
Birth of the Celestial Conqueror

The End of all is a necessity, as was the Beginning. The Four Major Realms were at war with an extremely evil god, hungry for power. The evil god had acquired a device that brought even the other gods to their knees. What power did such a device possess that caused heavenly beings to experience dread? It could strip them of their divinity and erase them from existence! The Greater Gods were silent on the matter and did nothing to stop the evil god's misdeeds. Of course, they and the evil god had an agreement. What it entailed… who knew? The affected gods are desperate, gripped by fear of the evil god. Timothy, a promising individual, was reborn as their last hope in stopping His conquest. That is, if only things were actually that simple… "Those whom the gods wish to destroy... they first call promising." ...Here was a man that loved wholeheartedly, laid down his wants, his needs, his goals, his desires, his body, his soul… his entire existence! Even ready to be used as a soul-less tool for all of eternity... but how were they planning on repaying him? This, is the Birth of the Celestial Conqueror. And now, even the Greater Gods cannot escape their fate. After all, the End of all is a necessity... as was the Beginning. -Main Tags- +WeakToStrong +Romance +Mystery +NoSmut +Supernatural +System +Evolution

MrLollip0p · Fantasy
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School Trouble

"Um, sir I don't quite understand you." William said in his calm and composed tone common in children of noble upbringing.

Headmaster Gideon let out a sigh and had a saddened look on his face, "Oh, I apologize if my approach was too stern. The thing is, young master William, the news about the Viscount's sudden illness has spread throughout the city. It is a very sad occurrence, most especially adding to the unrest from the infamous missing children's case…"

…So that's what you called me for… William nodded and said, "I see. You want me to drop out and not bring unwanted attention to the school because I'm cursed, is it not?"

Headmaster Gideon was a bit flustered by William's words. He shook his head as he denied, "No, no, that's not what I called you here for. I see it as a very barbaric and uncouth thing to say one is cursed because they were born with a different color of hair."

William was shocked to hear that, he smiled awkwardly and apologized, "Oh, I apologize for my speedy conclusion. Lately, I've been getting used to people trying to deny my existence, I didn't expect anyone to be on my side."

Headmaster Gideon shook his head, "It's sad to hear such an innocent and brilliant young man is facing such treatment of the masses his father once protected."

He sighed grievously and added, "The issue is that this is only my opinion. Unfortunately, your peers might treat you differently based on the doctrine they were born into. I and my colleagues aren't everywhere 24/7. I have faith in my students but who can tell what they might do because of a 400-year-old doctrine? I wonder if the current environment is suitable for you."

William thought for a few seconds before replying, "I understand your concern Headmaster Gideon, but there is no way I could be bullied. My father enrolled me in this establishment to learn certain key things and I do not want to let him down. Don't worry sir, I will adapt to the new environment."

William lampooned inwardly …Yeah, key things like which one of you f*ckers put a target on my back. Although Gideon here looks like a chill guy…

Headmaster Gideon had a look of contemplation then he said, "I see. I'm sure your father would be proud."

William smiled jovially like the 10-year-old kid he was and accepted the compliment, "I'm sure he will."

The purpose of William's summon had been fulfilled, therefore Headmaster Gideon said, "You can return to your class now. I will ask my colleagues to help keep an extra eye on you."

William thanked the headmaster once again then left the office and returned to his class.

"...so the correct answer for this question is 69. How many of you–" Miss Bethany taught with a book in one hand and chalk on the other.


The bells went off to signify it was time for recess and the kids raised their hands and chanted in excitement, "Yayyyy~"

"Ugh, quiet down. Take the remaining questions as homework." Miss Bethany said, looking pissed as usual. She nudged her heavy glasses and went back to her desk.

…My goodness, kids. William was sitting on a seat at the back alone, despite the class being too congested. His classmates avoided him like a plague.

…I have no lunch so I might as well use this time to get some shut-eye… William thought to himself as he was about to rest his head on the table but spotted Miss Bethany standing up and leaving the classroom from the corner of his eye.

…Yes I have to keep an eye on her… He postponed his sleep and stood up from his seat then quickly walked to the class door, avoiding the stares from his classmates.

At the door, the hallway was flooded with students but he managed to see Miss Bethany go upstairs.

William was short but he still stood out because of his fancy clothes and unique hair color.

He tailed behind Miss Bethany until she got to the first floor and entered the headmaster's office.

…What's she doing here? William was about to continue following her and most likely eavesdrop but suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

William quickly turned to see who the person was.

"You've passed your seniors twice in one day and couldn't even stop to greet us." A dark-haired boy, about 14 years old, said with a look of disgust. Behind him were two other boys with the same expression.

"Sorry, good day to you, senior." William said and shrugged the senior's hand off his shoulder.

He was about to walk away but the ok the right grabbed William's hair and cursed, "You bastard! Didn't you hear him call you?!"

William didn't turn back. He grabbed the hand on his head and squeezed it.

"Argh! You bastard!" The boy groaned and cursed then used his other hand to help drag the hand out from William's grip.

William released the boy's hand and said, "You kids are too foul-mouthed. Let's leave things here if you don't want to go home with bruises."

After experiencing death more than once, William had grown a tolerance for altercations against him unlike how he was in his previous world.

"Billy, are you okay?" The other boy at the left asked the one at the right.

He held the hand William squeezed and yelled with great fear, "The-The cursed bastard squeezed my hand with his demonic strength! I swear I think I heard my bone crack!"

At the words of Billy, the passer-bys had their eyes on William. Their expressions were filled with fear, hatred, and disdain.

…Why are you all looking at me like that? What did I do wrong? I didn't use ki what does he mean by demonic strength?! William turned to observe the faces of the on-lookers. He noticed there were a few teachers there too but they didn't intervene.

"Billy, Hillary, hold the cursed bastard for me. He needs to be taught a few lessons." The boy at the center ordered the other two.

They quickly grabbed William by the shoulders with evil smiles on their faces. William didn't resist. He looked toward the teachers but they still watched from the sidelines.

…Come on, don't let me hurt these kids. Do something or else what happens next won't be my fault… William thought to himself as he made eye contact with a male teacher.

The male teacher noticed William's gaze and his face crumpled instantly. It was filled with disgust. He probably wished he was one of the boys picking a fight with William. He turned his head away and returned to his class.


The boy punched William in the stomach.

"Urgh!" William gnashed his teeth and used his eyes to look for another teacher in the crowd.

The boy laughed and said, "Hold him up well. He thinks he's intimidating. We'll teach you a lesson."

…If I threaten them they'll take my words differently… William caught the eyes of a female teacher. She stared at William and showed no intention of stopping the fight.

…I see. So that's how it is huh?

The boy was about to punch William again but he jumped and kicked the bully in the stomach!