
BITE ME Forever 2

In a desperate bid to save my family from ruin, I found myself married to Viktor Volkov, a mysterious foreigner I barely knew. Little did I know, he was a vampire. Instead of fleeing, I felt an inexplicable longing for him, torn between love and the dangers that come with his nature. Would I resist temptation or surrender to my desires?

Eromami_Info · Urban
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24 Chs

CHAPTER 26: New Horizons

I jumped back slightly upon hearing the knock on the door. It startled me somewhat, as I had not been expecting it.

"Come in!" Viktor called.

I felt a pang of disappointment. He was just about to tell me the truth about Naran. Now, it seemed as though I must wait a little bit longer.

Baba opened the door, stepping into the room. She looked rather stiff in her movements, and wore an expression of definitive displeasure, judging by the manner in which her lips were pressed together in a thin line.

"Your dinner has arrived," she said in a voice in which its stiffness matched her demeanour.

I released a sigh of relief, grateful that I would finally be able to satiate the hunger that had been growing within me ever since we escaped the prison.

"Thank you, Baba," I said to her. It was at that moment that her expression changed to one of concern. She eyed me with caution, as though she had something to say that she knew I would not like.

"There is a complication," she said to us both. "We are, er, running short on volunteers today, so you both will have to share."

Share? One person? I hoped for my sake that it would be a nice young man like last time. However, I didn't know how Viktor would respond to such a thing, given that he didn't want to be intimate with me. But, when a young, ginger woman walked through the door to greet us, my hopes dissipated into thin air.

Baba introduced her as Fiona. She was a tall, voluptuous woman with big breasts, and a nice smile. She had freckles on her body, and her skin felt soft to the touch when she shook my hand. I caught Viktor's gaze lingering on her for a few moments before he diverted his eyes back to me. I could feel a blush creep up my cheeks as Fiona began to remove her coat in front of us, looking at us both with an expression that seemed to suggest that she knew exactly what she was doing.

My heart raced in anticipation as I realised that we would be sharing the same bed. I glanced over at Viktor who seemed nonchalant about it. Baba left the room with one final request: "Don't make too much noise."

How would this be done? Would I get the same sensual urges when I feed on her? I didn't even know if that was possible. How did a woman lie with another woman? I had never fantasised about such a thing, never even considered it a possibility for myself. But as I looked at the woman who was now facing us, a sultry smile on her face, she suddenly didn't seem all too unappealing to me. She had lovely, curly, ginger hair, and over the low neckline of her frock, I could see that her breasts were full and appealing.

What was this? I had never found breasts to be appealing before. Perhaps it was the predicament that I was in; I was hungry. I could smell her. I wanted her. And I wanted to lay with anyone I thought of drinking from.

So of course I would want to fuck her.

"Are you okay?" she asked me right after Baba left the room, a concerned look on Fiona's face. Was she genuinely worried that I might not have been well? I could not tell. Rather than answering her, I sat on the bed and beckoned her over, my hunger driving my actions. But once she stood before where I sat on the bed, I froze. I didn't know what to do.

That was when Viktor took control. He stood to his feet, and began to undress, removing his shirt first, and then his trousers. Soon, he stood naked and erect before the girl who now looked to be as lustful for him as I was. He looked her over with mild interest, and I was suddenly very aware of the disparity between myself and Viktor. Viktor was beautiful; he was devastatingly handsome and could drive a woman mad with lust through appearances alone. I was comparatively plain, perhaps even slightly unattractive despite now being a vampire, and this woman was bound to realise that. I was definitely more attractive than I was as a human, but that wasn't much of an achievement. She would never look at me in the same manner that she looked at him, and for some reason unbeknownst to me, I wanted her to.

Viktor pulled her towards him, gently tilting her head to the side before looking at me.

"Bite her," he commanded.

I looked to her for any indication that she might be unwilling; she gave none. She showed no fear, even as my fangs descended in thirst as I prepared to bite her.

Standing and leaning forwards, I sank my teeth into her neck.

The second I tasted her blood, everything changed. It was as though the taste of her blood only fueled my thirst, my hunger. She gasped gently, and then moaned as I sucked the blood from her neck, seeming to enjoy it. I was pressed against her, chest to chest; I felt the second that her nipples hardened, but that was not my focus. No, at that moment, all I could think about was the sweet, savoury flavour of her smooth, hot blood.

However, after the first few seconds, I felt it. The raging arousal. Arousal that would have lead me to fuck whomever I was drinking from, regardless of how worthy of admiration they were. She was beautiful, but not someone I would usually lust after. But that didn't matter.

Without thinking much of it, I reached down as I drank from her and pulled out her left breast. I pulled on and twisted her nipple, not too harshly as I didn't want to injure her more than necessary. She moaned, and I felt the vibrations from it as they travelled through her neck. I was vaguely aware that Viktor had begun to drink from her neck on the other side. She enjoyed it; her soft moans and coos only further fueled my arousal, my desire that I now directed at her. My other hand travelled to my own body, frantically dragging up my skirts to go into my wetness. I pressed two fingers against my clitoris, rubbing slowly initially, before speeding up. Before long, I was on the edge, close to orgasm, and I could tell that she was, too. She started masturbating as soon as I grabbed her tits. I twisted her nipple at the same time that I pressed down harshly on my clitoris, and we came in unison, moaning together as our orgasms consumed us.

"Oh, bloody hell," she breathed as she came, her entire body quivering with pleasure as she did. But once it was done, I realised that I was not sexually satisfied; I had a yearning within me that only Viktor could satiate.

