
Bird of Hermes [Familiar of Zero]

"My name is Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière. Pentagon of the five elemental power. Heed my summoning... My servant that existed somewhere in this vast universe, my divine, beautiful, wise, powerful servant, heed my call... I wish from the very bottom of my heart and add to my guidance and appear!" Actions speak louder than words. However, in rare instances, the words of one individual hold enough power to evanescently echo through the infinite chasms of all Creation. The universe is big. It's vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles. "Bird of Hermes is my name... eating my wings... to make me tame."

Braggski · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

[Late Night Snack]

//Do you like the new cover? I replaced most of the covers with freshly created ones, hope you like them!//


"Wow, this is really good!"

Ordell had found himself sitting in what one could guess to be the staff room, behind a large wooden table on a simple wooden chair and with a plethora of left-over meals in front of him. He could hardly believe people would throw away this kind of food, shrimp, lobster, a whole fucking turkey, there was so much food! Even some stew was reheated for him, courtesy of the rugged head chef.

Siesta couldn't help but sweatdrop as her coworkers, both maids and chefs all happily stuffed food right into Ordell's mouth and down his bottomless stomach. The guy had already eaten a day's worth of leftover food and was still going strong!

The female portion of the staff seemed particularly interested in getting as close as possible to the horned male, which may or may not have annoyed Siesta by a small margin. She was trying to repay a man's kindness and these harpies were throwing themselves into his arms like a pack of hungry whores!

Bad! Bad maid! Thinking illy of her coworkers and friends was not something she ever thought she'd over, especially over a man. But Siesta could understand where her coworkers were coming from, Ordell is an incredibly attractive male, not to mention the choice of clothes he had on didn't help the case whatsoever. His dishevelled hair and partially unbuttoned black shirt all but gravitated all the girls towards him. Even the elder side of the staff was eager to make him gobble down some food! Although they were probably just worried old people that didn't have a grandchild to feed.

Still, Ordell happily ate everything given to him. He didn't like some of it of course but chose not to say anything, to keep the treats coming of course! Ordell was incredibly famished after he nearly impregnated Louise, so of course, tasting some royal-class cuisine wouldn't be a no from him! The staff was all but eager to give him more food, and he wouldn't say no even to eating what were essentially some magical octopus tentacles.

...They tasted surprisingly good!

"Here lad, eat more!" the energetic older man that was also the head chef seemed very happy to feed Ordell some of his food, even if they were just leftovers.

Ordell just wished the man would keep some distance, his burly arms wrapped around his shoulders were making it hard to swallow, no homo. He did appreciate the maids feeding food to him, now that's something he doesn't mind, not at all~

"Haha! Eat up! Sorry, it's all just leftovers," Ordell nearly choked when the tall burly chef roughly smacked him on the back, "You know, you sure did a lot of us commonfolk a big ol' favour when you antagonised those snobby nobles!"

"Uh... no problem?" an improvised answer to an overly enthusiastic man was good enough, besides, talking with a full mouth was both rude and annoying for Ordell so short answers and replies would have to do.

"I am Marteau, the head chef, anything I make will end up tasting exquisite! Hahaha!" the mam surely liked to be loud, but his confidence was not misplaced as the food he prepared was exquisite even when old by a couple of hours.

Siesta shot Ordell an apologetic look, silently saying that she was sorry for Marteau's behaviour. Though she only received a slight smirk in return and a small laugh. The maids and the rest of the kitchen staff continued to shovel food down Ordell's throat until there was literally nothing left, and it would be an understatement to say that the male familiar left them astonished at how much he could eat and not get fat in the process.

"Make sure to come again, I'll give you all the leftovers I have and then some!"

Siesta took it upon herself to escort Ordell back to his room, much to the slight annoyance of her female coworkers. Although the annoyance shifted onto the maid in question as the giggling and quiet whispers she managed to overhear talking about her... interested, in Ordell, left her more than flustered. If she overheard them, Ordell definitely did too. But, much to Siesta's embarrassment, he only gave her a smug grin.

