
Birth of the Winter Monarch

I expected death means the end of life, but this new world has granted me one more chance to fulfill my promise. I'll happily slay any god or demon who dares to block my path. This is my eternal oath to you! I guarantee I will not fail this time!

Lazy_Author69 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


It has been quite a while since I found myself in this situation. Throughout my life, I would have never imagined something so mystical would happen to me.

"...A different world," I muttered softly.

This was the situation I was currently in, after my death. In this world, I seem to be the eldest son of the Earl Richard Flammia. The noble house of Flammia was a prestigious house of magicians known for their destructive flame magic.

"But how should I go on about my current predicament..."

The former owner of this body had just undergone the family test. It is when family members reach the age of 15 and will undergo a test to determine their magic affinity which decides their talent as a magician. Coincidentally, I was tested to have a low magic affinity, so I was determined to be trash and was exiled from the family.

"How ridiculous..."

I may not be fit to be a magician but I can be a warrior. Though that is useless because magic was the focus of this world. Magicians are highly respected and magic is hailed.

This world is one where talent and status reign above all. A world where the weak will only get weaker and the strong becoming stronger. Those without talent or good status will only be trampled upon by the strong. It has a fixed hierarchy that people abide by.

"Should I say my previous world is better?" I chuckled at the thought, perhaps it is true or not. It doesn't matter as that world and this one is different. I am dead in that one while living in this one. 

Perhaps I shouldn't focus on trivial things but on more important ones.

"I should start my mana training."

The outside world is wrought with dangers and my only way to survive is to become strong.

I sat down and entered meditation. The first step into mana training is feeling the mana in the air and utilizing it to build my first circle around my heart.


I released a long breath as I started gathering the mana in the air. Shortly after, mana started gathering around me and gushing into me.


The sudden influx of mana was stronger than in my previous life. It felt like a raging river was flowing inside me. This is not good, I need to focus.

I calmed myself down and slowly get used to the amount of mana. I guided it toward my heart and started building my first circle. Surprisingly, it didn't take long, only a few minutes.

"Haaah," A relaxed breath came out. "This is faster than previously..."

What a pleasant surprise, it seems this body has a talent for mana training.

"First circle," I muttered while clenching my fist. The excitement inside me was boiling.


I turned toward the door and saw a maid entering. She was looking at me with a scowl on her face.

"What do you need?"

"Master has ordered for you to leave today." She said mockingly. Her gaze reminds me of those people who looked down on me in the past.

"...I understand, did he give me any supplies for my journey?" Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if there were none.

"Hah? Yeah, there's a bag and a dagger. Get it yourself."

I shook my head at her remarks. How laughable, just yesterday she was serving me but now, she is looking down on me.

"I guess that's how human hearts work..."

I didn't take her mockery into mind, I was used to it already. After getting my supplies, I left the house on foot. I tried getting into carriages but the coachmen didnt entertain me. It seems my father, the earl, has ordered the people for me to be banned from all services in this territory.

It took me a week before getting out of the Flammia House's territory. Along the way, I encountered some bandits and monsters which I took care of.

Currently, I was on a riverside, cleaning up. The crystal clear water showed my reflection.

"So this is my appearance in this new life...?" I touched my face gently.

The face reflected by the water was that of a handsome boy with slightly messy silver hair due to a lack of proper grooming the past week. What caught my attention was the icy blue colored eyes that seem to hold a mysterious charm. It reminded me of the frigid winter lands in my past life. It was the same place where I took my last breath.

"How quaint..." I smiled, amused by the thought.

Before I stopped reminiscing and stood up to prepare for departure. I only have a week left before the deadline ends. According to the laws of this kingdom, exiled nobles must leave the nation within 15 days after being exiled, failure to comply is met with execution at sight and they can never come back to this nation again.

"All ready, let's go."

I gathered mana and enhanced my body with it before taking off. I've already reached the second circle so my mana is flowing better.

My next destination is the border territory of Albantor!

The journey onward was not pleasant at all. I expected it already but, the rate I encounter bandits and monsters increased. Fortunately, the bandits are only normal people and I only encountered low-level monsters.

It took me a few more days before I finally arrived at a town inside the Albantor territory.

"Halt! You need to pay 10 copper coins before entering."

At the front of the town entrance, I was stopped by a guard.

"This..." I showed a wry smile. "I do not have some money at hand but I have hunted a few monsters during my journey. Could I pay with monster parts instead?"

In this world, hunting monsters are one of the jobs one can do. Monster parts are used in different things such as forging, alchemy, etc. I know this as the previous Alaric was educated as the eldest son of an Earl, which includes knowledge about monsters.

"Very well, show us the monster parts and we will see if it's sufficient."

"Thank you for the consideration," I nodded before rummaging through my bag and pulling out two tusks. I got it from killing some boar monsters.

"Will this be enough?"

"Yes, you may enter. Welcome to the town of Etril."

"Thank you, I'll be sure to enjoy my stay."

I entered the town and saw how bustling it is. The roads are full of people walking and at the sides were stalls selling different wares. Unfortunately, I do not have money presently.

"I need to sell these monster parts."

I roamed around the town while asking where I can sell monster parts. It took me quite a while before arriving at the shop that buys monster parts.


"Welcome, may I know what you are selling?"

Just after entering, I was welcomed by a youthful girl with long brown hair draping down her shoulders and curious-filled eyes.

"May I know how much these are worth?"

I grabbed my bag and dumped all the monster parts I have onto the counter. I have quite a bit of them since those monsters kept coming at me.

"Wow! Let's see, these are stone boar tusks and hide. Oh and these are fangs and hide from...Crazed wolves?!"

Stone boars and crazed wolves? They do fit their names.

"Hey, how did you hunt crazed wolves, those are bronze-rank monsters. Are you a bronze-rank magician?!"

"Please just tell me how much will you pay for these?"

I have no time nor interest to answer her questions.

"Haaa, the total of it is 3 silver coins."

"Then it's settled, please give me 3 silver coins. I do not have much free time."

"Okay, here's your pay. Please do come back after you hunt some more monsters."

"I will, thank you."

I grabbed my bag and left the shop before finding a carriage heading towards the next town. I paid the coachmen a silver coin for the fare.

With this, I can finally focus on building my 3rd circle. If I were to go on foot, I would be distracted by monsters attacking me when resting.