortunately, his inner demons catch him back Paralyzed by fear, his life takes a drastic turn when his loved ones are caught into the chaos threatened by mortal danger. The karmic Monster are catching up tearing the city on their way. Will he be able to survive his new life, find the primordial canine, vanquish the karmic monster and save his loved ones? eager to find out? let's go for a crazy tour in Arkania.

flowingMagic · Fantasy
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46 Chs

chapter 24: Intimidation

in a huge hall, a dazzling crystal-like chandelier hung high in the ceiling. The table was well decorated with the most exquisite foods available.

Leora took her place while Cyrus stood behind her facing Marko and Prid. The hall was calm as no one said a word.

A maid servant approached and asked to free Leora but she simply waved. Marko broke the silence.

"it's pretty inconvenient to keep your umbrella at the table " He said. Leaning backward

" Am not here to enjoy a meal " She said . " The price is like always ten percent of all the gains " She added

" you should know that its worth more than that " Marko crossed is amrs.

" 12% "

" If you're here to insult me then I will leave " Marko stood up .

" 20% take it or we will find someone else" Leora said

" leave ? "Marko smirked and clapped his fingers, a bunch of people smashed the hall open, all dressed like body guards. Their Weapons poised to go berserk.

"If I want to leave none of you will be able to stop me "Leora leaned on her chair.

" might be but what about your partner " Marko smirked as he waved. The guards all began advancing. Their weapon seeping magic as they readied themselves.

Cyrus heart accelerated, he glanced at Leora. she looked frighteningly calm. Would she really sacrifice him just like that. Think think Cyrus. His mind spined. Sweat trickled down his face.

" we aren't going to fight each other now " a voice suddenly broke the tension.

Cyrus eyes widened, "Mariline!". "Oh we meet again "she smiled, their eyes met and this time he didn't flee. He could see the surprise on her face as she scrutinized him from top to bottom. Her gown moved and flowed as she walked gracefully on her high heels. Cyrus stood speechless at the lady few steps away from him.

"You know the inspector "Marko asked suspiciously.

"Yes, we are very close "she winked at him; Cyrus was unsure of what to think of that gaze. He smiled awkwardly. "Yeah, 22% that's the best we can give you "Cyrus said.

He could feel Leora aura washing on him , but he stood his ground.

" deal , its such a great thing to do business with you " Marko took up his glass of wine , and the guards all retreated.

" follow me lets visit the mines " Marko said full of smiles .

Only then did they all move out. Walking through the corridors of the building. The took a lift downward. The lift was powered by old mechanical enrages. The chains on the lift creaked, creating sharp deafening sounds as they went downward.

Cyrus walked ahead with Mariline while the others followed. The ground was rocky, the air dense and heavy. A light bubble moved ahead clearing the path for them as they moved.

"What were they even dueling for to begin with? "Cyrus asked feeling little dejected. He almost died for something he was completely clueless about.

"You're really something "she laughed. Cyrus smiled awkwardly, why was she so close to him. The last time they met he wasn't exactly smooth. What will she think of him? she probably takes him for a coward by now.

"Its a mine, a Karmic ore mine. as an inspector I need to verify if its worthy sending miners withing. Come let me show you "She said taking his arms as they accelerated forward. Cyrus heart was beating violently. This was her, the girl for which he had started jogging, the girl he never dared to talk to. Were the heavens finally acknowledging his efforts?

Cyrus and marline reached a cave wall. It morphed and a spinning portal grew out, slowly but certainly few people were seen. They all wore a mechanical backpack which seeped with energy. On their forearm massive mechanicals hands used to move blocks of black ores.

The space was tight and the blocks of black ore they moved above their heads were gigantic. So much so that he feared what might happen if the mechanical arms broke. They were full of sweats moving slowly but efficiently.

Is this what they had to go through for all those years? Cyrus fell his mind rattle. If a karmic monster attacked while they were working then…. He fell his chest tightened, shifting his head downward

"it's very hard in the mines but for some it is better than being prosecuted here. "

"Can we enter the mines from here "Cyrus asked. If he could enter the mine from here might be he could still meet his father might be he could even help him leave and they could stay with the bites. His eyes full of anticipation

"I know what you're thinking about but it's impossible. The separate domain is an independent space. It links to all other domains in arkania but in a one-way motion. We might be able to discover mines from here but we can't enter them from this place . " Mariline said

" Good indeed for business " He smiled bitterly. It was too easy to be true. He had to work harder , now that he knew what it looked like he had to be faster. No matter what the queen asked he will definitely do it as long as he could free his father. He will definitely sell his soul to the devil.

After a short exploration they all returned. The sky had turned dark Cyrus stood alone on a balcony gazing at the distance. The water hung in the sky was still spinning around the building , the light of the moon blending with the white blue hue creating a mesmerizing display of nature.

Despite that he wasn't in the mood to admire its beauty. Deep in thought he had an idea. "What if we could replace the miners with mannequins like bob. and then control them with magic from a distance. "

"It will require an unimaginable amount of magic in a constant flow it is not feasable"Leora voice broke the silence. Underneath the moon light her golden hairs cascaded downward. Standing underneath her umbrella she appeared not to be from this word.

"But think of it if it was possible, we will save so many people. Sight.. I don't think am cut for such ambitious project "Cyrus grip on the balcony tightened

" I always dreamed of swimming with my father " she paused her gaze focused at the horizon. "Unfortunately, I never learned to swim, and felt unprepared. After few months of training, just as we decided to move. He was killed. You might not be ready but I have seen what you did with project T. Might be for you it will be different "

Cyrus glanced at the figure standing by his side, without warning he took her in his arms. She trembled. Frozen on the spot. " Thank you " he said.