Now, the two were walking outside, heading from the kitchen to the tower in which Louise's room was located at an unhurried pace. Ordell had his hands in the pockets of his pants, walking with the swagger of a chad while Siesta meekly scooted closer to his side every once in a while.

It was cute seeing her try to say something that was on her mind, although it did make Ordell eventually feel bad enough for the maid's lack of confidence, "If you'd like to say something, please, feel free to do so."

Siesta was briefly startled by Ordell's words, stumbling slightly before clearing her throat, "A-Ahem! Sorry about that, Ordell. I didn't think everyone would... like you so much."

"Hehe, I don't mind~ It's nice. Marteau's a nice guy, and the attention from the pretty ladies is nice too," Siesta's brows slightly furrowed at that last comment, but her smile remained unchanged if a little strained.

"A-Ah, is that so?"

Ordell's smirk grew a little mischievous when he heard the slight undertone of jealousy in Siesta's tone. The girl already seemed to like him a fair bit, courtesy of his charms and good deeds. Truly, Ordell himself liked the girl back, although this was a very delicate situation to be in. His master, Louise, was of a gentle and noble heart, but she was scorned by the critique of her peers and needed gentle healing in return.

As such, polygamy/harem would have to wait for a little while before it can be accomplished. Still, Ordell couldn't help himself from flirting at least a little bit with such a pure, naive but beautiful girl like Siesta.

"Quite so! Although..." Siesta's face exploded with the colour red as Ordell suddenly appeared before her, gently holding her chin up with one of his hands, his face barely a breath's away from hers, "I do prefer yours much more~"

It was like her whole brain committed suicide, she couldn't talk, couldn't blink and couldn't move. Siesta was utterly paralyzed down to her toes from the closeness, her heart hammering against her chest at an incredibly fast rhythm. Ah... if she moved a little closer... she would...

"Ah-ah~" but just as she was about to lean in for a kiss, Ordell placed the tip of his index finger against her lips, confusing her.

"I'm sorry, but right now my heart belongs to my master," Siesta's blinked, seemingly broken out of her stupor by those words.

However, before her heart could so much as to ache in pain, she felt sudden warmth on her left cheek. While she couldn't exactly get the kiss she wanted, a peck on the cheek was certainly a welcome gesture she didn't know she'd like so much that her legs nearly buckled.

"I like you, Siesta. But, my master's heart needs to heal before I can reply to your feelings in full. So... are you willing to wait for me?"

Siesta could feel her own heart, beating loudly against her chest, almost like it wanted to burst forth from her ribcage and into Ordell's waiting arms. Ah, how strange this situation was. What was she even thinking, letting a familiar of all things drag her heart around? But... she didn't feel that it was... wrong. It definitely should have, but... it didn't. She liked this closeness. She liked the feeling of Ordell's lips on her skin, no matter how brief the contact was. She liked his company. She...

Was she... already... in love with him?

BUT HOW?! They quite literally just met! Surely, there were some amazingly charismatic people out there, but... none could possibly make her fall in love with them in a single day... could they? Should she even be allowed to feel this way? Ordell is a familiar for Brimir's sake! But... he saved her... didn't he? Even if his master commanded otherwise. He chose to save her from punishment despite his beloved master's orders. He chose to threaten nobles of all people... for her and Louise's sake... Is it really wrong to fall in love with a man like that? No... it couldn't possibly be.

With a bashful smile and a timid nod of her head, Siesta somewhat reluctantly but happily agreed to Ordell's proposition, "...Yes... I'll wait for you..."

Ordell in response gave her the most charismatic smile he could muster, and Siesta made sure to burn the image into her memory. Truly, the picture was worthy of a portrait as the two bright moons lit the starry night sky in bright colour, adding to the moment's romantic feel.




"I'll come to steal your heart soon, my dear, beautiful maid~"