
Bite Me - Minsung

“Why do we have to hide our true selves? Why can’t they just accept us?” They both keep thinking about the questions. Will they keep their idol image or will they show their true selves? Will they hide or will they reveal the bitter truth?

Felix_xx · Realistic
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3 Chs


It was a nice Friday evening. Jisung gave Minho a tight back hug. "Oh. Are you okay?" Minho asked. "Yes, I'm fine. Just wanted to hug you." He looked at Minho with a cute expression on his face. Minho turned around so that he was facing Jisung. "You're so cute." he said while touching Jisung's cheeks. "Let's go to bed early today, we have to make a new YouTube video tomorrow. The staff had a nice idea for us." Jisung started sulking and put a sad expression on his face. "I don't want to go to bed early. I wanted to watch a movie with you." "Don't worry, we can watch a movie together on another day. Today is just not a good idea. We need to have enough energy for the video." He stroked Jisung's hair and looked at him with a gentle but stern look. He took his hand and pulled him to the bedroom. Jisung smiled when he did that. He poked Minho in the side, attempting a tickle. Minho didn't react so he gave up. He followed him along to the bedroom. Once they were there, Minho let him sit down on the bed. "I'm going to brush my teeth first. You can put on your pajama in the meantime." He smiled at Jisung and then he walked away to the bathroom. After they were both done with everything, they went to bed. "Good dreams, Jisung." Whispered Minho. "Good dreams."

The next day…

Jisung woke up first. It was the alarm that woke him up. He put it out and decided to let Minho sleep a little longer. He washed up, put on some new clothes and went downstairs. "Hmm, what are we gonna eat for breakfast today…?" he murmured to himself. He walked to the kitchen and looked in the fridge, searching for food. After he found a few things he started to cook. The sounds he was making woke Minho up. He walked out of the room, still in his pajama, and searched for Jisung. "Sorry, did I wake you up?" Jisung looked at him with a concerned expression. Minho looked very pale. "It's fine, I woke up by myself." "Are you feeling okay? You don't look very good." "No, no… I'm fine. I'll just take an aspirin. We have to shoot that video remember? I can't stay home and be sick." "Alright then, but be careful. Breakfast is almost ready." Minho walked towards the dinner table and sat down. Once he sat down he grabbed his head, letting out a big sigh. He started to cough loudly and bowed over the table. That made Jisung even more worried. He stopped with what he was doing and ran upstairs to get his phone, he left it in his bedroom. He took his phone and typed in Bang Chan's phone number. Bang Chan is the leader of their music group. He picked up very fast, Jisung was glad about that. "Hey Chan hyung! Uh.. Minho is sick. I thought of bringing him to the doctor for a check. He's sort of moaning the entire time, he's sighing and grabbing his head and stomach. It's seriously not going okay." "Wait what? Yes you should indeed take him to the doctor. You have to hurry up though, we have to be at the shooting place at 11:00, that means you have less than an hour left. So hurry, and let me know if he can't come. The Stays will have to understand that." "Thanks bro, we'll immediately leave. I will text you later, bye." He quickly hang up the phone and ran downstairs again. "Minho, get up! Put your shoes and jacket on. We're going to see a doctor." Minho started to moan, he didn't want to go to the doctor. He didn't like doctors at all. "Don't worry. I'll be with you the entire time. Nothing to be scared of." That thought calmed Minho down a little bit. So he stopped resisting and put on his shoes. Jisung gave him his jacket and then they went outside. "Jisung… can you hold my hand? I'm scared." "Hm sure! Don't be scared. I'll hold your hand the entire time if that will help you. Don't worry about it too much." The first time Minho told him he was scared of doctors, it really surprised him. How could you be scared of doctors? But now that he knows the reason why he is scared, it's not surprising at all. Minho told him that he had to do a stomach surgery when he was still a child. It left him a scar, which grew in size over the years. He was really young at that moment and had no idea what was going to happen. He was really scared and he was even more scared after he saw the scar that was on his belly. He's very ashamed of it. Since the day of his surgery, he is still afraid of doctors. He can only calm down when Jisung is there with him. So that's why they always go together. They almost reached the GP when Minho suddenly stopped. He pulled Jisung's hand and looked behind him. "We're getting followed." Jisung looked around and then he looked back at Minho. "I don't see anyone though. Are you sure someone is following us?" "Yes, I'm sure. I've had that feeling since the moment we walked out the door." "Hmm. But why would someone be following us?" Jisung was confused. Did they do something wrong? Minho saw his confusion. "Uhm Jisung… you know that we are famous right? We have millions of fans, so anyone could be following us." Minho knows that Jisung has social anxiety. So he understands that Jisung doesn't like this. This time it was Minho who had to comfort Jisung. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." Jisung walked towards him and hugged him tight. "Thanks Minho, I love you." "I love you too." They hold hands again and continued walking to the GP. They didn't have a lot of time left, so they had to hurry. Minho was very careful and kept looking around. Meanwhile he continued coughing and grabbing his head. It went worse and worse. It felt terrible. Also, he felt guilty. Because of him, Jisung might not be able to take part in the challenge their leader and the staff had planned. It's all his fault…

Heyy, let me know what you think of it! Should the chapters be longer? More detailed? Less detailed? More explanation with some things? Or is there something you guys want to see in the following chapters? It’s the first novel I’m writing on here, so advice would be great. Thanks for reading my novel, I hope you like it and I hope that you will like the next chapters as well.

PS: Sorry that this chapter was so short, the following chapters will probably be longer than this.

Felix_xxcreators' thoughts