

The fighting will never stop, nor the pain, hatred, discrimination or anger. But, the opportunity for hope, joy and love is stronger than before. Knowing this, do you move forward? A young Japanese college student wakes up in a shotty apartment, dimly lit by the still-working ceiling light dangling dangerously above her head. Forced to solve puzzles and avoid threats to escape, what will it take to survive? And, if you aren't able to... what will it take to accept so?

Caravan · Horror
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

RABBIT 8: Balance

Daikubara: "...They're taking too long."

Konsako Akihi: "Give them a chance…"

The atmosphere inside the lobby was cold to the touch. Ishimasu-san tended to Daikubara-san's wound, which required rebandaging quite often. Konsako-san sat against a wall, keeping his leg straight, while Kuro-san stood next to the exit, waiting for anything.

Ishimasu Kanana: "I'm sure they're fine…"

Konsako Akihi: "Mm, yeah…"

Though the two tried convincing themselves, being in a position where they couldn't act, Daikubara-san wasn't so ignorant. He stood, pushing Ishimasu-san away from his tender wound, and began heading for the door.

Ishimasu Kanana: "D-Daikubara-san? Where are you going?"

Daikubara: "Where do you think?"

Ishimasu Kanana: "Idiot! You can't go out there, not with that cut!"

Daikubara: "We haven't got time to waste here. This won't be getting any better just by laying around and waiting."

Ishimasu Kanana: "No, I'm pretty sure you're wrong…"

Konsako Akihi: "Wait a while longer, Daikubara-san… we need to trust in them. I'm certain they'll return–"

Daikubara: "Oi, Kuro. Open it."

Kuro held the keycard, directly next to the card reader. But, he wouldn't move.

Daikubara: "...Open it."

Kuro: "No."

Daikubara: "Excuse me?"

Kuro: "I'm not opening it."

Daikubara: "Uhuh? You wanna tell me why?"

Daikubara-san closed in on Kuro-san.

Daikubara: "Those idiots are riskin' their lives out there, and you're keeping me from helping them. You understand that?"

Kuro: "There's no benefit in you leaving now. Wait."

Daikubara: "It's probably already been two hours. They ain't coming back."

Kuro: "Ninety-six minutes."

Daikubara: "Huh?"

Kuro: "We wait for another twenty-four, and if they don't return, two of us leave."

Kuro: "That's the plan, isn't it?"

Daikubara: "Who cares about the plan? We're wasting time, so open the damn door!"

Kuro: "No."

Daikubara: "Fine, bastard…"

Daikubara-san grabbed Kuro-san by the collar of his shirt, but before he could even reach into his pockets, Kuro-san dug his left index finger directly into Daikubara-san's open wound, then swept straight under his feet, sending him to the ground. Daikubara-san attempted to grab at him again, but Kuro-san simply moved out of the way, before booting him in the stomach, forcing him to cough outwards.

Daikubara: "GH- YOU–"

Ishimasu Kanana: "DAIKUBARA-SAN!"

Konsako Akihi: "Kuro-san, that's enough!"

He returned his now bloodied finger, wiping it against the bottom of his gakuran, before leaning back against the blocked window.

Kuro: "Twenty-three minutes. Then, I'll open it."

Daikubara: "...Tsk."

Ishimasu-san immediately tended to the reeling wound, wrapping it in even more cloth than before.

Ishimasu Kanana: "..."

Daikubara: "That's enough, kid… you're gonna squeeze my arm off if you keep it up."

Ishimasu Kanana: "It's your fault, idiot… you can't fight your friends…"

Daikubara: "That bastard isn't my friend, nor anyone's. He's just here for himself, like the rest of us…"

Ishimasu Kanana: "You can't just say that about anybody… some of us are different than that…"

Daikubara: "...Sorry."

Ishimasu Kanana: "...Ah. Daikubara-san, this logo on your jacket…"

Ishimasu Kanana: "Are you from Saitama prefecture?"

Daikubara: "Uhuh… how'd you figure?"

Ishimasu Kanana: "I know this logo… I saw it in town once, I think…"

Daikubara: "You from around there?"

Ishimasu Kanana: "Mm. Hidaka district."

Ishimasu Kanana: "What kinda place did you work at?"

Daikubara: "...Take one guess."

Ishimasu Kanana: "Hehe. I think my uncle likes your place. He's really into cars."

Daikubara: "Is he now?"

Ishimasu Kanana: "Did you like working there?"

Daikubara: "It was alright. Didn't have much else going for me, ended up workin' there since I was twice your age."

Ishimasu Kanana: "Woah… just how old are you, Daikubara-san?"

Daikubara: "Watch your mouth."

