
Chapter1. Good times

The most unforgettable time period of our lives, that one college trip that changed our lives. Partly because it was the peak of our youth and college life adventures and partly because it was also the time period when our lives spiraled into a hurricane of confusion, fear, hopelessness and nightmares which seemed never-ending.

Our college had planned a trip to the northern area. Everyone was excited and pumped up for it. Lots of plans on how we were going to enjoy this trip, lists of places we'd visit, foods we'd try, pictures we'd take, dreams of coming across a random crush whom you'd probably never meet again or end up meeting your soulmate, and creating unforgettable memories with friends. We did create unforgettable memories, just not the usual kind of 'college trip memories'. The excitement and curiosity of uncovering new territory and leaving your marks on it had everyone giggling, as if we were kids impatiently awaiting adventures and forming memories.

It is early morning and everyone's gathered outside the school, waiting for friends and the bus to take off. I was wearing a long off white dress that came up to my knees with a hazel brown corset and thick bottom joggers. (Some might argue my outfit is not comfortable for a trip. But I don't care as long as it makes me feel comfortable and happy). A vintage style backpack hangs on one shoulder. My hair tied into a beautiful braided bun with light curtain bangs.

I see Eve sprinting towards me with an innocent childlike smile on her face, her ocean blue eyes sparkling like the sun hit the ocean surface, "Hey! Ray!—Wow! you look gorgeous."

"Thanks!" I smile back. "You look quite pretty yourself, Eve." I eye her from head to toe and admire her. She was wearing a beautiful oversized, knitted, gray sweater and black boots that reached her knees, her waist length hair fluttering in the morning breeze.

We meet up with Liz and Vivi. Liz was wearing a baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants, a sporty looking outfit, quite fitting for a long trip and Vivi went for the homegirl look. After chit chatting and catching up, we then get on the bus where we start their journey towards the hell that awaited them.

During the ride, everyone sang songs outloud, particularly Vivi since she had a great singing voice. Everyone loved hearing her sing. And we had some snacks along with sandwiches I had prepared for lunch.

"Those look so great! Lemme get some." Liz picks a sandwich up and takes a bite. "They taste sooo good!!!" She exclaims.

"That's our chef Reina for you!" Eve yelled out like she was calling my name out to come pick an award or something.

"I woke up extra early to prepare them for you guys, I'm glad you like them." I replied.

"I don't get how you are so good at literally everything!" Vivi exclaims which makes me laugh wholeheartedly.

Two hours into the road trip and we stop for refreshments along the road.

Standing at the hill, the view is heavenly. The wind blows across me, caressing me gently.

"mountainous areas are the best! Hey! let's go check the shops over there." Vivi shouts from a distance, gesturing to me and Eve to come join her and Liz.

We entered a nice little antique shop. There are wonderful antiques here. Beautiful vintage watches, the kind that you can wear round your neck like a locket, some picture frames, some wonderful renaissance paintings hang on the walls. I came across some wonderful pocket knives. I've always liked knives or any weapon of the sort. I picked up a beautifully designed silver knife, the size of the palm. It's a foldable knife which opens up on the push of a little button. And I inevitably fell in love with it.

"Oh God! knives? again? Why are you so obsessed with such dangerous stuff?" Eve grunts behind me.

"Oh come on! they can be pretty useful for self defense in case something happens."

Eve goes over to another shop while I stay there rummaging through interesting little antiques and cute keychains as I hold the pretty dagger in my other hand. I move sideways and bump into a wall.

'Oops! It's not a wall. It's some stranger man.'

He's Tall, 6ft, more probably—I'm not good at math. He has long hair that reaches his shoulders, dark skinned and drop dead gorgeous. One of the striking features was the scar on his left eye which made him seem really intimidating. I wondered how he came to get such a deep scar right over his eye.

He spoke to me in a deep husky voice, which sounded honeyed (Is that even a word used to describe voice?), "What does a girl like you have to do with a dangerous little weapon?"

His voice caught me off guard, he sounds as attractive as he looks. "Well, it might prove useful at some point. You can never be careful enough." I reply poliety.

"You're a wise little lady, aren't ya?" he said as he smiled gently, and then paused for a few seconds before he spoke again, "I hope you never ever have to put that knife to use."

That caught my attention. His voice was almost tragically melancholic as he said that. It almost made it seem like he had some very tragic experience.

He got a call from someone and then left the shop, without saying any other word. And neither did I say anything else. Just like that, we parted ways and of course, expected to never meet again.

Eve comes sprinting into the shop as she glances at the guy and excitedly asks, "Hey! Who was that?"

"I don't know, just someone I happened to bump into in the shop."

"He has a very eye catching appearance"

"Handsome! isn't he?" I winked at her.

She laughs softly and says "Oh yeah! Just your type, isn't he!" And we both chuckle. "Hey, I actually came to tell you that Liz and Vivi are waiting for us, they picked up some food."

We spot professor Andrew and he tells us to go back to the bus, we are leaving for our final destination. The destination, the place where our lives took a turn for the worst. Towards a life that forced us to be strong, forced me to survive when dying seemed like the most peaceful option.

This is my first work as a writer! hope u enjoy it. Do like and comment, I would love to hear ur opinions<3

moonflower_098creators' thoughts