
Birth of the Demonic Sword

"So, that's how my life ends, what a waste of time it was...". These were the last thoughts of a young man, shot by accident in a fight between local gangs. Little did he know that he would soon wake up in another world, a world of cultivation! This is the story of the whoreson of a wealthy family, of a transmigrator that had no purpose in his previous life, of a demon that will make power his reason to keep on living. Noah Balvan, after he transmigrated, will have to fight against his social status and the many difficulties of the world he was reborn in to obtain the power to stand free in the sky above anyone! Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/EoCNovels Instagram: eocnovels Discord link: https://discord.gg/CNh28NP Cover artist: https://digitalrowye.com/ Fandom: https://botds.fandom.com/wiki/Birth_of_the_Demonic_Sword_Wiki

Eveofchaos · Eastern
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2364 Chs

551. Fool

Noah descended through the heatwaves radiated from the lava lake.

The "Breath" around him was consumed at high speed to protect his body, but all of that was just an act to bait Amos.

Noah knew that he had no chance to win against a rank 4 cultivator in the solid stage, he had just begun battling those in the gaseous stage after all.

Yet, he had an advantage that many couldn't even begin to suspect: His body.

"Junior, I understand your eagerness, but there is no point in your actions. Fire can't enlighten darkness, no matter how brightly it burns."

Amos sighed after speaking those words, he felt that Noah was simply acting like an excited junior.

"Flames burn inside me too, they might be fueled by the darkness element, but they are still flames."

Noah replied to his comment.

His answer was honest, he had often seen his ambition as a bright fire that drove him through his life.