
Starfall City in flames

After the end of the tournament, the representatives from various empires quickly excused themself and left the city in a hurry, dumbfounding the king and ministers of Mossgarde Kingdom.

They couldn't possibly be so mad because of the tournament's results, right?

However the reason was obviously that getting hands on the ancient artifacts in Kadenn's possession was much more important to them than any negotiations with Mossgarde Kingdom, so they didn't want to waste any more time and departed to return to their respective empires immediately.

Due to the Kadenn's great achievements in the tournament, Ricard Tyndall, the King of Mossgarde Kingdom, approached him together with all five generals and asked him for help against Azztar Echo and the whole Duskrise Kingdom.

Kadenn obviously agreed without a second thought as it was his original goal and decided to stay in the capital to plan the following course of actions.

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