Daikubara: "...Thirty-three."

Ishimasu Kanana: "GAN!!!"

Daikubara: "...Don't look so shocked."

Ishimasu-san was an expert in changing the subject, redirecting the atmosphere and easing the nerves. In just a short exchange, she had successfully lowered Daikubara-san's guard, and removed his attention from a situation he couldn't change. I doubt it was intentional, either. She was simply a kind soul.

Daikubara: "...What age are you, kid?"

Ishimasu Kanana: "Nine, I think. I might be ten now, but I was nine when I died."

Daikubara: "You too, then…?"

Ishimasu Kanana: "Duh! Everyone here died."

Daikubara: "...What the hell did you have to go through to wind up here?"

Ishimasu Kanana: "..."

Ishimasu Kanana: "...Pancreatic cancer."

The joyful and wide-smiled Ishimasu-san slouched against the wall, tucking her knees to her chest.

Ishimasu Kanana: "I got it when I was six. Everyone but me knew what was gonna happen, so it really surprised me when it did…"

Ishimasu Kanana: "It hurt lots… but what hurt more than that was knowing I was gonna leave everyone behind…"

Ishimasu Kanana: "'Cus, unlike the pain… that feeling in my stomach is still there… that's why I gotta get back…"

Daikubara: "..."

Daikubura-san found himself at a loss for words, requiring Konsako-san to find a way to bridge the gap now created.

Konsako Akihi: "You're a good girl, Ishimasu-chan."

Konsako Akihi: "You put up with all that pain and fear… and even now, you still wanna go back."

Konsako Akihi: "You're a really good girl."

Ishimasu Kanana: "N-Not really, I just… I just–"

Before she had noticed, tears began streaming down her face, puddling on the marble floor. A soft, warm hand was placed on her head, telling her it was okay to cry.

Konsako Akihi: "You'll meet them again, don't worry. You've been such a good girl, so you have to be rewarded."

Ishimasu Kanana: "Mm… mm…"

Kuro: "It's almost time."

Kuro-san, emotionlessly and abruptly, ended the tears falling from the young girl's eyes.

Kuro: "Three minutes."

Konsako Akihi: "...Okay, who's going?"

Daikubara: "..."

I was breathless, covered head to toe in cold sweat. My palms were dirtied and bruised from the scraping and pounding, as I attempted to open the locked doors and shutters to the convenience store.

Mere minutes had passed, and no progress had been made.

Itogaya: "...Kobayashi-san, we need to leave."

Kobayashi Amano: "Huh… What are you talking about? They're still inside–"

Itogaya: "The capturer will be here soon. That trap was remote activated, as it operated once I rejected the store."

Itogaya: "We need to leave before they arrive."

Kobayashi Amano: "No… We can't leave them…"

Itogaya: "Then, what is it you suggest we do?"

Kobayashi Amano: "..."

Itogaya-san approached me, towering over me in scale.

Itogaya: "Just what is it you hope to achieve?"

Itogaya: "Like before, risking everything in order to save others. Why?"

Kobayashi Amano: "...You're one to talk. You went out of your way to save Ishimasu-san and Konsako-san…"

Itogaya: "I could sense the path forward with them alive. That's the only reason why."

Itogaya: "But right now, where we stand - no such path exists. There is no retrieving them."

Itogaya: "What is your purpose, Kobayashi-san? To die in order to save others?"

Itogaya: "What is the point of that, in this game?"

Kobayashi Amano: "...I don't know."

Itogaya: "What? Speak up–"

Kobayashi Amano: "I said I don't know."

Kobayashi Amano: "I don't know why, but I can't let it end like this. It isn't fair."

Itogaya: "...Is there no possibility of convincing you otherwise?"

Kobayashi Amano: "...I doubt it."

Itogaya: "...Despite seeming quite mature, you're far more naive and stubborn."

Itogaya: "I hope you can find a balance, Kobayashi-san. Because with the way you are now, you're going to fall."

Itogaya-san fixed his jacket, before leaving the store's parking lot. Within seconds, he was out of my sight, leaving me completely alone.

Kobayashi Amano: "...Why am I like this?"

Kobayashi Amano: "He's right… I have no reason to act this way, and yet…"

I couldn't figure it out. I was here for a reason, so why lose everything to save them? I've done this before - countless times in my life. I can never figure out why, but it feels like this is what I have to do.

And so, I'll do it.

Before I could pick myself back up, and confront the locked store once more, I heard a growl growing from the darkness behind me.

Kobayashi Amano: "...Itogaya-san–"

And in that same darkness, the sickly yellow eyes of a white fox, emanating from a black fog.