




The sound echoed through the dark, cavernous space, each drop of water falling from the jagged stalactites above and splashing against the rough, rocky ground below.

The air was heavy with the scent of damp earth and decay, and the darkness seemed to stretch on endlessly, broken only by a faint flicker of consciousness.



'Ah! I almost choked to death!'


'...Where am I?...This isn't my house...!'

At first, he couldn't see anything. It was as if he were blind, his eyes unable to adjust to the darkness. He tried to move his arms and legs, but they felt heavy and unresponsive.

Drip, drip, drip.

The sound continued, growing louder and more persistent. After a moment, the darkness began to take shape and his eyes discerned faint outlines of his surroundings, he realized that he was lying on his back, looking up at the jagged ceiling above.

'What kind of strange dream is this!? Maybe it's because I've been so busy these days?'

As his eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness he looked down at his hands and saw something that made his heart skip a beat. They were not hands at all, but bony claws, like those of a skeleton!

'AHH! My hands!? My skin!?'

Panic set in as he realized he wasn't human!

'L-lets go back to sleep, it will all be back to normal after I wake up...'


'Are you kidding me?! What the hell is this!! No! I turned into a skeleton...!'

He tried to scream, but all that came out was a dry, raspy sound. He was a skeleton, a low-level monster in a deep dungeon! How could he have been reincarnated as a monster?

'What happened! I remember having a sip of water!'

'Then... I choked on the water and died?!'

Drip, drip, drip.

The sound persisted, like a metronome ticking away the seconds of his life.

'Did I get reincarnated? Why did I turn into a skeleton though?!'

'Generally speaking, reincarnation is all about becoming handsome, and making your harem!'

A startling realization crept in as a sinking feeling arose in his now non-existent heart...

No flesh...

No flesh...

NO ****!??

I don't even have a ****!!!

Without it... I have lost all privileges as a man!!!

The skeleton sat slumped, looking utterly despondent. His bony hands were clasped together in despair, and his empty eye sockets seemed to gaze mournfully into the distance.

'Damnit... What the hell did I do wrong!! There was no chance to repent!! I turned into a skeleton fodder or something...

'Alas! But wait! Skeletons don't even have eyes! But I still have vision!

This place looks like a deep cavern!'

The dungeon was dark and damp, with walls made of rough stone. The corridors were narrow and winding, and one had to traverse carefully to avoid running into the rough walls, A few other skeletons lay motionless nearby, their bones stripped of all flesh and their armor in tatters.

The ceiling was covered with darkness, and the floor was covered in loose gravel and jagged rocks. Water dripped from above, forming puddles and small streams that flowed along the floor. He could hear the sound of water echoing through the tunnels.

He tried to move again, and this time, his bones obeyed. He barely pushed himself up, and with a strange sensation, he realized he could move each bone individually. It was as if he had complete control over his skeleton.

'It's like sitting for a long time... My whole body is numb.'

'But I can still move!'

Shakily, he decided to explore the area he was in.

He looked at one of the skeleton remains that had been resting next to him, trying to pick up a rusty sword that it had been holding in its hand.

'Better than nothing...'

'Umph!' He summoned every ounce of his strength, struggling to endure the burden of the weathered and worn sword, which seemed almost too heavy for him to lift.

He commented on how weak his new body was...

'Not only am I not a hero, my body is also incredibly weak! Where is my cheat skill? My broken ability? At least give me a system!' He remarked, remembering the countless novels he used to read...

He walked slowly and cautiously, testing his bones with each step.

He knew he had to be careful, as there were countless dangers lurking in the dark.

The landscape that greeted him seemed unmistakably like a dungeon - an underground labyrinth of age-old corridors and chambers, shrouded in mystery and danger.

It was something he had only read about during his time on earth, never imagining that he would find himself reincarnated in the midst of one. The reality of being trapped in this foreboding place filled him with uncertainty and apprehension.

His thoughts spun as he pondered how he had come to be reincarnated. There were no signs of a divine presence, no grand summoning chamber, and no fair princess to greet him in this unfamiliar realm!

His mind buzzed with questions, and he was filled with confusion as he tried to make sense of his inexplicable situation...

'What kind of transmigration fantasy is this!'

As he continued on his path, his steps gradually slowed, and he came to a sudden stop. He felt a sense of unease wash over him, as if an invisible force was urging him to proceed with caution. The oppressive atmosphere of the dungeon seemed to intensify, and he became acutely aware of the potential dangers lurking in the shadows.

