
Birth of the Crimson Phantom

Kaio, a young man whose life started changing from just a single dream and once lived a simple life trying to make a better life for himself and those around him was now caught up in the middle of an apocalypse. At first, everyone around took him to be quite a nice guy, some believed they could even look down on him due to his family situation, but little did they know, Kaio was not as they saw him, to be all kind and just handle everything with a calm composure and brutal feedback, he was the type to hide his true intent behind a sheepish smile until it was time to act. The young man had faced a lot of trouble in his life and a few things got worse for him, when he woke up to a dream that he once stopped having ages ago, one which showed him horrible things, some which hinted as though they may actually happen. In a world where there were little magic and a few already awakened beings, a disaster struck, one which threatened the very existence of humanity but in the process gave so-called gifts. Due to which different magical abilities were gifted to some of humanity, whose lands were being ravaged by different beings, unlike anything they have seen before. Kaio, one who was not fond of playing a hero, suspected that something was not right with what was happening and there was more to the story. Thus, he was gifted an ability that was most unique in many ways but can also change a person and even trigger certain things, for he was not gifted it at all. Little did humanity know, there was indeed more than met the eyes with the apocalypse that came knocking on their door without any warning, one which was even connected to Kaio's very existence. Read as Kaio finds out the truth behind his existence and fight for survival in a world that changed within the blink of an eye, for his survival as well as his family and grow in power as he unravels the secrets of it all and face many new enemies in a now more corrupted world, which the struggle for the power of authority had already begun and a restart for humanity.

Darkphoenix · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Soon be

Approximately five years before the event at the battlefield happened, where everything was normal and everyone was living their everyday, peaceful life, doing what they loved without having to worry about anything.

The time where people would laugh and enjoy a nice stroll through the city without having to worry about getting attacked by a monster. 

To the time before hell came to the surface in the people's lives, a young first year college student by the name of Kaio Emelin was sleeping soundly on a bright monday morning, while the clock in his room was alarming and someone was screaming out his name. 

The young man couldn't hear anything around him at the time, but his body was slightly cold and sweating as though he was having a bad dream, which he was. 

The nightmare that had been hunting Kaio at a very early age had returned, one which showed him a future of nothing but death surrounding him and the world in turmoil and his family members dead. 

As Kaio tried to wake up from the horrendous dream, a young lady barged into his room and when she saw that he was still sleeping, her brows began twitching in irritation.

"How dare you sleep so peacefully and have me do all of your work and that too on a monday morning? I am going to make you pay," She said as she approached him with her right fist tightly folded. 

"Hey, Kaio, wake up!" She shouted as she was about to punch him in his stomach. 

At the same time, the young man jumped up from his sleep, slightly panting and he saw her just in time, then jumped off of the bed and she looked at him. 

"Oh? That was fast, so fast that it almost grossed me out, it's almost like you know I am going to hit you, like you sense me coming for you," She said and he looked up at her then gritted his teeth. 

"Why are you panting? Are you scared of something? Me?" She asked and right brows began twitching. 

"Scared? Of what? You?" He asked as he went up to her and she scoffed. 

"Had you hit me, I would have sent you flying down the stair, though thanks for waking me up, seems like I couldn't focus again..." He said in a quiet tone and her brows furrowed as she looked at him. 

'Now that I look at it, this is not the first time this has happened, but it's been a few years at least...' She thought then sighed. 

"Whatever, just come down for breakfast and be careful next time, especially while you are sleeping, don't make me have to do your share again," She said as she walked away and he glanced back at her. 

"Hey," He replied and she looked back at him. 

Kaio's sister, Cia, was tall, slim, curvy, had short brown hair, fair and was a part of the volleyball club within her high school and was not that different from a tomboy. 

"I think I figured out why you don't have a boyfriend," He said with a smirk and her brows furrowed as she clenched her right fist. 

"What? You looking to pick a fight right now? I will show you..." She replied when someone called out her name and she flinched. 

Kaio began laughing at her reaction and she looked at him then a gentle smile appeared on her face before she sighed. 

"Whatever, come on down and have breakfast, we have to leave soon or we will get late," She said. 

The girl closed the door behind her then Kaio smiled and grabbed his things to go freshen up because he didn't want to be late for college and he had a test as well. 

With the dream he had before bothering him, since he hasn't had it in years, he still continued getting ready to go to college, since even he had a goal in his life to make things better. 

After getting ready, Kaio left his room and went down to the living room their house, which was not too big or too small for a family of three, which was only consisted of him, his sister as well as his mother. 

"Good morning, mom," He said as his mother brought their breakfast and placed it on the table before them. 

"Good morning, you two, have your breakfast and prepare to leave, I have to go to work as well and for some reason, things have been busier than usual," She replied. 

"Have they been over working you again?" He asked as he sat down to eat his food and his siter glanced at him as his mother went into the kitchen. 

"It's nothing like that, Kaio, don't worry," She responded and he clenched his right fist and his sister saw. 

"Are you lying, mom?" He asked and she lowered her gaze as she made herself a cup of coffee to drink. 

"Kaio, you have to remember we are not like other people with privileges, especially some of the awakened ones, we are normal people who have to make a living to survive, even if it means that we are struggling to make ends meet," She responded as he clenched his spoon tighter. 

"Don't, please, let it go, you know better than anyone else here, don't you?" His sister asked and he sighed. 

"I get it, but I wish I didn't," He responded and his sister sighed. 

Both of them continued eating their breakfast without saying another word after that, though a few things were going through Kaio's mind, things that he didn't dare to speak aloud due to his family's current state. 

Despite being an average earning salary family, they were happy together and tried to live as peaceful as they could, even though part of Kaio was saying different things, he was not like his family and was the type who was to stand up to those who looked down on him, in the most unexpected and entertaining way. 

When they finished eating their breakfast, Kaio stood up then waved at his mother and left the house with his sister, since he was the one that took her to school every morning and then goes to his college. 

Little did they know that their normal lives would soon be changing at a drastic rate, things that some of them considered just a myth and some people's fantasy, would soon become reality.