I released her from my jaws and looked over at the man that had become the subject of my desires and lust, and in that moment, I felt nothing but longing for him. I wanted him; I had to have him. I felt as though I'd go mad if I didn't.

Viktor's face was twisted into a mask of ecstasy. The blood ran in streams down his heaving chest and dripped onto the floor. Huge muscles rippled beneath his skin, and the light glinted against the beads of sweat that rolled across his sculpted abdomen. His long, thick cock stood fully erect, throbbing.

Turning to him, I reached one hand over to his shoulder and touched him; he shuddered under my touch, and I felt a swell of pride at the realisation that I did that to him. I got that reaction from him; yes, he might have only reacted that way because he was feeding, but he did it because of my touch.

However, my pride was short-lived, as he took one hand and gently removed mine from his shoulder.

"Not now," he murmured, his voice rough with hunger.

He instructed Fiona to disrobe with a harsh growl that made me wet. She sheepishly undid the laces on her dress, sliding it off her shoulders and onto the floor. The light from the fire cast an orange glow across her body as she stood there, completely naked. Her nipples were hard and begging for his touch.

Viktor seemed entranced by her body and he reached over to run his hands over her curves, caressing each inch of pale skin that he could reach before pushing her backwards onto the bed. I felt a pang of disappointment and jealousy. She got to fuck him. I did not.

As Fiona lay there, she felt herself trembling with anticipation as Viktor began to slowly stroke himself while staring at her body hungrily. His movements became quicker as he continued watching her, opening her legs wide for him.

I sat on the side feeling left out; in response, I started to undress too, wanting desperately to be included into that intimate moment between Viktor and Fiona.

Soon he was inside her, sinking his cock into her completely. I heard it, heard him sliding into her, heard the gasp of surprised pleasure leave her lips as he did. And as I watched my husband fuck this girl, it was almost as painful as it was arousing to bear witness to. A part of me didn't want to watch it, watch him give her the pleasure that he forbade himself to give me, but another part of me, a larger part of me, wanted to see it all. Wanted to live vicariously through this girl. And that I did as I started to furiously rub my clitoris.

He bounced her on his cock, rough, yet with expertise. I wanted that to be me, but if I couldn't get what I wanted, I would settle for watching.

But why should I have settled? I was his wife; she was not. So when he pulled her off of him to reposition her, I took that opportunity to swiftly lean over and lick his cock. He gasped and then growled at the unexpected stimulus, and when our eyes met, I could tell that he was surprised, but aroused. I jumped on his lap, attempting to impale myself on his cock, to take Fiona's place. He gripped my hips, and for a moment, I thought he might give in.

But he didn't.

Roughly, he pushed me off and onto the bed. It wasn't rough enough to hurt me physically, but it was more than enough to cause me emotional anguish. I wanted to run from the room, but the desire for revenge was stronger. I wasn't only thinking of Fiona; I imagined him with Naran, kissing her, touching her, fucking her. I felt as if the jealousy that I had for these two women might drive me mad. So I did the only thing I could; I grabbed the now confused girl, laid back on the bed, and pulled her over my face. When she cried out, I wondered for a moment if I had hurt her in my haste and roughness. However, rather quickly, she positioned herself and lowered her cunt to my lips. She had obviously done this before. I, on the other hand, had no experience with women whatsoever. I had only Viktor do something like this to me, and therefore, I decided to attempt it.

Quickly, I lashed at her clitoris with my tongue; she arched her back, releasing a cry of euphoria that I was sure Baba could hear. Still, I didn't stop. I was winning, giving her more pleasure than Viktor. I felt my hunger for her blood rising in me more and more by the second, but my desire to punish Viktor was stronger. So I licked and sucked at her cunt, focusing on her clitoris until her juices had soaked my face.

"Good God!" she cried as she orgasmed, doubling over, placing her hands on the bed and depressing the mattress above my head. Only then did I sink my teeth into her thigh, piercing the skin and vessels beneath. Due to the sensitivity of my hearing and the proximity of her cunt to my face, I could hear the sound of it clenching as she orgasmed yet again. It was a euphoric sensation, knowing that I had pleased another so thoroughly. And if I couldn't get it from Viktor, I would have to source it elsewhere.

I released her from my mouth once more, and she got off of my face, and the bed. I was still aroused, not yet ready to be done with her. And if I was being honest with myself, I didn't want Viktor to have her anymore. I didn't want her to make him come. A part of me believed that he didn't deserve it.

Curiously, I sat up to see what she would do next, only to watch her drop to her knees before me, before planting a kiss directly on my cunt.

"Oh, God," I whimpered, my fingers threading into her hair. I wondered if the humans were given instructions on how to please us, on what exactly we needed when feeding. Perhaps, it was just her experience. Maybe both. Whatever the reason, the girl pulled sounds from my throat that I could not even recognize as my own voice. She sucked on my clitoris, and I struggled to keep my legs open, to not wrap them around her head. This time, it didn't take long for me to achieve orgasm; my back arched away from the bed when I did. I cried her name as I came, and as our eyes locked, I saw her smiling at me as she sucked the pleasure out of me.

When I looked over at Viktor, I hoped to see an inkling of jealousy. Instead, I saw nothing but arousal. He wasn't jealous; he didn't care. He was watching someone please his wife and he was completely unbothered; in fact, he was pleasuring himself with quick and urgent strokes, beads of sweat trickling down his face as he gazed upon me and Fiona. At that point, I was irritated beyond words.

Gently, I moved Fiona away and stood to my feet.

"You can have her," I said to him. I had lost my appetite.

I heard them fucking as I dressed myself, but this time, I did not watch.

As soon as I was presentable, I left the room.