The path ahead split into multiple directions, presenting him with a crucial decision to make. He knew that each choice carried weighty consequences, as traps and hidden dangers could be lurking around every corner. He carefully considered his options, evaluating the risks and uncertainties that lay ahead. His instincts were on high alert, and he knew that making the wrong choice could prove disastrous.

He stood at the fork in the path, his heart pounding in his chest. He weighed his options carefully, trying to discern which way wouldn't lead to his unfortunate demise...

After a moment of hesitation, he chose to take the right path, drawn by an inexplicable instinct.

The right corridor seemed to narrow as he proceeded, and the darkness grew more intense. The lighting in this area was sparse, casting feeble light that barely reached the floor.

He knew well that if he were to encounter anything here he would have no path of escape...

Despite the darkness and the constant sense of foreboding, he pressed on.

His monstrous transformation brought no extraordinary powers or heightened senses; in fact, he seemed to have lost most of his human senses, with only sight and hearing remaining. The realization was disheartening, as he had hoped for some advantages in his new form, but it appeared to just be a trade-off with significant drawbacks!

As he carefully walked along the pathway, he suddenly heard the faint sound of footsteps echoing through the cavernous halls.

He perked up, his skull tilting slightly as he listened intently.

The footsteps were light and unsteady, the unmistakable gait of a low-level monster!

'A monster! I'm encountering one so soon...!?'

As he approached a corner, the sounds became louder. His empty eye sockets glowed with a dim blue light as he peered around the corner.

Sure enough, a goblin was shuffling through the dimly lit corridor, its crude weapon clutched in its gnarled hands!

'A goblin!'

He looked at the creature with caution, examining its strange features. It had greenish skin with spots of brown and black all over. Its face was twisted into an evil grin, showing its sharp teeth. Its eyes were small and black, moving quickly around the small clearing as if it was checking its surroundings.

'...If this is anything like the transmigration novels I used to read, if I kill that goblin I should level up!'

He was hesitant at first, trying to fight so early after having just awoken, but he found confidence in himself after reminding him that goblins were among the lowest ranks of monsters.

'After leveling up, maybe I'll be able to move better!'

His bony fingers twitched with anticipation, noting the sloppy and weak movements of his new body. Even compared to his previous human form, he realized that his current physicality was far from ideal.

Even if he had to escape, he would at least be able to test his combat abilities against this low-level foe.

Once again, making sure he made no sounds, he rushed, rounding the corner towards the goblin!

With sword in hand, the skeleton charged towards the goblin, hoping to strike a fatal blow. But the goblin was quicker than it appeared, dodging the skeleton's clumsy attack and landing a strike of its own!

The skeleton felt the impact of the blade against its bones!

With a loud clatter, the skeleton collapsed to the ground, a deep gash marring its skull where the goblin's knife had landed. The injury seemed almost inconceivable, resembling the brutal impact of a massive axe rather than a simple knife!

The skeleton looked as if its body had been dismantled, leaving fragments of its skeleton body strewn across the ground.

It seemed that the skeleton's quest for adventure was ending in a disappointing defeat...








...Or was it?







As he felt his life force slowly seeping through his hands, he desperately tried to cling on to it. His vision became increasingly hazy, and his body convulsed with agony.

As the skeleton lay scattered on the dungeon floor, the goblin took a brief look, assessing that he had died already...

[Host in critical condition.]

[Racial skill: 『Regeneration』 has been activated! ]

'...W-what?...W...ho are you...?' The skeleton barely made a thought, clinging on to his life with a bare grasp.

[Health : 1/5]

[Health : 1.5/5]

'...W-what's this?...S-skill?... I-I have a skill...?'

[Health : 2/5]

This process continued for several hours, Although the skeleton was confused as to what was happening, he didn't have the energy to utter even another thought...

Finally, when it seemed that its health had fully recovered, the parts of the scattered skeleton bones all over the ground slowly pulled themselves back together, as if barely levitating, scraping through the ground until they all conjoined together.


'The hell was that!? What was that voice that spoke to me!?'

Many questions popped up in his head as his thoughts were racing from what had just happened to him...

[Answer : The system is an interface that has been activated in your mind, designed to help you navigate this world and become stronger. You may think of the system as your guide, or perhaps even your ally.]

'A-a system!'

He exclaimed loudly in his mind, unable to contain his fervor, though he had wished for one he thought that it was a mere pipe dream!

He couldn't believe his luck- it seemed his prayers had been answered!

This is a new Novel that I plan on updating regularly. If you would like to see more chapters then please use your stones and will be happy to produce more!

Lorenzo_Bencreators' thoughts